Supergirl and the strangeness of fans

15 May

Time to interrupt a huge series of Star Trek let’s plays.

By now, most of you have seen the incredible Supergirl trailer for the new show that’s appearing on CBS.  Wait, you haven’t?  Let’s rectify that, right now.

Now I’ll give you a minute to calm down from the sheer awesome of that trailer.

On the downside of things, Supergirl has received a lot of flack for looking like the Black Widow SNL parody.  Being closer to a rom com than an actual superhero movie.  But I’ll be honest, I think that’s refreshing.  It’s nice to see a superhero movie or television series that isn’t all grim and grit and darkness and angst.  Though, we’re talking Supergirl here, I’m sure that’ll come around as the story tells itself.

Kara, or Supergirl, is a bubbly, happy, wonderful person who wants desperately to be a hero like her cousin.  Which is a great thing to see.  I mean who wouldn’t wanna walk in Superman’s footsteps.  And Kara has the powers to go with it.

I like the look of this show right away, because it seems bright and colourful and very up beat and positive.  I’ll admit, I was a Green Arrow fan for decades, but I never really got into Arrow.  Especially after how Helena Bertinelli/Huntress was trashed in the series.

But many fans are already complaining about this chipper attitude of Supergirl.  So what, I say.  There needs to be a superhero who looks forward to saving people.  Who doesn’t find it a duty or responsibility, or some burden that’s foisted upon them.  It’s refreshing to have a show like this, and I hope it goes far because we need more television just like this one.

1 Comment

Posted by on May 15, 2015 in Fun, randomness


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One response to “Supergirl and the strangeness of fans

  1. JunkChuck

    May 15, 2015 at 5:56 am

    Fans complain. It’s what they do. Look at the mud Whedon’s been dragged through over the past two weeks. Whedon! As for the bright and cheery, The Flash seems to do well enough on an upbeat tone–and like The Flash, I’m pretty sure Supergirl will take a dark turn each season when things get grim and the stakes get high–right around sweeps time


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