A new generation of creativity

28 Jan


It’s not so much that it’s new, but it’s really sort of exploded in the past couple of years.  Thanks to youtube, blogging, tumblr, twitter and all manner of social networking, people are doing things in a very creative way with something that for the longest time had been just about playing.  I’m talking about video games.

Video games have evolved from a very linear style to something that becomes different with each play.  But it’s gone further than that, as some very creative people are coming together to create some very good works of art.  This comes in the form of fanfiction and fanart, but also comes from an area of video games that for the longest time nobody really cared about.  The video game soundtrack.

Soundtracks and music have been a staple part of video games for a long time, but now, people are getting together to create their own recordings of what are becoming iconic video game soundtracks.  These are just three of my favourites that I’ve found lately.

What’s also pretty mind blowing is just who is creating these impressive collaborations.  Well, not so much the who, but it is something that sort of shatters a stigma about video game culture.  It’s not a culture that women aren’t familiar with, as seen by these videos.  Women have been playing video games for a long time, but thanks to the different outlets to talk about love for video games or video game franchises like Skyrim and Elder Scrolls and Guild Wars, it’s becoming a lot more common place.

I really love seeing these kind of collaborations and really creative people who are using a venue from something they love in order to create something incredibly wonderful.

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Posted by on January 28, 2013 in Fun, randomness


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