Thursday morning random times

07 Nov

Feeling refreshed

Last night around 9:30, I felt tired, so I decided it was time to get some sleep.  I was awake at 5:00 this morning without any problems.  I felt refreshed, and decided to get up.  I also had to go to the bathroom and also realized as I woke up that I had turned on my alarm clock.  Better safe than sorry.

For the past half an hour I’ve been puttering around, doing the usual morning routines, bathroom, getting breakfast ready, making coffee, putting on my bathrobe which is really old but really warm.

And I also just realized that this weekend is a long weekend.  Three days off.  Granted, that means today and tomorrow at work are going to be very busy.  Which is all right, that just means both days will go by faster.

Just one thing makes this month so far a little depressing.  My NaNoWriMo has been a complete and utter wash.  I’m at a loss as to what to write.  Granted, I can’t stop thinking about another story, so I think I’ll work on that one instead.  I hit this same wall last year.  Ironically, when I started last year I was working on the story I keep thinking about now.

Break out the razor blades


You may notice I’m clean shaven.  This has been going on for several weeks so far.

This also means I’m not participating in Movember.  To be honest, lately the month, which was supposed to bring awareness of cancer (in particular, testicular cancer and prostate cancer) but it’s now become a place of extreme male privilege.  When women attempt to be a part of it, vowing not to shave their legs and nether regions (and let’s be honest, legs are a lot of real estate to shave, I looked at mine and thought “good god, that’s a lot of work”, though there’s more than just legs to shave if one thinks about the naughty bits).

Shaving is a lot of work, and it can get really bloody if you aren’t fully focused on the job.  Or, if you happen to have an injury that didn’t heal right.  Such as what I deal with.  I’ve got a small mark on my chin from when I was in junior high school.  Playing volleyball for Conquest at a tournament, dove to get the ball and my chin hit the hardwood (tiles, it was actually big stinkin’ laminate).  My chin got a scuff mark that bleed and never healed right.  So now, decades later, it’s still there.

This also makes me think of legs and shaving those.  I’ve got psoriasis, just as my mother has it.  It is a lifelong disease and it occurs when the immune system thinks that skin cells are a pathogen and releases faulty signals that creates new skin cells.  This results in a flaking over different regions of the body, and in a lot of cases where hair happens to grow.  So on your head, eyebrows, arms, chest, back, legs.  I’ve got a lot on my legs, and like any skin disease, it’s itchy.  If I’m not thinking about it, I’ll involuntarily reach down and scratch at my legs.  Which doesn’t help.  But imagine having that, and being told to shave your legs.  That would be a lot of blood.

So no, I’m not participating in Movember, at least until it decides it’s not going to be a place filled with privileged male douchebags.

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Posted by on November 7, 2013 in Life, randomness


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