Swift Fox and the Pirates of the Jackai, Part Ten

08 Nov

Space Dock, Vulpine Interplanetary Protectorate

A crowd had gathered on the observation deck of the Chambers, and all eyes watched as two of the most famous Vulpine ships completed their docking protocols. The RVA Tritan F was the first to dock, and a murmur went through the crowd as they discussed the differences between the older, decommissioned Tritan and this newer, sleeker destroyer. That topic changed quickly as the regal looking Barrow’s Revenge completed her own docking procedure. Much smaller than the Tritan, but you wouldn’t know that by the buzz of talk through the crowd, with things said like “grand old ship”, “should never have gotten rid of solar sails”, “she looks so good for her age, so well taken care of”.

Vulpine security officers were dispatched, keeping the crowd a safe distance from the entrance ports, as a delegation stood in front of them and waited. Eventually, the doors opened, and many in the crowd tried to get a good look as Captain Crena Clarendale stepped forward along with Admiral Tal Clarendale. Behind them was Dr. Re and Nurse Tillum, First Officer Gor’dal, White Fang, and the ship’s cook, Mr. Krillis. Crena paused as she watched the crowd, then turned to the small delegation of crew that followed her.

“Mr. Fang, Mr. Krillis,” she said in a calm voice. “You have your list of items we need and items we have for trade.”

“Right here, Captain,” Mr. Krillis said holding up a data pad.

“Yeah, we have a good idea of what’s needed, plus Krilly and I put together a sort of wish list,” White Fang added. “We’ll see what we can get.”

“Excellent. Carry on, gentlemen,” she said and watched the pair head off toward the chamber’s commerce area. Crena turned to Dr. Re and Nurse Tillum. “You have your own appointments?”

“Yes indeed, Captain,” Dr. Re stated in his usual manner whenever he was absolutely positive about something. “We hoped to see Dr. Trenton Foxworth and see if there has been any new technological developments, and if there may be any reading materials we can collect to brush up on new medical techniques.” He stopped and looked to Nurse Tillum with a smile. “After, we plan on having dinner in that popular restaurant on board, the one with the beautiful view of Vulpinia.” He looked to Crena with a smile as Nurse Tillum linked her arm in his. “I hear this time of year, the planet looks quite lovely from space.”

“Well then, Dr. Nurse,” she said as she offered a bow to them. “Please do enjoy yourselves.” As the two spotted Pantherans went about their business, a delegate stepped forward and cleared his throat.

“Captain Clarendale,” he said with a clear, and quite authoritative sound. “Chairwoman Aberdeen, Ambassador Grey Back and Admiral Felan Tal have been informed of your arrival and are awaiting your presence in the Chairwoman’s private chambers.” The delegate nodded to Admiral Clarendale. “Your presence is also required, sir.”

“Of course, delegate,” Tor stated with a bow. “Best not to dally.” The delegate nodded and ushered the three of them through the crowd that was still gathered. A few called out to Captain Clarendale with greetings and wishes for good fortune. The Captain of the Revenge was almost as famous as the Revenge herself. Eventually, the delegate took them down a long hallway where the crowds had quieted down, and stopped in front of a simple set of double doors. He pressed a buzzer, allowing those inside to be informed there was a visitor wishing entry.

The doors slowly slid open, and the two Critainian guards that always accompanied Aberdeen stood in the doorway. They studied the small group for a moment and finally nodded as they stood to the sides. The delegate lead the trio inside the chambers. Gor’dal nodded to the pair of guards, who leaned closer and greeted in a hushed tone.

“Good to see you again, Lonny,” TilIk said with a small smile. “Seen your parents lately.”

“Aye, I did,” Lonny nodded. “They were on a cargo run from Lupinia ta Critain, had a stop over at the Vulpine Shipyards.”

Cor’lan leaned over and whispered to Lonny. “Tell yer folks to come ’round an’ visit more. We haven’t seen them since we all retired from service.” Lonny nodded with a smile, then took his place beside Captain Clarendale. Til’Ik and Cor’lan moved to their usual places beside Aberdeen, Cor’lan handing Abby a data pad and whispering to her. Crena and Lonny both assumed the old Critainian was catching Abby up on the quick conversation just moments ago, disguised as important Protectorate matters.

Around the large table where Aberdeen sat there was also Ambassador Grey Back, with his two charges, not often very far away. Admiral Felan Tal was seated on the other side of Aberdeen, with his own assistant standing beside him. Tor took a seat on Tal’s side, of the table, while Crena took her own seat beside Grey Back. Lonny stood next to Crena, hands clasped gently in front of him.

Grey Back looked to Crena and smiled. “Good to see you again, Captain. I trust White Fang is well.”

“Yes he is, Ambassador,” Crena replied with a nod. “He came right away when he received his sister’s song.” Grey Back nodded firmly and smiled, then sat back in his chair. Crena looked to Long Fang and smiled. She bowed to Crena, thanking her with a smile upon the small news of her brother.

“Pleasantries aside, Chairwoman,” Admiral Tal announced in his usual booming voice. “Perhaps we should proceed with the details of this gathering.”

“Admiral, you should know that such greetings are the marks of true civility,” Aberdeen announced as she adjusted her glasses on her snout. “However, you are quite right. This situation is one that has dragged on for long enough.” Aberdeen looked directly to Crena. “I trust Admiral Clarendale has informed you the nature of this meeting.”

“Yes, Chairwoman,” Crena spoke up as she placed her own data pad onto the table. All the information that was on Left-tenant Felix’s data pad had been transferred to her own. “We haven’t traveled to Canin in the past few months, but we have met with Red Streak of the Sifter. She told us that there had been more activity near the Wayfarer’s Run. Even had to fend off a pair of Jackai raiding ships.”

“As much as I am loathe to admit it,” Tal spoke up. “Any pirate that tries to tangle with Red Streak and her crew is looking for trouble. But the fact alone that the raiders have become more organized, and have increased their attacks on shipping lanes is troublesome enough.”

“Agreed, Admiral Tal,” Aberdeen said with a nod in Tal’s direction. She looked to Crena as she tilted down her glasses. “We know that we may be asking a lot of you, Captain Clarendale. The only question now is will you accept this offer of aid.”

“We have a cargo run to the Wolves of the North on Lupinia,” Crena stated without looking at her data pad. It was something Crena did that some found unsettling. She would memorize the manifest of the Revenge, and even cargo routes weeks in advance. “Undoubtedly, they may have some items that they will want to move to Canin. So this won’t be out of our way. As Uncle…” she paused, remembering the formal nature of the meeting thus far. “I mean, Admiral Clarendale has already informed us, the attacks seem concentrated to routes along the Wayfarer’s Belt.”

“This is true,” Aberdeen said as she read off her data pad. “And as you are aware, Ambassador Grey Back will need to be shuttled back to Lupinia. It shouldn’t be an out of the way trip for you.”

“Of course not, Chairwoman,” Crena said quickly then looked to the Ambassador. “We’d be more than happy to take you with us.”

“You are going to be meeting with the Wolves of the North,” Grey Back said, more a statement than a question. “And I shall make the journey there with you. I have friends with the northern tribes I have not seen in some time.”

“Very good,” Aberdeen said with a nod as she looked over her data pad for a moment, then looked up over the rim of her glasses to each in the room. “Do so enjoy it when certain things fall into place.” She adjusted her glasses again and moved onto another matter at hand. “Admiral Tal has some strict instructions regarding this venture.” She looked over to the Pantheran Admiral, who nodded and rose to his feet.

“Captain Clarendale,” he said still in his usual manner, hands clasped behind his back as he spoke. “The sensitive nature of this venture means that you will have to be extremely careful. I will inform the Pantheran Fleet that you will be making cargo runs through Canin space. That should keep anyone nosey off your tail. If you need to communicate with anyone in the Pantheran Fleet, it will be directly with me. Do you understand?” He paused as he waited for Crena’s reply, which came only with a firm nod of acknowledgment. “Good. I will have my assistant give you the Jaded Night’s communication codes so you can contact us whenever you wish. But please, Captain. Make sure that the communication is only for emergency purposes.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem, Admiral,” Crena replied with a nod and a smile. “If things go well, we’ll be too busy dealing with pirates. By the time we contact you, it may only be to inform you we’ve captured or scuttled a ship.”

“I appreciate your confidence, Captain,” Felan Tal said with a sigh as he sat down heavily in his chair. “But do not mistake the gravity of this situation as something trivial. The dangers are effecting both Vulpine and Pantheran shipping lanes. While we could plan new shipping routes, the costs would be more than what it is worth.”

“I believe,” Chairwoman Aberdeen spoke up as Tal finished his warning. “That this will complete the necessary information. Captain Clarendale, I advise you to stay in port until the morning. I do understand that you have had a layover at the Vulpine Shipyards, but this layover here will mostly be for show. That is, unless you plan to load cargo.”

“I believe Mr. Krillis and Mr. Fang will be doing so, yes Ma’am,” Crena informed the gathering with a nod, then looked to Long Fang with a smile. It meant the siblings would have a chance to catch up. “Plus, we can use the time to give a tour of the Revenge to the Ambassador. I don’t believe you have seen the ship, sir.”

“Very true,” Grey Back said with a smile as he nodded to Crena.

“Excellent!” Aberdeen announced as she handed her data pad back to Cor’lan. “With that, I call this meeting adjourned.” She was about to rise from her chair when she looked around at each of those gathered. None of them were moving from their seats. “You do realize that these are my private chambers. I don’t require a gavel in here to tell you all to get out. Now, go about your business.” She made a shooing motion, satisfied when each began to rise, and slowly made their way to the doors. Abby watched for a while longer until the last had left. “What do you two think?” she asked of her Critainian charges.

“With any luck,” Til’Ik stated aloud. “The Revenge will help keep the peace.”

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Posted by on November 8, 2011 in The Barrow's Revenge, Writing


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