Tag Archives: seasons

The last vestiges of light

I awoke this morning at 5:00 am like I usually do, but this morning I awoke with a sudden realization.  The darkness.

It was cloudy out, so that contributed to it.  It had been raining when I got home and had been cloudy most of the day.  Most mornings when it’s cloudy it’s at least a little light out as well.  This, however, is September 1st, with only three weeks of summer left.  We’ve had a pretty good run, with some very warm days.

The first indication that summer is slowly creeping away is the darkness.  Summer always means, for me at least, very early sunrises.  It makes it so much easier to crawl out of bed.  Not so much during the darkness of winter.

There is one solace, though.  Autumn has some of the most beautiful colours around here.  There’s also a plus that this fall is predicted to be a warm one.  Which we haven’t had in a while.  The past few years it’s always gone from sort of warm during summer to crisp and cool into fall, then straight into extreme cold.

Maybe this year we can get gradual cold with it never hitting extremity freezing temperatures.

I’ll miss the sun in the morning, but I’m safe in the knowledge that it won’t be gone forever.  Just another few more months and we’ll be back into spring.  There’s a lot to do between now and then after all.

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Posted by on September 1, 2011 in Life, randomness


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A Taste of Fall

Well the weather this week has be crazy. Last week it did nothing but rain. I was so sick of the rain after twenty-four hours that it starting to affect my mood. Everyone noticed that it was weather. You see I suffer from SADS (Seasonal Affective Disorder,) simply put, I get depressed when it grey and cloudy for an extended period of time. Normally this doesn’t occur until winter rolls through. At times it’s a crippling disorder. Causing myself and millions of others to not want to get out of bed or do the norm for us.

winter-twoSo yesterday (Monday) I was excited to go to work because it was sunny outside. It was also cold and the wind had a bite to it. The previous week, the air was still warm enough for me to turn my AC on just to cool off my place enough to breathe without breathing water. Yes it was that humid.

Now I love fall, between all of the seasons spring and fall are my favorite. Fall more than spring because there is more color. The rich browns, golds, and red, the warm earthy colors that tell you snow is coming. I enjoy the crisp mornings and standing outside to smell the seasons. That’s right I said smell the seasons. Try it some time.

Winter has a cold, crisp smell. Everything smells fresh and new. It also looks pretty when the snow is piled up and still coming down. Yes I know the dangers of the roads I grew up in Philadelphia, and have seen what a blizzard can do to a city that large. But it doesn’t fail to impress me.

spring-seasonSpring has that fresh, wet dirt smell. New flowers filling the air with their fragrance. Life of all sorts waking up or in some cases being born. I remember the first spring I had when I was out of high school. I saw the world in a whole new light. Everything looked brighter and green. It was amazing to watch the yearly flowers coming into bloom seeing them start out as little bulbs and becoming a hyacinth, daffodil, tulip and even lilies. I was lucky enough to live where I could see new life beginning. It was truly a cool thing.

Summer smells like heat, that musky dry smell with a spice kicker. Summer is a great season too but not a favorite only because it’s too stinkin’ hot at times. Humidity kills me, but it’s a sign of great things coming. Like cookouts, outdoor activities, swimming and for kids it’s a mark that school is over for several months. The other good thing about the summer is everyone in my immediate family has a birthday in the summer. Dad is July 8, Brother is July 16, mine is July 23. I’m older by five years and fifty-one weeks. Finally there’s Mom, she celebrates her birthday the 26 of August.

cookoutNow on to fall. Fall has that earthy smell without spice. It’s more of a mellow decay smell. My favorite smell is that sun baked leaf smell. Just after it rains and the sun dries the leaves. The leaves falling, while messy, looks amazing . Sure it’s a closing of warmer months, but it a kind reminder that family celebrations are coming. Halloween, Thanksgiving. My only thoughts when the month of November hits is ohemgee where’s my turkey! I love Thanksgiving, not so much the family part but the food part, oh yeah all over that.

So as I was saying, last week my AC was on, this week I open my windows and put the fan in. It’s cool enough that it requires a warm coat to step outside in. I’m sad to see the vacationing season close, but excited that my fall is just as busy as my summer. It will bring about a new set of things for Rhys and I to do. Like collecting leaves. This year, we’ll be able to save those leaves that finds and press them.

autumnIt’s also a time to head to the apple orchard for some fresh cider, apple butter and of course apples. Then there’s hay rides and my favorite holiday. Halloween. It’s become cooler since I’ve had Rhys because I still technically get to go trick or treating. It brings up a lot of good memories and helps to make many more.

Keep it real and rockin’

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Posted by on September 29, 2009 in Family, Fun, Life, Opinion, randomness


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