Flight of the Skyhawks: Summertime

22 Jun

Summer is here!

In Saskatchewan it officially came at 5:51 a.m. (I know this because my alarm clock radio was blaring the news at the time and it said so).  Summertime means summer like activities, you know, like going outside and braving the scare ball in the sky.  This also means that Black Mask & Pale Rider will be taking a short vacation as well.  This will give me some time to do some much needed clean up on the story, plus present the next part in a much better fashion than what I presently have.

Fear not, dear reader!

This doesn’t mean there won’t be any stories to read.  After all, Blood of the Moon will be continuing, and Flag on my Backpack begins July 1st, which will be the summer replacement (think of it like TV, but with text, and your imagination creates the pictures).  Also, look for a new draft of the first series, complete with stills drawn by Clarissa R. Hummel.  I’m using the summer months to do some sun shine activities, relax and do some reading (which means adding some much needed reviews to current web lit I’ve been reading at Web Fiction Guide).  Also, I’m going to be preparing for this coming October’s 31 Days of Ghosts: 2010 Edition.  I’ve got something special this time around, that factors in with the western style that Black Mask & Pale Rider have been involved in.  Thet’s raight, pardner!  Ghost stories of the Wild West!  Plus!  Blood of the Moon will have a Halloween Special, as each day in October will have a new, ongoing series dedicated to all things spooky!

So that’s the deal for the summer months.  Hope you have an enjoyable and fun filled summer.  Flight of the Skyhawks will return!  Fear not dear readers!


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