Life Sometimes Sucks

09 Apr

Let me introduce you to the three year old terror that drives me up the wall and forgets I’m too poor to pay the gas.

My little hellion

He may look cute and innocent.

Don’t let that smile fool you. I know you might be tempted to pinch those cheeks, but I digress, he’s evil.

Now I’m sure you are sitting there thinking “What does this little, cute and innocent child do that leaves Zodi stressed and aggravated?”

Well… Lets go back six months when he fell out of the window. I think it may have triggered something that is making him worse than any three year old I’ve known.

I’m known to have insomnia, and be up all night long. I’ll get a few hours sleep and then wake up and stay up for eighteen some hours before collapsing in exhaustion. My son wakes up, gets out of his room and then destroys my house.

You see that fish tank in the background of that picture? Well those fish are dead. One died a few days after getting it. This is because I thought the tank would be good for a goldfish. Nope. Ten gallons of tank is needed for one stupid little stomach-less fish. ‘Kay one fish down, other one doing alright, cleaned the tank, and all that jazz. Next day I wake up fish is dead. WTF. Blue nail polish in the damn tank. My child had escaped from his room and killed the fish off, my cats had cat food cereal, and there was stuff all over the floor.

I have an alarm on his door, but hardly set it because of the annoying sound that comes from it. These screamer alarms give a 120 decible shriek from them and believe me at 5:30 in the morning, you’d come unglued too.

Now repeat this every morning for a week and tell me you wouldn’t be ripping your hair out one strand at a time.

DCS (Department of Children Services) has been helping me, taught me discipline techniques that worked for a month and then stopped. Asking my family for advice is next to impossible since both my parents raised us with the count to five and if you don’t do what we tell you to, you’ll get your ass smacked. I’m not allowed to hit my child. Why? DCS is involved, that’s why. I have to explain every single little bruise, cut, scrap that the boy gets. I give my son a spanking and DCS finds out, I’d lose him.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my son, most of the time. But some days I just want to strangle him and beat him senseless. I’ve been told that this is normal, actually do it is not.

This morning my darling little hellion got out of his room, didn’t wake me up and proceeded to play with the wall repair stuff. Thankfully it wasn’t all over the floor, but rather on the wall. My own fault because 1. didn’t set the alarm, and2. I left the wall repair stuff out where he could get it. Sure he got yelled out for messing with it but that was that.

An hour later, boyfriend gets up and says “what the hell happened in the kitchen?” my eyes narrow and I go to see the mess. My coffee maker has brown water in it with powdered coffee creamer in it, there’s powdered creamer all over the floor and in the cats water bowl. Rhys got swatted and sent to his room where he stayed for a 20 minute time out. Did he learn his lesson? Not a chance in hell.

Again let me show you the hellion. This way you can be warned about his sneaky and conniving ways that would make any parent cringe in fear.

Wanted: One velcro wall

Wanted: One velcro wall

Don’t let the goofy face fool you either. This is something he learned from my boyfriend. “Ha ha you smiled, I’m off the hook.” My son has learned that if he does something bad, he’ll just smile or make a goofy face and mommy will let him off the hook because she smiled. My child is not stupid, he’s extremely smart and while he doesn’t have the best speaking skills in the world, his mind is understanding things at an alarming rate.

Add this child to the stress I have with packing and moving in 3 short weeks, and it’s a recipe for an anxiety attack waiting to happen.

That’s right, Zodi is moving. To the other end of the apartment property, into a bigger apartment. Three bedrooms, one bath, and a dishwasher. I will be bending over backwards to get in there by the first of the month and then dealing with the move and all that stuff that goes along with that. I have to make sure my apartment here is clean before they’ll give me a new one. Carpets here need to be replaced and walls need to be repainted. I’m also late on rent for April. No big deal, I’ll get that to them Friday along with the late fee and then start getting them rest of the money for the deposit on the new apartment.

All in all, I am really excited that I am going to have more room to breathe. The big bonus is my brother will be in his own room and off my couch.

Now I have to put rules in place for this new place. No food in the bedrooms, no shoes in the house.  That sort of thing. I’ll even take pictures once I’m moved in and everything is set up.

Keep it real and rockin’



Ps: It’s pictures like this that make it all worth while in the end.

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Posted by on April 9, 2009 in Life, Rants


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