Today is dedicated to new ideas

27 May

Me and my big ideas.  I’ve developed another sort of … galaxy with new characters.  I might be working on a different kind of story.  This one in space.  Where as Black Mask & Pale Rider combines the wild west and sword and sorcery, this one with involve something very different.

A while back I discovered some things in a few boxes packed away in my storage closet. I had written down, when I was 12 (that’s 28 years ago) a complete (well, not so complete) idea for a solar system. Based completely on a headline from a tabloid. The tabloid was something about scientists discovering that dinosaurs might very well had evolved if they were not wiped out.

The 12 year old me then sat down and created this entire system, with planets and races on four different inhabited worlds within the system. All are anthropomorphic. The 40 year old me, decided it was high time to expand upon this.

So I created Star Fox Command.

At least the basic layout for it. The background came rather easily.

The system is called the Lupine Star System. The four worlds that have population are Critainia, the second planet from the Lupian sun, inhabited by the lizard like beings. There is hints that they appeared in the star system millions of years ago, and colonized the lush, tropical second world. The Critiainians are mostly an agricultural society, but have developed advanced scientific methods in order to grow their food.

Vulpinia is the third planet in the system and it’s people are the Vulpine, fox like humanoids (seen in the picture) that are small in stature, but extremely intelligent and have created their own cast system. Females rule the system, as the mother is revered in Vulpine culture. They also rely heavily on a socialist society, as protecting the barrow is of the utmost importance. The Vulpine have, since developing space flight technology, deemed the entire Lupine Star System as their barrow, and every race on the four planets are under their protection.

Lupinia is the fourth world in the system. The predominant race is the nomadic Lupine, wolf like humanoids. They lead simple lives, and each “pack” has their own territory, but they have an incredibly advanced communication system. Lupinia is also home to the barbaric Jackai, who scavenge what they can and often plan raids on Lupine packs. The Jackai have cobbled together their own space vessels, and have begun to travel off world, attacking transport ships and pillaging what they can.

Canin is the fifth world of the system, and is home to the peaceful Lionids. While they lead simple lives, they also train for war on a daily basis. They have a close alliance with the Vulpine and many Lionids have joined Star Fox command. In exchange, the Vulpine have set up a base on Canin in order to protect the Lionids from the war-like Panthera. The Panthera, like the Jackai, will attack without warning. Unlike the Jackai, their technology is their own, developed by their own scientists. They currently have the second largest space fleet in the system, next to the Critainian Cast.

That’s the backstory so far. I’ve also created a main character for the story to revolve around. She is Lieutenant Senia Felix, a member of the elite Vulpine Forces, and an officer with Star Fox command. Hopefully, I can get some of the story down in the next few months.

And wouldn’t ya know it, but I’ve even been musically inspired with this. After watching Titan A.E., of all things.

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Posted by on May 27, 2011 in Writing


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