Monthly Archives: December 2011

See what everyone’s quoted about

“The more you love what you are doing, the more successful it will be for you.” ~author unknown

“Happiness is not about being perfect, but about seeing beyond the imperfections” ~anonymous

“Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.” ~author unknown


Posted by on December 6, 2011 in Fun, randomness



Peace in our time

“I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Posted by on December 6, 2011 in Life, randomness



Science fiction versus Space opera

I’ve had this thought for a while, and it all began with the comment “Star Wars isn’t science fiction, it’s space opera”.

Now, before I’m blasted by the legion of Star Wars fans, you’d have to look at the definitions of the two genres.  First science fiction, as read at wikipedia, is defined as thus:

Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible (or at least non-supernatural) content such as future settings, futuristic science and technologyspace travelaliens, and paranormal abilities. Exploring the consequences of scientific innovations is one purpose of science fiction, making it a “literature of ideas”.[1]

Science fiction is largely based on writing rationally about alternative possible worlds or futures.[2] It is similar to, but differs from fantasy in that, within the context of the story, its imaginary elements are largely possible within scientifically established or scientifically postulated laws of nature (though some elements in a story might still be pure imaginative speculation).

So, that’s the definition of science fiction.  What about space opera.

Space opera is a subgenre of science fiction that emphasizes romantic, often melodramatic adventure, set mainly or entirely in outer space, generally involving conflict between opponents possessing advanced technologies and abilities. The term has no relation to music and it is analogous to “soap opera“. Perhaps the most significant trait of space opera is that settings, characters, battles, powers, and themes tend to be very large-scale.

Sometimes the term space opera is used pejoratively to denote bad quality science fiction, but its meaning can differ, often describing a particular science fiction genre without any value judgement.

So, technically, space opera is a sub-genre of science fiction.  But that doesn’t necessarily mean that space opera IS science fiction.  Thus, why I’m using the example of Star Wars.  To use the opposite, I’ll use Star Trek.

Star Trek, for all of it’s rather Shakspearean concepts and scripts and stories, still puts in place the science of the fiction.  How many times have we seen a discussion take place in stellar cartography? Or had a completely indepth discussion about the physics of microscopic life forms.  Or even the fact that much of the ship itself (whether it’s Kirk’s Enterprise, Picard’s Enterprise, Archer’s Enterprise, Janeway’s Voyager, or Sisko’s DS9 and Defiant) is mentioned in scientific terms that can be related with.  Those data pads that the crew is always reading information from?  Interesting how they look like Kindles now.

Attempting to rewrite Star Trek in another genre would be incredibly difficult.  Attempting to explain holodecks, the science of physics, biology and more would be extremely difficult to translate in fantasy.  You could say it’s very much like a swashbuckler.  But even that would only encompass a few of the episodes, and not many of the movies.  I couldn’t see Legolas say “they’re taking the Hobbits to Isengard through a transwarp conduit”.

Star Wars, on the other hand, has something that Star Trek doesn’t.  It’s vast, wide open, and just plain huge.  While Star Trek had many stories plotted out across a wide range of generations, Star Wars had one long, sweeping epic.  Sure, it was spread out over several generations, but the story always built up to the grand conclusion, which was what we saw at the end of Return of the Jedi.  And even for as much science in Star Wars as there was (I’m ignoring midichlorians, as I know much of the fandom likes to ignore it too), the concepts were much more fantasy in their base forms.  The script and story itself had a larger amount of drama.  You could even argue that there was a great deal of difference between the first three movies (New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) as compared to the three prequels.  The first three felt much more grand in scale than that of the prequels, though the level of drama was maintained.  Even though the audience knew exactly what was going to happen by the end of the third movie.

If you were to attempt to rewrite Star Wars with a more fantasy feel, it wouldn’t be that hard.  A mystical “Force” that a number of “Knights” can learn to wield or who have been chosen to wield, as the white knights defend the kingdom against the evil black knights.  Each of these knights has the ability to use incredible magical powers and are expert swords men as they use specially granted holy swords, many which they created themselves.  The basic gist of Star Wars.

The primary, basic concept of a space opera isn’t that it’s science fiction, but that it takes place in space.  The second is that it must be a massive epic that manages to encompass drama more than it captures action.  The focus isn’t so much on the science, but the characters and the events.  Space opera did pluck concepts from westerns and sea faring tales.  And even those latter plucked from different genres themselves.

While the reason space opera is a sub genre of science fiction, it doesn’t always mean it is science fiction.

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Posted by on December 5, 2011 in Fun, randomness


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Swift Fox and the Pirates of the Jackai, Prologue Two

Royal Vupline Authority Tritan F, hangar bay

The crew of the Tritan helped guide the three fighter craft in safely. Three Nighthawk fighter craft, recently commissioned by the Royal Vulpine Shipyards, these first three fighters were issued to three bounty hunters of the Royal Vulpine Authority. Lead by Left-tenant Senia Felix, a recent Academy graduate filled with potential, she and her partners, Corporal Clarfax Billings and Corporal Hardy Maynard, had already made a name for themselves capturing dangerous criminals. At times the three had to transfer prisoners into Pantheran space, as the Authority would assist the Pantheran Central Council in capturing wanted fugitives. Any criminal in the system that posed a threat to one of the planets was fair game for any bounty hunter.

The three ships powered down and waited until the hangar bay had air vented and filled again, then the cockpit shields opened and the three pilots scrambled out. Felix began dragging out one individual from her ship’s prisoner slot, a modification that other Nighthawk craft didn’t have. Billings and Maynard assisted, waving over several guards as they did. All three pilots had bright orange fur with white markings, and even with the business they were involved in, it seemed they tried to keep their tails in pristine condition. The prisoner, a large Jackai who looked like he’d suffered a bit of the mange, struggled and growled as he jumped down to the tarmac, but thought better of escape when he saw the number of phaser rifles pointing at him. He merely looked back at the three bounty hunters and scowled before the guards dragged him off to the brig.

An ensign approached, carrying a data pad that she hurriedly wrote down upon. She had the standard uniform of a low ranking member of the Vulpine Fleet, the white of the uniform complimenting her white fur and tail. “Been looking for that one for quite some time,” she announced as she approached the three. “Mad Howler’s been causing a lot of trouble in the neutral territories on Lupinia.”

“He got thloppy,” Felix replied, her voice somewhat quiet to hide her speech impediment. “We aided Red Thtreak and her crew when the Thifter wath delivering medical thupplieth to the Jayna tribeth. Howler felt that would be the betht time to attack.”

“Not exactly a smart one,” Billings spoke up. “His entire pack was as dim as dirt.”

“Soon as we captured Howler, the rest disappeared into the desert,” Maynard added.

“Jutht glad we’ll be on leave after thith,” Senia remarked as she looked to the other pilots. They all nodded quickly in agreement. It had been a long run chasing after Howler.

“I wouldn’t get too excited about that,” the ensign informed them as she handed over the data pad. Senia took it and read over the instructions, sighing as she handed it to Billings and Maynard. “Admiral Tor Clarendale has ordered you to stand down, but you will stay on board the Tritan until he has completed the current discussions at the Lupine Council Chambers at the Protectorate Hub. There’s a nasty bit of business with the Jackai that I’m sure you’ve heard about. Increased attacks and a coordination the likes which we’ve never seen before. Most take place in the Wayfarer’s Belt, otherwise the Authority would dispatch destroyers to take care of the mess.”

“I athume they are attacking merchant vethelth,” Senia remarked as she handed the data pad back to the ensign. “We’re not being athked to go after them alone, are we? I know we’re capable, but three fighter craft alone aren’t a match for even a Jackai ship.”

“The Admiral never went into details,” the ensign informed them. “But I am aware that a Pantheran delegation has arrived to join the talks. Seems they are having just as much trouble as we are. Must be important for them as well, as they’ve sent Admiral Felan Tal’s ship, the Tiger’s Pride.”

The three pilots only looked one another, then watched as ground crews made sure the three Nighthawks were secured and prepared for refueling and rearming. Eventually, they made their way to the ship proper, knowing that all would be revealed eventually.

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Posted by on December 4, 2011 in The Barrow's Revenge, Writing


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Swift Fox and the Pirates of the Jackai, Prologue One

I came up with these two parts after I finished the other forty parts.

Critainian Orbital Garden Research Station

A small group gathered outside of the dock that lead to the cargo cruiser, the Barrow’s Revenge. Some were merely passengers on short transport to the Royal Vulpine Shipyards, while others were bartering for longer passage to Canin, past the asteroid belt known as the Wayfarer’s Belt. Often on cruisers like the Revenge, those wanting long passage usually expected they would be working a temporary position as part of the crew. Such was the case for one white Pantheran named Snow Fall.

Snow Fall, or Snowy to her close friends, was small in size compared to many Pantherans. This outward difference was not her only unique aspect, as she was one who craved knowledge. Thus, why she was studying horticulture at the orbital gardens. The Critainians were some of the best agriculturalists in the system, often compared with the Lupine. However, Critainians entire diet consisted of vegetables and fruits, whereas the Lupine not only grew their own food, they also hunted for it. This made for a good case to study with the farmers of this humid planet.

Now with her studies complete, she was ready to return to Canin and share some of what she learned with her family and a few members of the pride they lived in. Snowy’s was a unique pride, in that they were the few Pantherans that ate only vegetables and fruits. Who better to learn about growing food and dietary needs than the Critainians. Now it was time to return home, and the only vessel in the sector that was heading to Canin was the Revenge.

She, along with five others, all of them Critainians, waited while the ship’s bosun gathered their flight information together. These six were a group that was heading on a long distance trip. As far as Snowy knew, the five Critainians were going to drop off on Lupinia, where the Revenge had a scheduled stop with the Wolves of the North. Odd, how these lizards would go to the cold climate of the desert planets northern pole. Eventually, the bosun appeared, holding a data pad that he read from. A Lupine, with pure white fur, not much different than Snowy’s.

“Over here, everyone,” the bosun called out. “For those who don’t know, I’m the bosun. You can call me White Fang. Or Fanger, most everyone else on board does. Unless you happen to be Captain Clarendale, then it’s Mr. Fang.” He eyed the six carefully for a moment before continuing. “However, seeing how you do not appear to be Captain Clarendale, I don’t think you have to be that formal. I’ve gone over everyone’s clearance and from my end, it’s all good to go. Once I give you a detail, please see the ship’s medical. Run by Dr. Re. He can be a bit of a stick in the mud, but he’s a first rate Doc.”

White Fang began the process of informing each member what their duties would be while on board, handed them a data pad with the information, and sent them on their way. All this was done with the usual amount of conversation White Fang carried on while going through this kind of detail. Eventually he came to Snowy.

“Hi there,” he said with his usual grin, nodded to Snowy and punched a few buttons on his data pad. “Says here, you’ve been studying at the garden for the past two years.” He looked up from his data pad and directly to Snowy. “Long time. Never could get used to the humidity myself.”

“Well, yeah, it’s a bit different in the orbital gardens as compared to the surface of Critainia,” Snowy replied with a chuckle. “And I’m personally not one for mud baths. I can completely understand it’s a big cultural thing for Critainians, but not for me.”

“Believe it or not, I can totally empathize with that, Miss Snow,” White Fang said with a nod.

“Um, Snowy’s just fine, really,” she replied.

“Ah! Gotcha!” White Fang replied with a nod. “I’ll leave it a little less formal, because if you happen to talk to the Captain at any great length, you’ll get called ‘Miss Snow’ quite a bit. Now, it says here,” he stated as he went back to his data pad. “You came in on the Lionid’s Pride cargo cruiser.”

“I worked on long range sensors and the weapons array for the ship,” Snowy replied.

“That’s good,” White Fang replied with a nod. “Knowing the reputation this old girl has, she’s got a target on her. Not that we’re sitting ducks, mind you. We’ve got a pretty stingy crew.”

“Oh, I’m familiar with the Revenge,” Snowy said with a grin. “A ship like that gets her reputation and people like me get interested in her history. Aside from my studies here, I’d pop down planet side and read through the Critainian library. They’ve got a lot of information about the Revenge, even some of those books that Vulpine authors write.”

“Good to know,” White Fang said, quite impressed with what he was hearing. “So, with your background and your studies, I’ve got a couple of places to put you. We usually double up, especially now with only six of you. If we do manage to get into a bit of trouble we’ll need a good gunner. I took the liberty to contact Urial with the Pride and he recommended you.” He looked up from his data pad. “Guess you guys got into a bit of trouble through the Run, huh?” Snowy nodded and smiled, confirming Fanger’s question. “The other place I’ll have you working will be in the kitchen with Mr. Krillis. Krilly to most everyone on board. He’s our cook. And with your studies, I thought it might work out well. Krilly’s a good cook, but sometimes we need a change in pace with our menus.” He gave Snowy a wink and a smile. “Maybe you could help him out with that.”

“Sure,” Snowy replied with a nod. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“I think that covers about everything, then,” Fanger replied as he tucked the data pad into a satchel. “Oh, one thing. If you’re not used to it, keep in mind this is technically a Vulpine vessel. So, expect to hear the call for tea every mid morning and mid afternoon. You can pretty much set your clock to it, and Captain Clarendale is a stickler for tradition. Anyway,” he said as he took one of Snowy’s bags and tossed it over his shoulder. “I’ll direct you to crew quarters and introduce you to Krillis and then you can get yourself settled. We’ll have a stop at the Shipyards, and then the long journey to Canin. Welcome aboard the Barrow’s Revenge, Miss Snow.”


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Posted by on December 3, 2011 in The Barrow's Revenge, Writing


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More Images of the Lupine Star System

Thought this would be another addition, mostly due to the fact I was having fun with the 3D modeler and renderings I was making. The three bounty hunters will take major roles in the two prequels to Swift Fox and the Pirates of the Jackai.  I even found a few decent backgrounds, some premade others direct from the Hubble Telescope.

Nighthawks escorting the Barrow's Revenge.

Nighthawks leaving Canin orbit.

Nighthawks in a fly by of Lupinia.

Nighthawks entering the Wayfarer's Run.

Nighthawks in deep space.

Nighthawks leaving Vulpinia.

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Posted by on December 3, 2011 in photos, The Barrow's Revenge


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Images of the Lupine Star System

The Nighthawk Squadron, leaving Vulpinian space. Each Nighthawk in this small group is given a registration number based on the pilots last name, and rank in the squadron. Lt. Senia Felix is the highest ranking officer and leader of the group and her craft is given the registry Felix-001.

The Barrow's Revenge as it prepares to leave Vulpinian orbit and make her way to Lupinia. All four moons of Vulpinia can be seen here, including Pau Theta 1 which is the location of the maximum detention facility for the Royal Vulpine Authority.

A solitary shot of the planet Vulpinia, home to the humanoid fox like race called the Vulpine. Much like Earth, Vulpine has a diverse climate and geographic features.

Critainia from a distance. Critainia is home to the trihorned creatures that settled in the Lupine Star System thousands of years ago. The hotter climate of Critainia is just perfect for them, as it allows them to grow food hydroponically. For the most part, the Critainians stay out of interplanetary affairs, but are known to be staunch allies with the Vulpine.

The Nighthawk Squadron on approach to Critainia. Often when there is need for investigative matters, the Critainian government will call in for the assistance of the Royal Vulpine Authority. Lt. Felix, Corporal Billings and Corporal Maynard are just three members of the group know loosely as bounty hunters that often aid with investigative matters.

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Posted by on December 2, 2011 in photos, The Barrow's Revenge, Writing


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Swift Fox and the Pirates of the Jackai, Part Forty-one

Captain’s Quarters, Barrows Revenge

All evidence had been handed over to Pantheran Central Council. Eye witness reports were issued to the different heads of state for the Pantheran territories. Admiral Felan Tal offered his suggestion for what to do with Riktar, which involved a court martial for disobeying direct orders, breach of Lupine Treaties law, and insubordination.

Senia Felix and Clarfax Billings would both have to move on without Maynard, the trio now just a duo. But at least they now had a place to call home. They could continue their duties to the Authority, and they could learn even more from a staunch veteran like Dawkins. And Dawkins would get a couple of very well trained pilots, knowing full well he could count on their abilities should they ever get into trouble.

Renna Townes also had a new home, so to speak. Plus, he had new orders. Not only was he to continue his work as an Agent of the Pantheran Central Council, but he was to act as a diplomatic attache in the event matters became hostile between Pantheran ships and other non Pantheran vessels.

It was many of these things Captain Clarendale was going over with the three new members of the crew. “Now, Agent Townes, I hope that you do not mind that if I might slip and end up referring to you as Mr. Townes,” Crena stated as she concluded a long list of duties for Townes, Felix and Billings. “We are formal on this ship, but we aren’t so much so that we refer to rank and station of other fleets on a regular basis.”

“I think I could get used to that, Captain,” Townes replied with a nod. “I also don’t mind heading up security detail as you suggested. And, with the presence of Authority bounty hunters, we should actually make a very good team.”

“Yes, I should say,” Crena remarked with a firm nod and turned her attention to Felix and Billings. “I also believe that you two will be more than willing to assist Colonel Dawkins should he need it. The Colonel has informed me that you make excellent pilots. I would also say that we’ll have the opportunity for you to visit Maynard’s parents in two weeks.” Senia and Billings nodded their thanks, knowing that would give them time to come to terms with the loss of Maynard.

The door to the Captain’s quarters opened quietly, and Snow Fall poked her head inside. The small group turned to look, making the white Pantheran a touch embarrassed about a possible interruption. “Sorry Captain,” she spoke up in an apologetic voice. “Everyone. Krillis said that you wanted to speak with me.”

“Ah yes,” Crena said with a smile as she rose to her feet from behind her desk. “Miss Snow, I wished to speak with you before you acquired transit to Canin. And there is no worry, we were just concluding our business.” She turned to the others with a nod. “Mr. Townes, find Mr. Fang, he’ll be able to show you around to some of the areas you’ll be responsible for. As I recall, Mr. Fang has some ideas for improving the systems in the brig, perhaps you might be able to indulge him.” Agent Townes gave a nod and a salute, then excused himself as he left the Captain’s quarters. “Left-tenant. Corporal. If you two could report to Colonel Dawkins, I’m sure he and Taggart will help get you quarters and get you settled.” Both pilots quickly saluted and exited the Captain’s quarters, nodding to Snowy as they left. Finally, Crena turned her attention back to Snow Fall. “White Fang informed me about your expertise on the guns. I wanted to thank you very much for your assistance in these matters.”

“Oh, well, I just did what was needed to sort of pay my way,” Snowy replied with a small chuckle. “I know that you don’t get passage for free, especially if you don’t have any currency. So, I expected to do some work.”

“Yes, well Mr. Fang has also made a request,” Crena replied as she stepped up to Snowy. “And I don’t think it’s one that I should shrug off, really. I’d like you to consider becoming a full time part of this crew. I know that you are planning on returning home, but should you wish to join the Revenge, we’d be more than willing to accept you on board.”

Snowy blinked in stunned silence for a minute. When she finally found her voice, she smiled and nodded. “I would love to! I just have to speak with my parents, they’re expecting me back, but yes. I’d love to work on the ship. I’ve dreamed of being a part of a crew like this, on a ship like this. I mean I’ve read all about tall ships and I’ve…” She quickly calmed herself and took a deep breath. “Sorry, rambling.”

Crena chuckled lightly and shook her head. “I will take that as a yes, Miss Snow. I believe you already have quarters off the galley, but if you prefer we can find you something else.”

“Oh no, I actually like it in there,” she replied, not able to stop smiling.

“Excellent. In that case, we can take you to Canin directly. Our business here at the Hub is finished. If you like, a few of us can meet you parents if there is any need of reassurance for your new position. It’s a bit of a tradition on board.” Crena smiled and took out a small package, handing it to Snowy. The package contained a communicator, specifically made for the Revenge’s signal, as well as a small log book. This was the complete handbook for the weapons system. “I believe you should like to read that. Give you a bit more insight into the weapons system on board. Now my hope is that we don’t meet every ship in the space lanes and expect a fight, but should we happen to do so, I’d like to be ready. And I’d like to have the best people at the ready.” Snowy accepted the package with a wide grin and a nod, obviously she was extremely pleased that she made such an impression on the Captain. “For now, Miss Snow, let me just say this. Welcome to the Barrow’s Revenge.”

The End


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Posted by on December 2, 2011 in The Barrow's Revenge, Writing


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Swift Fox and the Pirates of the Jackai, Part Forty

Pantheran Central Council Hub

The Revenge docked without incident at the Hub, neatly between the Pantheran vessels that escorted her in. Crew began the necessary duty to ensure the ship’s cargo hold became unladen. Supplies were transferred into the proper places in the Revenge’s hold, as crew began to organize short leave. Captain Clarendale, along with Mr. Gor’lan, Left-tenant Felix, Agent Townes and Colonel Dawkins, joined Commanders Jarin and Yenna as they met with Admiral Felan Tal. In person, Admiral Tal was an imposing individual who had a watchful eye and a very quick temper. While this event did enrage him, he knew well enough that the target of his displeasure was being taken to the main holding cells on the Hub. He had no reason at all to be angry with any of these individuals that crossed the main observation deck of the Hub to greet him.

Commanders Jarin and Yenna along with Agent Townes, offered a smart salute as they approached the Admiral. Dawkins and Felix did as well, but in a more unformal manner. Crena stepped forward and handed Felan a dossier that contained all the communications logs, the navigations logs and an inventory of the parts claimed from the previous battle with Ring Tail before they entered the Wayfarer’s Belt.

“I hope that you will find everything that you need in these documents, Admiral,” she said as Felan Tal took the dossier. “And I hope it helps you to bring this nasty business to conclusion.”

“As do I, Captain,” Felan replied with a nod. “Agents are combing the communications logs of the Night Sky as we speak, hoping to find other orders that were directed Riktar. I believe it won’t be long before we have uncovered exactly who these traitors are.” Tal looked to Dawkins and Felix and bowed to them both. “Colonel Dawkins. Lieutenant Felix. I have given word to the Central Council of your actions and the loss of Corporal Maynard. They have informed me they wish to honour you in a ceremony later this evening.” He reached into the robes of his dress uniform and took out a data recorder. These devices were used throughout the system for relaying short, replayable messages. Felan Tal handed it directly to Felix. “I have no doubt that you will be speaking with Maynard’s family. It is my wish that you would present this to them as well when you do so.” Felix nodded her thanks as she took the data recorder.

“I will ensure that they are given thith when we next thee them,” Felix replied and bowed slightly to Felan. “Thank you, Admiral.”

Felan Tal turned to Agent Townes, the Pantheran Central Agent snapping to attention. “Townes, if not for your quick thinking during the battle between the Hyna’s Dread and the Tiger’s Claw, we might not be meeting this way today. We might not also have your insight into the events that lead to this treasonous event by Riktar. As such, I have spoken privately with Captain Clarendale while on transit to the Hub, and we both have agreed, your presence on board the Barrow’s Revenge would be most valuable. Your knowledge of Pantheran protocols would help to quell violence before it begins. You do not have to accept, however.”

“Thank you, Admiral,” Townes said as he looked to Crena. “I will have to think it over, naturally. But I feel very pleased that you thought of me in such a way. Both of you.”

“And I believe there is something that I have to also ask,” Crena announced as she turned to Senia. “Uncle Tor informed me that the three of you had no experience on ships outside of the Authority. In other words, the standard five year term as put forward for Academy Cadets. As it would stand, then, I am here to offer you and Billings a position on board the Revenge for the duration of five years. I believe that you will still be able to conduct your duties to the Authority and fulfill the requirements by the Academy.”

“Oh, yeth ma’am,” Senia replied with an excited nod. “I believe both Billingth and I would be very happy to acthept thuch an offer.” She looked to Dawkins and then back to Crena. “I athume we will be thtationed with the other pilotth.”

“Of course you will,” Dawkins spoke up quickly. “The addition of two fine pilots like you and Billings will be a great boon to us all. I only regret that the time will be a five year duration.”

“I didn’t think you would be still flying in five years, Colonel,” Felan spoke up, a look of jest in his eyes.

“What? They’ll have to pry the stick of a fighter craft from my fingers,” Dawkins replied as he stood tall, or at least as tall as a Vulpine could. “I am most certain that I’ve got at least another fifteen years left in me.”

The small group began to move into the main Council Chambers, taking note of the different Council members that were arriving. The three Vulpine were garnering a large amount of attention with their presence. It wasn’t often that Vulpine would appear in the Hub, even if they weren’t affiliated with the Royal Vulpine Authority. They were here on official business, and while congratulations were handed out to each individual, both Dawkins and Senia still felt an ache inside at the loss of Maynard. He would have enjoyed this completely.

Though, with the loss of one pilot, and three battles complete, there was a sense of relief. The Barrow’s Revenge had assisted in averting a possible war. That, more than anything was the most important aspect of the entire affair. It also meant one other thing.

The legend of the Barrow’s Revenge had just grown that much more.

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Posted by on December 1, 2011 in The Barrow's Revenge, Writing


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Okay, so I was a bit off

The absolute final for the first draft of Swift Fox and the Pirates of the Jackai comes to:


I added a bit more today, introducing Snow Fall and White Fang more as his position of ship’s bosun.  Which I actually only made mention of him being bosun in the story, but never showed him actually acting out that position.

Aside from that, two more parts are coming, one tonight and the last tomorrow morning.  And then I will require beta readers!  If you’d like to beta read, drop me a line in my ask box on my tumblr page, make sure you give me your email address, and I’ll shoot you a pdf file of the story.  I’m looking for honesty, brutal honesty with regard to this.  It is a first draft, after all.  And no worries, I will not publish email addresses at all.

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Posted by on December 1, 2011 in randomness, Writing


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