The Difference Between Fangirls and Stalkers

26 Mar

A recent twitter conversation between The Zombie Chronicles author James Melzer, co-blogger Tim Holtorf and myself have inspired this blog.

thezombiechroniclesescapeThis all started last night when I couldn’t figure out how to get The Zombie Chronicles to download to my computer. I admit, I had a complete blond moment and forgot how to right click and save as. James pointed this out on twitter moments after I outsmarted myself and remembered to do that.

Once I listened to the weekly podcast, I decided I needed to call the Bloodline and totally fangirl the episode. I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest with the story. In fact I was left wanting more, which happens weekly and when Wednesday comes around I squee like an anime fanatic seeing their favorite toon cos played at an anime con.

It just so happens that last week, was the first time I called the Bloodlines to tell James that I couldn’t wait for Wednesday. Sure enough when I went to download the podcast for last week and I was pleasantly surprised to hear he actually put my message on the podcast. Cracking up and being completely embarrassed at the same time, I thanked him graciously.

Anyways… I called the bloodline last night about midnight ish, I think. It’s dark and late so I had to behave myself on the phone; I was standing outside smoking when I made the call. I told him that I was pleased with the podcast, and that I did have to keep the fangirl in check.  When I was finished, I went back inside and then called the bloodlines a second time; claimed I couldn’t keep it in any longer and let out another shrill squee of delight.

I knew, through twitter, that James had to get up early this morning and go to work. Knowing the retail industry all too well, I know that early mornings are usually left for paperwork and getting the store ready for opening. I just realized, I am so easily sidetracked…. Anyways, I wasn’t sure if he had gotten the messages on the Bloodlines or not, so during a lull in the work day he popped on twitter and started tweeting. This was my chance to make sure that he had received them.

So this how the conversation went:

Zodiac_: Did you hear the bloodlines this morning? *grins*
Melzer: I’m being stalked by the Zodiac_ listener 🙂
Zodiac_:  :-O !!! i am not stalking…
Zodiac_:  much
TimHoltorf:  Zodiac_ is addicted to good stories. Which is much better than what some people get addicted to.
Melzer: Hmmmm…ok maybe that was a bit harsh. Fangirled?
Zodiac_:  Yeah! What Tim said. I mean he knows how much of a fanigrl I can be. I am his number 1 fan. 😀
Zodiac_*feels the like creepy girl and skulks off to watch anime* I don’t stalk I fangirl. There’s a difference. LOL Not much of one but it’s there
Melzer: Tim, Don’t forget my sexay voice.
Zodiac_ <.< *Drool* I blame broadcasting *nods and flees before charges are pressed*

That is how this post was started.

Now the difference between a stalker and a fangirl is a very fine line. According to Urban Dictionary:

1. fangirl
A rabid breed of human female who is obsessed with either a fictional character or an actor. Similar to the breed of fanboy. Fangirls congregate at anime conventions and livejournal. Have been known to glomp, grope, and tackle when encountering said obsessions.
4. stalker
One who exhibits a sick unhealthy insane obsession with an ex friend who rejected him. This obsession can lead to various results. Such as following, bugging, writing definitions on Urban Dictionary, calling and getting me to try to harass other people. When friend’s feeling by said girl is not returned nutter in question starts exhibiting dangerous psychotic behaviors that can last for years.

While I do not go to anime cons or sit on livejournal, I am a  fangirl.

What do I do as a fangirl:

  • I squee. Loudly.
  • I glomp
  • I read/listen/watch all works
  • I get really really really excited when the new works come out
  • I tweet on twitter and follow that person
  • I do what all fans do just louder and more frequently. This is what makes me stand out from the average fan.

I’m not a stalker. I just get addicted to things that are better than drugs.  That’s right James, The Zombie Chronicles are like heroin to me; I just can’t get enough.

It’s this sort of encouragement that keeps authors like Tim and James going. I know it’s not just me, it’s everyone who has told them they’re work is awesome.

Tim knows how much of a fangirl I really am. I’ve been his number 1 fan for two years now. His personal cheerleader and leaning post when things get tough. When he gets writers block, I’m the one to kick him in back into gear. I do it because I love his work.

So please don’t confuse me with a stalker, because I’m not nearly as creepy as that.

Another conversation between myself, James and Tim:

Zodiac_: hahahahhaha I googled fangirl. Urban Dictionary came up with this entry.
Zodiac_:  Pray we never meet. I will glomp you. 😀
Melzer: I’m afraid to ask what ‘glomp’ means….
Zodiac_:  *evil fangirl grin* I can give you the definition… or a video. Video would be ideal for proper reaction.
TimHoltorf: I get glomped a lot by her.
Melzer:  Video me! I’ll watch it when I get home.
Zodiac_: A Glomp
Zodiac_: The Glomp Project Enjoy

So as you  can see there is a different, but very fine line between creepy stalker person and a fangirl. We don’t aim for creepy, we aim for extreme enthusiasm

Please make sure  you to check out James Melzer site. You won’t regret it. James has an awesome story that he is telling so catch up with The Zombie Chronicles and you will definitely hear me squee like the fangirl I am.

chasingthebard1playingforkeepsnew1Also to give love to my other two favorite podcast/novel authors please check out Phillippa Ballentine‘s Chasing the Bard and Mur Lafferty‘s Playing for Keeps.  You can also listen to and download works from either their site, or from It is well worth the listen.

Keep it real and rockin’

Zodi the Fangirl ❤


Posted by on March 26, 2009 in Opinion, randomness


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3 responses to “The Difference Between Fangirls and Stalkers

  1. Jenny Bean

    March 26, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    You’re a bigger fangirl than I am. I haven’t called the bloodlines, not even once. 🙂 But I do love Those Zombie Chronicles. This was a very funny blog. I enjoyed it!!

  2. Zodi

    March 26, 2009 at 5:25 pm

    Thanks so much for the awesome comment. As for calling the Bloodlines; James told me to stop being chicken shit. It took a few weeks but I finally called. 😀 Totally worth it.

  3. Tim

    March 26, 2009 at 8:12 pm

    Zodi’s fangirlish ways are what keep me writing and working on writing. Especially when I read instant messages of “moar plz!” it keeps me going.


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