Yar! Avast ye hearties!

19 Sep

Yar – har – fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right to be!
Do what you want ’cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!

You are a pirate! (Yay!)

We got us a map (a map!) to lead us to a hidden box,
Thats all locked up with locks (with locks!) and buried deep away.
We’ll dig up the box (the box!), we know it’s full of precious booty
Burst open the locks, and then we’ll say ‘HOORAY!’

Yar – har – fiddle-dee-dee,
If you love to sail the sea, you are a pirate!

lyrics from Lazy Town – You Are A Pirate

Talk Like a Pirate DayAvast ye hearties an’ welcome ta September 19th. An’ as ye guessed it, t’day’s the day when the world stops an’ take note o’ pirates ’round the globe. Ta be certain it be talk like a pirate day. So raise yer main sails, grab a cutlas an’ head fer the high seas. There’s plunderin’, booty an’ riches ta be found. An’ after, wenchin’ an’ singin’!

Talk Like a Pirate day b’gan years ago by Cap’n Slappy an’ Ol’ Chumbucket. Ye can set sail ta their web site fer more details, but be warned, there be no plunderin’ ‘r booty ta steal (but they do have some nice things with which to buy).

So get yer eye patch, put on ye best buccaneer face, an’ repeat after me…


Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest–
…Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest–
…Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

From Robert Lewis Stevenson’s Treasure Island

Cap’n Zodi’s pirate attack!

Ahoy mateys!

Let’s give you a bit o’ history on t’ word pirate. It wasn’t always t’ this cool thin’ we know and love today. Pirates were mean people, they weren’t flamladant like Cap’n Jack Sparrow. They’re only goal was t’ get rich and take others down with them.

Even today we have some modern day pirates. Only instead o’ bein’ equipped with a saber, they’ve got guns with more than one shot, makin’ them much more dangerous.

Piracy accordin’ t’ wiki says it’s a “war like act committed by private parties (not affiliated with any government) especially robbery and criminal violence. Scary stuff when you think about it. And truth be told, I’d be more scared o’ these blokes then I would some college kid downloadin’ your music. However, let it be known I that I do not support piracy. At least not in a literal sense.

Now thar were some pretty scary fellows who raged up and down t’ seas, sometimes, they were with governments and kin’/queendoms. But who’s discussin’ politics eh? some o’ these pirates you might o’ heard about. Men like Blackbeard, Calico Jack and even Barbarossa. Aye that’s starboard I said Barbarossa. He isn’t just a fictional character in t’ Pirates o’ Caribbean movies.

England had a lot o’ pirates. People like Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raliegh. I remember readin’ about them in me history books and enjoyin’ t’ mayhem they caused. beauties weren’t exempt from piracy either, thar were some pretty sassy wenches who took t’ a life o’ crime on t’ sea. None more famous than Grace O’malley and Anne Bonny. These wenches did their fair share o’ trouble with a ship under their feet.

Don’t go thinkin’ you can get away with such a life. No, today thar be hefty prices that go along with piracy. Doesn’t matter what kind o’ piracy it is. T’ lawmakers o’ t’ world be crackin’ down on piracy in all forms. Whether it’s open seas or open internet. Stealin’ be stealin’ no matter how it’s done.

Here are some interesting fun pirate links.

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

More talk like a Pirate

You are a pirate

Keep it real and rockin’

Cap’n Zodi

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Posted by on September 19, 2009 in Fun, randomness


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