World Building: The Elven World – Turtle Island

09 Aug

The elven world is a near mirror image of Earth, with some minor exceptions in geographic description. There are seven main regions throughout the elven world, with each region having a diverse population. The largest populations exist in Africanis, Asia-interior, and Asia-major. An eighth region exists, but it’s population does not consist of elves, but of frost giants who migrated south thousands of years ago. This is called Southern Artica.

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Turtle Island is a large land mass across the massive Atlantis sea (which is ruled by one of three sea elven nations, who are keepers of the city of Atlantis, these sea elves were often called mermaids; more on them later). Stretching from the northern regions of tundra to the southern, more temperate climates near the equatorial regions, Turtle Island has a wide range of peoples.

Unlike the peoples of Europa, the nations of Turtle Island often intermingle, as there is no set borders between nations.

The eastern coasts of Turtle Island are occupied by the Mi’kmaq, Mohawk, Iroquois, Cree, Algonquin, and Innui in the northern regions. These nations occupy the more north eastern and coastal regions of Turtle Island. The Innui live predominantly in the northern and tundra regions across Turtle Island and into Europa and Asia-major. The south eastern regions of Turtle Island include the Seminole, Atsina, Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Chesapeake, Creek, and Pensacola nations.

Further inland, in the midwestern regions, the Iroquois, Algonquin, and Cree are met by Dakota, Fox, Shawnee and Huron nations. Shawnee, Cree, Dakota and Fox nations are also found in the Great Plains, along with Apache, Souix (related to Dakota), Blackfoot (related to Cree), Chippewa, Cheyenne, Cherokee, Seneca, Ojibwa, and Pawnee.

The mountainous regions of Turtle Island (which stretches from the high arctic to the central equatorial region) are occupied by Apache, Blackfeet, Crow, Cree, Dakota, Souix, Pawnee and Shoshoni. Much of their region they share with the western coastal and western mountainous nations of Haida, Navaho, Mandan, and Salish nations.

The southern most areas of Turtle Island are occupied by two large nations, who do have borders (though, it can be argued those borders shift from season to season); the Aztec and Mayan elves.

Within each nation, there are several sub cultures, much like the Romani, Celt, Russo, and Ukrainia elves of Europa. For example, Plains Cree have different cultural practices than do the Eastern Coastal Cree. As well, Mountain Dakota have different practices than do the Plains Dakota, and the Midwest Dakota. Varying from region to region, some of these sub cultural nations might even give themselves different names, and while having a similar root language, will have differences in nouns and pronouns.

While having no formal military might, they have proven formidable in battles against orcs and goblins. Thousands of years ago, thanks to contact through the Innui and Nordicians and Sammi, the nations of Turtle Island drew up a treaty whereby the military might of the Erinyes would be banned from setting foot on Turtle Island, unless they were called upon to assist in defending a nation or region, and never against another elven nation (to call upon assistance from a nation not from Turtle Island was considered a dishonourable act).

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Posted by on August 9, 2014 in Black Mask and Pale Rider, Writing


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