I had planned something

19 Sep

I wanted to do something for International Talk Like A Pirate Day.  Write a short story with Shani and Pania and pirates.  But sadly I never did that.  I also had the idea to write a short with Rocket Fox, but that never came about either.

And its something that’s really hit me lately about my writing as of late.  Since July, it’s taken a turn for the worse.  My life has been filled with stress thanks to the news of my old job status to acquiring this job in Humboldt to the move and now settling in.  The settling in part hasn’t been going well, and that’s thanks in part to the fact that I haven’t been eating very well.

Having spent over $2,000 in my move (paying rent on my old place, paying rent and damage deposit on my new place, gas to drive back and forth), it’s left me really short on funds.  I just recently got my second pay cheque here in Humboldt, and most of that went to pay bills.  Fortunately, I have a lot left over which I’m going to use to buy a proper amount of groceries.  Unfortunately, I have to walk to get them and its not a short trip.  My car has also suffered, thanks to the fact the plates ran out at the end of August and I haven’t been able to afford to renew them.  Add to that, my car needs some work done to it.  At least there’s a taxi cab company in Humboldt so I can call that when I get my groceries and don’t have to haul a huge amount home.

So all in all, my writing has suffered a great deal.  I’m racked with worry, filled with stress and its not helping my physical and mental health.  I manage to put on a mask, a front just for work.   But I’m not sure how far I can put that up.  Maybe once I get my food stores stocked up and stop eating fast food every other day, then I’ll have a bit more confidence and less stress.

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Posted by on September 19, 2013 in Life, randomness


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