Banned Books Week

27 Sep

This was originally posted on my tumblr blog, but bears repeating here.

I did not know this, but this happens to be Banned Books Week.

Anyone who happens to read this tumblr or my blog at wordpress knows I’m a big, huge fan of books.  Books are like comfort food for me.  They are a precious commodity that should be held in high regard.  They spark the imagination and teach us valuable lessons.  It’s sad to think that there are books that are challenged, and people who wish to see them banned.

Harry Potter book series

Image by bibicall via Flickr

The American Library Association has a list of banned books.  Many of them are classics.  Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Black Beauty, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Of Mice and Men, Alice in Wonderland and 1984 just to name a few are challenged in many districts across the United States as unacceptable reading.  Also, many new books are on the banned list, such as J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series.  It’s kind of disheartening, as someone who is preparing to release my first published book, that there are people in the world who would wish to deny someone the right to read.

My first book, being The Adventures of Black Mask & Pale Rider, does have elements that could become targets.  One of the characters is a lesbian (though, it is only referenced in passing and no big deal is made of it).  It’s also a book about six guns and sorcery.  That last part might get it frowned at.  Sorcery, or wizardry, got the Harry Potter series on the banned book list.  My hope with this first book is to entertain, nothing more.  I only shudder to think if ever I manage to get Flag on my Backpack published in graphic novel form (as I hope to do), what will be thought of with that.  It’s a lot more politically charged than Black Mask & Pale Rider.

My one hope is that people will take the time to look over the list of books at the American Library Association and read just one or two from the list this week.  Heck, if you read more, great.  These books are precious and should not be overlooked.  Whether you agree or disagree with the content is not the important issue.  The important issue is all books should be given a chance.  All books should be open to the public.

Give a book a chance.


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