Jotting down more notes

02 Jun

Dragonforce- The Last Journey Home (WITH CORRECT LYRICS!!) (bykingshahaman)

Every now and then I’ll be listening to music while I jot down notes for plots with Black Mask & Pale Rider, and another idea will come around.  Usually it’s another grand adventure with Shani and Pania as they make their way to Earth from their native Terra-Kal.  But this time, it was different.

It’s had it’s flashes before, but one idea I’ve had has been to write the Tales of Terra-Kal.  The different stories of the home world that Shani and Pania come from, but with different characters.  Though, related in some ways.

The first was the tale of three knaves.  Well, not so much knaves.  Sywyn Wennemein, Shani’s older brother, is a Knight.  But he grew up rather less than knightly.  Maybe getting some of it out of his system, that is the trouble he’d get into with his friends, who will also appear in the story, helped shape his view of the world.  His title is Lord Wennemein, and he is one who does not take his title with any serious nature.  He’d rather associate with commoners, really.  Above all, though, he serves justice, being the commissioned knight in charge of all the Patrollers throughout Brytilonia.  And he gets aid from his two fast friends.

Mandrel Alow, Pania’s older brother.  Like Pania, Mandrel is a bit of a flirt and an excellent tale teller.  He is an Alow after all, and the Alow’s were known for their charm and musical abilities.  As well as being able to brandish a rapier.  There’s always a buckle to swash somewhere.

Waien Argith, the Arch Druid’s son, and by birthrite a druid himself.  But he chose a different path.  That of a wizard.  But after his drinking, carousing and womanizing, he sort of fell from grace.  He’s been seeking to regain himself, and it’s been said his two best friends, Mandrel and Sywyn are always there for him.

That first story would follow these three young elven men in their own series of adventures.

The second idea surrounds a different group, they didn’t grow up together and have had very little to do with each other.  Each will be appearing at different points in Shani and Pania’s tales.  They are as follows.

Avalona Xanthe, the warrior princess of the Nordician tribes that live in the harsh and cold mountains to the west of Brytilonia across the Sea of Seven Bridges.  Nordicians are the tallest, and often said strongest of the Terra-Kal elves.  They stand in legend as being giants.  Avalona is the only daughter, only child of her tribe’s chieftan, Ulgaar Xanthe.  She would become the first woman to hold the title of chieftan among all the Nordician tribes, and it is something her father has said that she needs to prepare for.  Wisdom must equal strength.  She is fierce in battle, but that is only one aspect of her.  Many know of her axe and the cry of rage on the battle field, but few know that she speaks six languages, is an avid reader and has a love of children.

Per’Takamos Zezer’Kerasonb is the queen of the elves of the desert.  Her seat of power is Semerkhet, and it is more than just a monarchy.  It is a druid oasis.  She already knows of the differences between strength and wisdom, and often makes decisions based on the practical survival of her people.  Many times when the Mystrian elves have waged war across the seas against the desert elves, Per’Takamos has taken her place at the head of her army.

Villith Argith, is neither a warrior, nor is she a queen.  But she is the only daughter of the Arch Druid.  Waien’s younger sister, she has some of Waien’s playful nature, and some of her father’s wisdom.  Though the latter comes out rarely, often times shocking people when she speaks in such tones.  She is easily recognized by her flame red hair, more often than not in tatters with hair braided with beads and the odd leaf or two.

T’Lan is a protector of her people.  The elves of the jungles, bordering the desert and the sea to the south of the Desert of the Phaorohs.  Her tribe is a proud one, and though these elves are new to Terra-Kal, they keep stewardship over the region they settled in.  She and her people are very different from the other elves, with skin as black as pitch, but a kindness that is not seen among most elves.  But make no mistake, they do not forget enemies and will fight to the death.  They also remember their friends, often heeding a call across many miles to aid them.

These four will appear in another story, which I’m still in the process of jotting down notes for.  So far, I have them meeting, though the details as to why are sketchy at present.  I’ll set it aside for now, but maybe something will spark later.  At least now, I’ve got it down what I want to start with.


Posted by on June 2, 2011 in Black Mask and Pale Rider, video, Writing


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