Superhero movies that need to be made

27 May

(art by Terry Dodson)

Wonder Woman

This one is a no brainer.  The ancient Amazons and the myths of ancient Greece.  Having trouble trying to “figure her out” because she’s “tricky”?  Maybe you need to watch 300 again, and this time replace the 300 warrior with nothing but women, and King Leonidas replaced with Princess Diana.

(art by Daniel Acuña)

Black Widow

She’s been in Iron Man, Captain America: Winter Soldier, and the Avengers.  It really wouldn’t surprise me if there was some deep, secret cameo in Thor, Thor: The Dark World, and in the coming Guardians of the Galaxy movie.  It’s about damn time we got a solo movie with Black Widow.  The background on Natasha would make Wolverine wet his pants in fear.

(art by Jan Durrsema)


Take note, that says Hawkwoman, not Hawkgirl.  Yeah, this one is a bit of a biased one because I’m probably the biggest Hawkwoman fanboy/fangirl/geek around.  I’d love to see a version of Shayera written by Gail Simone.  With the Birds of Prey.  But in movie form, Hawkwoman would make a great sci fi adventure.  Ditch Hawkman and just have Shay dealing with the societal problems on Thanagar between the rich and poor as a lone cop, charged to hunt down and bring Byth Rok to justice.

(art by Juan Bobillo)


Lawyer by day and… well, pretty much a green rage monster without the rage, but all the strength and… well, greenness.  Contrary to David S. Goyer’s comment about She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters is more of a power fantasy (both male and female).  Incredible strength, near invulnerability, yet she keeps her cognitive abilities.  She can think and reason as the She-Hulk to the point where it becomes easier for her to just BE the She-Hulk 24/7.  She chooses to be She-Hulk and isn’t scared by it.  You could even have that tradition that Marvel has started by having Bruce Banner as a part of the movie.  He’d be a minor character, but he could still be in it.

(art by Terry and Rachel Dodson)

Captain Marvel

One of the few female characters that doesn’t have a gender specific code name, Carol Danvers would be a high flying adventure.  As noted with She-Hulk, you could even have Spider-woman and Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) make appearances.

These are just the ones I came up with off the top of my head (hell, you never know Ms. Marvel and Spider-woman might be great solo movies as well).  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to give telepathy a try and drop a suggestion into gailsimone‘s head that she should lobby for a new Birds of Prey with Huntress/Helena B, Black Canary, Batgirl, and bring back Lady Blackhawk and Shayera Thal/Hawkwoman.

Ya never know, it might work.

This is not a complete list, I may come up with more at some point.

1 Comment

Posted by on May 27, 2014 in Fun, randomness


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One response to “Superhero movies that need to be made

  1. Popcorn Whiskey

    May 28, 2014 at 12:23 am

    Fun list!


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