Money can’t buy me Love

12 Apr

Not that money can’t buy Love, but Love needs money to avoid bankruptcy.

The postmark of Love, Saskatchewan, which features a teddy bear holding a heart.

The postmark of Love, Saskatchewan, which features a teddy bear holding a heart.

Now, before anyone thinks I’ve gone slightly mad and am talking about Valentine’s Day again, no I’m not.  I’m talking about the small community of Love, Saskatchewan.  For years, people have written stamped, self addressed envelopes to the small village which sits on Highway 55 between Prince Albert and Nipawin, just to get the cancelled stamp.  From wedding invitations to marriage proposals to Valentine’s Day cards, the Love Post Office has seen it all.

But that may not happen much longer.

The village is broke.  The mayor of Love says they need about $50,000 in order to remain solvent.  The village at this moment cannot pay their bills. The mayor and council, which is three people, have taken it upon themselves to try to make a plea to a certain person: Oprah Winfrey.  Oprah featured Love, Saskatchewan on her show about 20 years ago, and Oprah is set to make an appearance in Saskatoon this Sunday as part of a major tour.  The Village is hoping that a mention on her website or even a tweet will help the cash strapped village.  Love is trying to raise funds, such as selling cookbooks, tee shirts, and other paraphernalia.

On the one hand, I do sympathize with their situation.  Love has gained international notoriety just on its name alone.  On the other hand, I hate to be a downer, but this is common among every small town in Saskatchewan.  There was a time when small towns and villages in this province had an outward migration to larger centers like Saskatoon and Regina, even while those cities faced their own outward migration to Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton.

There are lots of things smaller communities can do to make themselves more attractive.  They just have to find their own niche.

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Posted by on April 12, 2013 in Life, randomness


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