Category Archives: Flight of the Skyhawks

Flight of the Skyhawks: Summertime

Summer is here!

In Saskatchewan it officially came at 5:51 a.m. (I know this because my alarm clock radio was blaring the news at the time and it said so).  Summertime means summer like activities, you know, like going outside and braving the scare ball in the sky.  This also means that Black Mask & Pale Rider will be taking a short vacation as well.  This will give me some time to do some much needed clean up on the story, plus present the next part in a much better fashion than what I presently have.

Fear not, dear reader!

This doesn’t mean there won’t be any stories to read.  After all, Blood of the Moon will be continuing, and Flag on my Backpack begins July 1st, which will be the summer replacement (think of it like TV, but with text, and your imagination creates the pictures).  Also, look for a new draft of the first series, complete with stills drawn by Clarissa R. Hummel.  I’m using the summer months to do some sun shine activities, relax and do some reading (which means adding some much needed reviews to current web lit I’ve been reading at Web Fiction Guide).  Also, I’m going to be preparing for this coming October’s 31 Days of Ghosts: 2010 Edition.  I’ve got something special this time around, that factors in with the western style that Black Mask & Pale Rider have been involved in.  Thet’s raight, pardner!  Ghost stories of the Wild West!  Plus!  Blood of the Moon will have a Halloween Special, as each day in October will have a new, ongoing series dedicated to all things spooky!

So that’s the deal for the summer months.  Hope you have an enjoyable and fun filled summer.  Flight of the Skyhawks will return!  Fear not dear readers!


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Flight of the Skyhawks: Part Two

As Shani and Pania travel to Overbrook,  Thomas Til’Avan and his workers get ready for an exposition.  And Karl Alow gets a first peek.

Flight of the Skyhawks: Part Two


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Flight of the Skyhawks: Part One

The adventure begins! Political friction is seen between the nations of Brytilonia and Mysteria. And the coming of the industrial revolution.

Flight of the Skyhawks: Part One


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Flight of the Skyhawks: Prologue

It’s finally here!  The first episode of Flight of the Skyhawks.  We kick things off only minutes after Shani and Pania return to Terra-Kal from Earth.  Join us now, for high flying adventure!

Flight of the Skyhawks: Prologue


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More artwork for Black Mask & Pale Rider

I should have put this up a while ago.  Clarissa sent me a piece which is going to be used in the upcoming Flight of the Skyhawks (this Wednesday, 6:00 a.m. Central Standard Time!).


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Artwork: Clock of the Skyhawks

Clarissa sent me a finished product of Clock from the Skyhawks.  The expert navigator and timepiece aficionado is captured in a gear frame together with her very own Pixie Clanker.


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Flight of the Skyhawks: Thradra & Threna

Today’s entry for the upcoming Flight of the Skyhawks will take a decidedly darker turn.

Meet the antagonists of the upcoming series.  Or are they really?  Thradra and Threna N’Tir, twin sisters and deadly assassins.  Mysterian Elves are often thought to have dark secrets, and that goes to more than just the midnight tones of their skin.  In the case of Thradra and Threna, their secret isn’t so much a secret, but a legend that enters the realm of near myth.

When parents wish to ensure the behaviour of their children improves, they will tell the stories of Thradra and Threna.  Thradra, the first born of the twins, is a master of the katana, and deadly practitioner of the dark arts.  She is able to raise the dead (not back to the land of the living, mind you, but as mindless thralls to do her bidding for a short period of time), drain life from her victims and create undead servants when she needs.  Threna is an archer, and one that is deadly acurate.  The legend says she never misses her mark.  Adding to that is the power Threna controls over natural magic, especially the chaotic side of nature.

Many of the stories of Thradra and Threna do not speak of their intimidating attitude, mostly because the vast majority of those who meet the twins usually end up dead.  The twins share a telepathic link and will often converse with each other that way.  They can also read surface thoughts of anyone around them.  When they speak, actually speak, to others, they speak in rhyme.  This only adds to the rather unsettling nature about them.

Both dress exactly the same, in black leather armour with black metal bracers and grieves.  The only real difference between them is their weapons.  They always are shrouded in a black cloak with intricate purple designs.  It’s often said this cloak contains the magic that allows them to become the form of mist that they often will become when stalking prey.  The only indication that they are nearby is two pairs of blood red orbs that would be their eyes.


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Flight of the Skyhawks: Pixie Clankers and Verit

Today’s entry will take a look at more of a group within the Skyhawks, and that is the Pixie Clankers.

Terra-Kal is a world of magic and fey folk and elves, so it shouldn’t be any surprise that there is pixies.  In the case of the pixie clankers, they are a different kind of pixie.  While not so much born of different stock, they actually became a part of the group that is the Skyhawks.  For example, in the case of one of the Pixies, Rosemary, she was Ratchet’s pixie while Ratchet was enrolled at the Arcanum Bridge Mage Academy.  Rosemary stayed with Ratchet when she left the school.

Each of the clankers became incredibly interested in the strange inventions.  At first, they seemed to get in the way, but after a while many of the inventors and craftsmen realized the pixies could do things they could not; such as handle smaller objects and tiny details in the wondrous machinations.  The pixies even make very quick fixes to the Skyhawks’ flying machines while in flight.  So they have proven that they are indeed invaluable.

The pixie clankers have even taken to dressing like their elven comrades, as they wear tiny aviator jackets, aviator helmets and goggles.  In a couple of cases, such as Rosemary, the pixies have tiny flintlocks.  While not so much deadly when it comes to combat, they will act as a diversion.

In some cases, the pixie clankers have acquired the same devil may care attitude and ego that the elven pilots have taken.  Often, the clankers will look down upon other pixies, due to their new station in life.  Such is the case when they first meet Verit.

Verit is a very young pixie.  For the most part, she was a message runner in the halls of the Mage Academy.  Until the mages realized that the weave had a new practitioner.  They sensed that Pania Alow had grown in her power, and transcribed a letter, which they gave to Verit to deliver to Pania.

Since then, Verit has stayed with Pania, and prepares to act as the sorceress’ faithful companion and familiar.  Duties which include gathering components for spell making, organizing of scrolls and magical tomes, and other various arcane duties.  Except, Verit seems to have gotten the short end of the stick.  Pania would rather brandish her rapier and jump in as a swashbuckler than cast a fireball or magically create a shield around herself.  So, for the time being, Verit waits, napping from time to time in Pania’s breast pocket of the bolero jacket she wears.  When not resting, Verit takes to counting bullets, cleaning Pania’s rapier, and hoping that something more exciting than that will happen to her.

Until she meets the Pixie Clankers.


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Flight of the Skyhawks: Forge & Anvil

Forge and Anvil are the ground crew of the Skyhawks.  Originally from the Nation of Nordicia, Forge and Anvil are a married couple, Jarl and Mari Fleugaard, that were at one time master weapon makes for the high chieftain of the Nordician Elves.  They had their position as weapon makers for decades, announcing their retirement to pursue a life of exploration and adventure together.

Like all Nordician Elves, Forge and Anvil are taller than the other elves in the Skyhawks, and much more muscular.  Also, like other Nordician Elves, they have very fair features, with dirty blond hair and light skin tones.  They grow their hair long, tying it back into braids to keep it out of their eyes.

Together, they fashion the parts needed to make up the flying machines of the Skyhawks.  They also act as the paternal figures for the much younger elves that make up the pilots.  Still, they hold some respect for the others because it takes either a brave individual or someone with less than half their wits to climb into the cockpit of a machine constructed of wood and steel.

They have also proven to be resourceful with their own creations, having crafted a horseless carriage and portable cannons.  Often when the Skyhawks will go into battle, Forge and Anvil aren’t far behind, using their blunderbuss and battleaxes in a ground assault.

Tomorrow, the Pixie Clankers, and Pania’s own pixie, Verit.


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Flight of the Skyhawks: Piston

Today, it’s time to introduce Piston, the minstrel of the Skyhawks.

Felix Stern was always musically inclined.  He learned at a young age how to play the guitar and it was always a dream of his to attend the Brockton Academy of the Arts.  That dream was cut short when he met Thomas Til’Avan.  Felix became intrigued with the inventions of Thomas’ and began his own experiments with musical instruments.  To date, he has successfully created a steam powered guitar.

Felix has that rather fine charm that many of the musicians, scribes and bards have on Terra-Kal.  Handsome in a way that just a mere smile would make most women swoon.  With a cock sure smirk and a magnificent way with words, he has become the vocal spokesman for the crew of the Skyhawks.  He truly is the complete swashbuckler, proud of his skill with a rapier, he never uses the flintlocks or crossbows that the other members of the Skyhawks use.  When confronted in a tense situation, it is usually he that comes to the forefront.  He knows his mates with the Skyhawks very well, and defends them quite ferociously.  They have not only become his friends, but his family.

No one really knows how or when he took the nickname Piston, or where he got it from.  But the rest of the Skyhawks don’t see that as an important point.  Piston is a member of the Skyhawks, an excellent pilot and fighter, and that’s all that matters.

Tomorrow, the ground crew, Forge and Anvil, will be introduced.


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