The Way I See It: 19th Amendment

09 Jul

So, there have been a few articles I’ve been pointed to by people who completely disagree with the context of said articles.  I can see why, as they all call for the American government to repeal the 19th Amendment.  Let that settle in for a bit.  Not sure what the 19th Amendment is?  Well, it’s an important Amendment for women.

It allows women the right to vote.

“Oh Tim!  You’re so funny!  You must be joking!  No one would ever think that!”

No.  No I’m not.

Time to repeal the 19th Amendment

Peenie Wallie: Repeal 19th Amendment

Monosyllabic Pedantry: Repeal the 19th Amendment

Bryana Bevens: Repeal the 19th Amendment

I’ll give you time to pick your jaw up off the floor, considering that some of the people advocating the repeal of the 19th Amendment are, in fact, women.  That, I find the most disturbing of all.  Each article states that women cannot make the proper decisions that require voting and also calls a woman’s vote incredibly emotional.

Okay, let’s live in this right-wing nut bar world for a little bit (as I thank God I live in Canada).  Let’s say, for just a moment, that the 19th Amendment is in fact repealed.  That would mean, I should think, that women would not be allowed to hold office.  Because if you can’t vote in the voting booth due to the fact that you are emotional while you make your decision, then how can you be counted on to vote properly while holding a seat of office?  Really!

So, what’s the next step after repealing the 19th Amendment?  Wait!  I know!  Let’s remove the right to vote from Blacks and Native Americans!  That HAS to be the next step.  Honestly!  It’s only logical.  Because, neither of those groups holds the proper intellect to come up with a properly defined decision (please note, this statement was said sarcastically, normally, I would not have to put this warning, but sometimes, some people just don’t get it, I do not endorse the aforementioned).

Let’s leave the part about removing the right to vote for visible minorities for a moment, and let’s focus on the 19th Amendment, shall we!  Now, while I don’t wish to see women lose the right to vote, having put in place the argument that if women can’t vote then they shouldn’t hold office either, I can see some advantages with this.  For starters, women like Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter would have no choice but to shut the hell up.  Because, there would be no 19th Amendment!  They couldn’t possibly lecture to people what it’s like to run government.  And if they did, their husbands better be standing beside them.

That is, of course, a worst case scenario.  Because there are a lot of women in government who’s heads aren’t strategically placed firmly up their asses.  They wouldn’t have any say either.  So with the good comes the bad.  A lot of talking heads would be gone, but a lot of sound advocates would be as well.  Continually, every day I hear about the Teabaggers (and they shall forever be known as Teabaggers to me!), I am proven again and again how they want the United States to be the most backwards country in the entire world.

And I say again:  Thank God I live in Canada!

Until next time…

…keep ’em flyin’!


Posted by on July 9, 2010 in randomness, The Way I See It


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3 responses to “The Way I See It: 19th Amendment

  1. pendantry

    December 18, 2011 at 8:39 am

    I wouldn’t dream of risking a comment on what you’re saying here. After all, democracy has been massively improved by the inclusion of womyn, hasn’t it? That’s what those suffragettes said all those years ago: ‘give us the vote and our maternal instincts will put a stop to all these wars,’ and so on. No, I wouldn’t dare say anything like that, I value my balls too highly…

    PS Typo up above on the word ‘pendantry’ (which is what brought me here :)).

  2. Tim

    December 18, 2011 at 10:11 am

    Got it.

    And thank you.


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