Zodiviews: My Sister’s Keeper

15 Dec

It’s very rare that a movie touches my heart so much I fall to pieces half way through. Even now as I type this with tears in my eyes, I realize how much this movie has made an impact on me. Not just me as a person, but me as a mother.

My Sister’s Keeper is an amazing heartfelt story about a girl named Anna who wants to be declared Medically Emancipated to make decisions over her own body.  She sues her parents to achieve this. It goes on to tell the struggles that Kate’s sickness has caused. Everything from being sick in the hospital, to issues at home. But this isn’t all about the bad times, there are plenty of good times, and even some laughs.

In this movie, a mother makes a decision to become pregnant again, to save her first daughters life. The baby however is engineered to do just that. Everything about the second child would be a perfect match. Part of me wanted to scream at the television and tell the mother that she couldn’t do it. But the other half of me questioned, what would I do to save my child’s life?

The answer was simple. I would do anything.

While some point during the movie, I had a hard time keeping the tears back, other times I had to pause it because something was said or done that made me crack up so hard that I would miss parts of the next scene.

The Actors and Actresses did an amazing job in this tear jerking drama. Camron Diaz played the mother Sara, grief stricken, at even at times a little psychotic. Abigail Breslin was Anna, the savior sister and Sofia Vassilieva plays Kate the sick sister who tries to live a normal life.

This movie is truly a wonderful work, I’m looking forward to reading the book; My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult. I was amazed by the movie, I’m sure the book will only add to understanding of what it is like to live, laugh and let go.

I would also like to take a moment now to discuss how you can help. Please take a few minutes to donate and even spread the word about cancer amongst children.  With just a little bit of help, these kid can live to see another day.

Another one to donate for is Make-A-Wish foundation. I have worked personally with Make-A-Wish in helping a child to donate items to a sick child. In 2003 when I worked for EB Games, we had a pair of Make-A-Wish people come into the store and asked me if I would be able to donate to help them get a new system and a few games for a little girl in Children Hospital of Philadelphia.Seeing as I wasn’t the store manager, I quickly called him and he gave me the okay to assist these women in getting the items they wanted for the little girl.

On the Make-A-Wish site there are numerous ways to donate.  Please take a moment to check it.

Keep it real and rockin’

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Posted by on December 15, 2009 in Family, Fun, Life, Zodiviews


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