Adventures in arranging

21 Jan

For a while now, I have wanted to move things around in my living room.  Just for a change of pace.  So, today, I did most of that.  Mainly moving my computer desk and cleaning up my book shelf (which, I realize I need a new one).

It gave me the opportunity to move things around, change things up, clean things up and pitch out some things that I don’t use anymore.

It also made me scramble, because there’s nothing like having a computer but no internet.

The rearranging of my apartment living room is partially to blame for this massive outage in super highway communication.  I had moved my computer desk, taken and arranged my books, had cleaned off my components on my desk, and had set to work moving some furniture.

Namely, my couch.

My couch isn’t heavy, it’s just really cumbersome.  Not that I’m going to go all Heman and move it five miles by myself, that is.  But this is a lesson in watching what you’re doing.

My DSL cable modem is… old.  Almost eight years old, to be correct.  So, it needed changing anyway.

With the mention of my couch and the mention of my cable modem, I believe that you readers are intelligent enough to put two and two together and get the definite crunch sound that happened when my grip slipped and the couch landed, heavily, on the cable modem.

Thus, I had to scramble, thinking that the local computer shop was closed.  I made a call of desperation, first to Home Hardware, then to Sasktel, and finally to Thorstad Computers.  Luck would have it, there was someone there.  And I got a new cable modem.

Let this be a lesson, however, always watch and remember where you put things.

Unless it’s an eight year old electronic device and needs to be replaced anyway.

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Posted by on January 21, 2012 in Life, randomness


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