Money, that’s all I want

12 Jan

Aside from the title of this post stating the obvious (but instead of want, it should be more like need, though even not that, but such is a rant for another post), Canada has released new cash.  Or at least a new look to their cash.

Yesterday here at the shop, I received one of these crisp, new bills.  A 100 dollar bill, in fact.  Though, crisp isn’t exactly a way to describe it.  More like… shiny, with a possible waxy texture.

The new cash was actually issued back in June of 2011, and while it still has the familiar look of Canadian money, that being all colourful and very Canadian looking complete with, as Gord Downie says in the song Wheat Kings, graced with the pictures of “Dead Prime Ministers”.  But this new cash is a polymer blend.  Part of it is transparent, with areas where a holographic image sits.  It felt like I was going to rip it apart, or that it would melt on contact with heat (such as the heat from my wallet sitting in my back pocket and me sitting in a chair).

The new bills have been through the wringer (both figuratively and literally) to ensure that they come up to good standards for folding money.  They are even much more difficult to counterfeit. I suppose so, as you’d have to go to Australia to get the polymer mix where it’s made.

Here is a video from the Bank of Canada detailing more on the new bank notes.

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Posted by on January 12, 2012 in Life, randomness


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