Spring is sprung

21 Mar

I remember a small poem when I was younger…

Spring has sprung, the grass has ris’,
I wonder where the birdie is?
There he is up in the sky,
He dropped some whitewash in my eye!
I‘m alright, I won’t cry,
I’m just glad that cows can’t fly!

It was hilarious (of course I did, I was five).  And as I found, there’s several different versions of it.

Spring is officially here now, the tell tale signs are all around.  One of the biggest is when the sun rises in the morning.  For six months (okay not exactly six months, but when you live in an area that is plunged into darkness for a good portion of the year it feels like longer) darkness still settled in around us during the early morning hours.  Now around five in the morning, you can start to see the sun rise on the horizon.  A reminder that it won’t be long until I start complaining that the sun is streaking through my bedroom at four in the morning.

Another stark reminder is the lack of snow.  We had a pretty good snow fall the other day, but the very next day it was gone.

Yesterday’s temperature was decent enough that I could even walk around in shorts and a T-shirt (okay, shorts and a hockey jersey with a jean jacket, but still).  The weather was warm, a nice breeze to be had, not the usual harsh wind we sometimes experience in March.  All in all, it was pretty decent and I got to enjoy yesterday walking around and taking some photos.

While it was unfortunate that I couldn’t spot any buds yet, most likely because the weather, while warm, hadn’t been that warm for a good number of days, I did see some other signs of spring life.  Rather, I heard them.  Birds, and lots of them.  The happy twittering of birds (and no, I don’t mean the social media program, I mean actual birds) as they gathered the necessary things to get ready for nesting.

While it wasn’t straight into the warm, wonderful days I am longing for, it at least gave hope that warmer days are coming around.  While I could go on and talk about all that I saw, let’s leave it to pictures that I took yesterday.

Until next time…

…keep ’em flyin’!

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Posted by on March 21, 2010 in Life, photos, randomness



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