Keep Calm

26 Oct

I guess I missed the warning on tumblr last night, I was too busy doing other things.  Watching TV, playing some Guild Wars 2, reading and having supper.  But, I guess there was a warning that announced tumblr would be down for maintenance for a considerable amount of time.  That being Saturday morning.  However, I was still a little taken aback this morning when I went to my tumblr dashboard and it came up with it’s usual sorry message.

It really does look like a blank and barren waste land to be perfectly honest.  So, I realized that part of my morning coffee would not include reading about what some of the people I follow are doing or reporting on.  Off to for my morning news fix, followed by for sports and Environment Canada for weather.

As the day has gone on, however, I’ve sort of chuckled to myself, knowing that there is a large group of people who basically live for tumblr.  I mean, really LIVE for tumblr.  To an extent, I do in a way.  There’s some really humourous things I see there, but there’s also a lot of rage inducing things that I see.  And it’s not things that anyone I follow post personally, it’s stuff they report on.  Like what some things I read from GreenState, or STFU Sexists, or STFU Conservatives.  The tumblr’s themselves aren’t rage inducing (unless you believe in a fantasy called misandry, or that Obama is a Communist Muslim, and then I feel sorry for you, ’cause that’s like a fantasy that doesn’t exist), but some of the things they post reporting on stupid things that have been said during this election cycle in the States.  Massive attacks on women and women’s health, for example.  Or, the stupidity in believing that lowering taxes for the top 1% will trickle down to the middle class and poor (news flash that’s not a news flash: it won’t, it’s been proven it doesn’t work).  There’s also DCwomenkicking ass whom I enjoy reading each day, taking in her comic suggestions.  Or even reading from Gail Simone, Neil Gaiman or Greg Rukka’s posts.  Can’t forget a couple of writers with Lucy Woodhull, author of Ragnar and Juliette, or Michale Kindt who writes some really awesome articles, or Ray Onativia and some of his writings or even the madcap photos he shares.  And it even includes people who really enjoy things about stuff.  There’s just too many to describe here.

What I expect the sound of tumblr coming down for a day and a half was like this sudden gasp of surprise, followed quickly by this horrified wail of terror, followed by gentle sobbing and finally a large group attempting to come to terms with the fact that tumblr was down.  Just as they come to grips with it and try to move on, however, tumblr will be back like a force.  And then the cry will be “I don’t know what we did without you”.  The answer to that is easy;  you lived.  So, until Saturday morning, enjoy the respite from tumblr’s embrace, go out and grab life or do things away from the computer.  And remember, when Saturday morning comes around, that’s the time you can say…

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Posted by on October 26, 2012 in Fun, Life, randomness


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