Book Review: Ragnar & Juliet

19 Feb

Ragnar & Juliet is the first book I’ve read from author Lucy Woodhull.  Touted as sci fi romance, there definitely should be comedy added to that description.  This book is chalk full of it.

Bounty hunting is usually so easy. Flash a little cleavage, mix a roofie cocktail, and Juliet has her man right where she wants him: out cold, ready to be swapped for cash. Her passions are freedom, trashy clothes, and pie—not necessarily in that order.

Hunky alien ship captain Ragnar doesn’t deserve torture at the hands of the psychotic king who hired Juliet; he liberated one of William the Nefarious’ illegal concubines. Juliet can’t ignore such a noble act. She doesn’t trust men, but this one, with the kindest smile she’s ever seen, picks away at her resolve to stay aloof and clothed. He’s just so…nice! Crazy she can deal with; sincerity is terrifying.

Before she gives in to her irrational urge to get a timeshare with him (and his cute tail), they’re caught by the bad guys. Ragnar disappears and abandons her to her disgusting captors—so much for togetherness. Perhaps he’s not such a saint. Even worse, Nefarious William (who prefers “Bob”) has nominated her for Concubine of the Evening. This dubious honor does not thrill her, and only a few hours remain before the king’s mind-altering drugs obliterate her free will.

Sexual slavery might not be fatal, but Juliet would rather die. Of course, the third option (run away to a beach and hump Ragnar silly) is the best, if they can live that long.

Right off, if you’re thinking this is merely a romance novel, you’d be wrong.  Sure, there’s the romance (though, lust is a better term) between Ragnar and Juliet, but there’s lots of action as well.

As the book opens we’re introduced to Juliet Lawrence, who comes from a long line of wealth, but chose a life of a bounty hunter.  Needless to say, as the book describes, she uses her assets to capture her bounties and take them in for the reward.  Things go a little upside down when she’s hired to bring in Ragnar Manscape for King William the Nefarious.

Between quick enough descriptions of the time and place, there’s lots of comedy.  Whether that’s direct from the characters themselves or through Lucy Woodhull’s descriptive wit.  Woodhull manages to put in lots of innuendo without going over the top, and manages to describe what’s needed without taking page upon page to detail the what and where (along with the who, why and how).

A quick read, and thoroughly enjoyable, Ragnar & Juliet is a definite must to anyone who likes high brow (and low brow) comedy intermixed with action in a sci fi universe.

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Posted by on February 19, 2014 in Fun, randomness


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