CBC downsizing is a key goal for the Conservatives

02 Jan

From Ian Morrison, Friends of the CBC:

CBC News

Image via Wikipedia

Never has our challenge to defend public broadcasting been more starkly clear.

On Friday, the National Post published Heritage Minister James Moore’s declaration that a smaller and diminished CBC is a key goal of the Harper government.

These are dark days, indeed, for our national public broadcaster. But not so dark that I have lost hope.

I truly believe that a small act taken by just one person can change the course of events, and I am writing to ask you to join me. Together we can make a difference.

It’s urgent that we succeed. For if we fail and the Conservatives cut more $100 million from CBC’s budget, the consequences for public broadcasting and all Canadians will be dire.

English: Old logo for CBC

Image via Wikipedia

On your behalf, FRIENDS is fighting back!

On November 29, we held a news conference on Parliament Hill, where we released a major public opinion survey demonstrating that the vast majority of Canadians (including Conservative supporters) place a high value on public broadcasting and want CBC’s funding to be maintained or increased. The same day, we launched two viral videos featuring a worst-case scenario of what Prime Minister Harper might do to the CBC.

Already our campaign has delivered more than 43,000 personal messages from Canadians to Mr. Harper calling on the Prime Minister to keep his CBC election promise to maintain or increase CBC funding — and that number is growing every day.

English: The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation...

Image via Wikipedia

But we must not rest.

During the next four crucial weeks we have a plan to mobilize support for our CBC, and we need your help to put it into action.

In January, the House of Commons is adjourned and MPs are back in their ridings, listening to and meeting constituents. This presents us with a key opportunity.

FRIENDS is planning a phone blitz to connect constituents with their Conservative MP so those politicians can hear directly that local voters care about public broadcasting and want our CBC protected and valued by the government.

We know that this kind of effort can have a dramatic impact on politicians. But this technique is expensive.

This “Keep your Promise” telephone campaign will cost $50,000. But it could make all the difference in our effort to keep our CBC strong and independent.

I urge you to join me in making a generous contribution to ensure the success of this focused campaign.

We’re pulling out all the stops right now to protect our CBC because after the federal Budget, it may be too late.

Working together, I am confident we can preserve Canadian public broadcasting to serve future generations of Canadians.

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Posted by on January 2, 2012 in Opinion, randomness


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