Next year’s NaNoWriMo

23 Oct

This is how early I start working on an idea for next year’s NaNoWriMo.  Using the costume editor in Champions Online, I came up with a group picture and individual pictures of an idea that has been just sitting there for a while.  The characters have had different incarnations over the years, the newest being CanadARM-D.

The assembled team.

Here’s the premise:  As more and more pressures are put on the world, a billionaire industrialist decides it’s time to form a team that can handle certain situations.  Donelda Stewart, who used to be a costumed vigilante during the 1970’s and 1980’s, brings together several people, while at the same time fulfilling a contract to the Canadian Government to develop a robot that would be able to enter hostile situations with the primary goal of rescuing those injured and in need of medical attention.  Thus, CanadARM-D (last picture) was created.  Canada Armoured Reconnaissance-Rescue ‘Droid is the full name of the development and the name taken by the prototype, who acts as a member of the team Stewart brought together.

The android CanadARM-D

Stewart knew that most situations that would require immediate attention involving injured civilians would need to have a doctor on site.  She contacted Doctor Facra Englen (second from the right), a trauma surgeon and an expert in DNA sequencing.  Englen was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba to Palestinian immigrants.  She was born with a rare genetic mutation, which is what spurred her interest in genetic science.  She wanted to learn why these genetic mutations happen, and learn why they happened to her.  Fadra Englen was gifted with an odd mutation.  While possessing all of the human abilities every single person on the planet has, she also has traits of panthera tigris; The Common Tiger.  Her skin has markings of a tiger, ranging from orange to black to white, her fingernails grow like claws, her sight and hearing is improved well past normal human abilities, her musculature is far greater than most Olympic level athletes, and she is much more agile than a very athletic human.  Fadra is a practicing Muslim, taking the tenants of the Qur’an very seriously with regard to the sanctity of life.  She receives no payment from Stewart, on her own request, as she believes that this team must act as role models for others to live by.

Doctor Fadra Englen

The third and fourth team members are actually members of something else.  Dominique Turgeon, or Canadienne (third from the right), is the lead guitarist of the Montreal indie rock band, Blanc Noir.  Together with Yves and Jacqueline Manderville, Michelle Villenueve, and Raven Running Cloud (fourth from the right), they are one of the most popular rock bands on the indie circuit.  Dom has even gone public with her dual identity, which she inherited from her father.  Jean Pierre Turgeon fought against FLQ Terrorists during the October Crisis of 1970, dressed in a similar red and white uniform of Canadien.  Dom has something a little extra, however, aside from her training with Tae Kwon Do.  She has a mutant ability to achieve the speed of sound.  Dom has been clocked running at speeds of 1237 kilometers per, which is faster than the top speed of Canada’s CF18 fighter jets.  Dom has been crime fighting, and rockin’ out as a guitarist, since she was in her mid teens.  Dom was born in Laval, Quebec, and is Metis, as part of her ancestry is European French and Mohawk First Nation.

Dominique Turgeon, a.k.a. Canadienne.

The other member of Blanc Noir to be a crime fighter is Raven Running Cloud.  Raven, like Dom, comes by her crime fighting from family members.  Her father, Maxwell Running Cloud, was known as Hawk’s Scream, a moniker he took up when his wife was murdered and Raven kidnapped.  Raven, as it turned out, was taken to a secret facility and had several experiments conducted on her.  She was 8 at the time, and spent two years in the facility before Max, along with Dr. Englen, his sister Naomi Running Cloud (who was the first Grey Kestrel), and the Mannekin (the son of Donelda Stewart), could rescue her.  The experiments had two very serious effects.  First, Raven was completely blind, only able to see certain light spectrums which would allow her to “see” a person’s aura.  The other was an increased strength and physical mass.  She appears to weigh about 150 pounds, but in reality she weighs upwards of 500 or 600 pounds.  She took up her Aunt Naomi’s namesake, and began fighting crime as a sidekick of Dom’s, as her father had retired a few years earlier.  Raven was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and is a member of the Whitecap Dakota First Nation.

Raven Running Cloud, a.k.a. Grey Kestrel

So this is what I’ll try and work on for next year’s NaNoWriMo.



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