A small story, but with a happy ending

31 Jan


As most who follow me know, my car wouldn’t start on Tuesday.  I had no choice but to walk home.  Yesterday, I attempting to have my car boosted, with no luck at all.

Outlook-20130131-00110So this morning, I walked to work and borrowed my co-worker Derke’s car (pretty snazzy wheels with lots of buttons inside).  This allowed me to get my deliveries done for the usual Thursday morning newspaper run.  This involves loading the vehicle up with all of the boxes that need to go to the local Canada Post outlet, and then a little later taking all of the retail newspapers to the different businesses around town that sell our paper.

That was all fine and good, but my car still wasn’t starting.  And old man winter wasn’t helping either. I think the battery is dead which couldn’t come at a worse time.  It has gotten me thinking about buying a new car, however.  It’s about time, and while I love my Hyundai Accent, it’s getting up there in age and has a few problems.

What this actually means is yet again, I had to walk home from work.

Still, I had rent to pay, and I needed to stop by the post office to check the mail.  This is where my problem with my car changes.

I had two parcels waiting for me, as luck would have it.  And both had Amazon’s logo emblazoned on the side.  I knew exactly what to expect inside each box.  Though, the second box I opened gave me a bit of a surprise.  The first box included all three books in the trilogy for N.K. Jemisin’s Hundred Thousand Kingdoms trilogy.


The next box was a slightly different shape, but I knew what it would be, having ordered Volume 1 and Volume 2 of Batwoman from DC Comics.  What I didn’t know is that they’d be the hardcover versions.



I am totally not complaining!  Just means these ones are going to get a lot of care treated to them.  Sort of like the pair of Captain Canuck collections which are both hardcover.

That was my happy ending to this day, which involved walking in this winter wonderland.  Though, it’s not really a wonderland when the temperature is around -31 Celsius.

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Posted by on January 31, 2013 in Fun, Life, randomness


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