Superbowl ads

31 Jan

We’re at that time when Superbowl Sunday is upon us.  We’ve discussed DeflateGate and the Seahawks and Patriots, and now the big game is here.  There’s just as much talk about the ads during the Superbowl than there is about the big game, and one of the big ads is already making it’s way online now.

Most have already seen the ad, featuring Danny Trejo, Steve Buscemi, and the Brady Bunch.  It’s a Snickers ad.  If you haven’t seen it, it’s already on Youtube.

In this age of the Internet, it begs the question, do companies really need to spend millions of dollars in order for an ad to be seen?  If the ad is clever, has a decent message, and is memorable, then the chance is good it’ll get views and hits for free without having to be seen during a major sporting event where someone might miss it while going to the bathroom.

It’s most likely better to get the ad on as a major event ad, and have the the hype carry it through.  After all, the chances the above Snickers ad would be seen if it wasn’t tagged with the Superbowl are pretty high.

This ad also does something better by using the tag line “you aren’t yourself when you’re hungry”.  Remember a few months ago when another Snickers ad had construction workers offering uplifting advice to women passing a construction site?  The tag line was used again, and while it felt good to see uplifting comments from construction workers who are often seen as catcalling women, the tagline made one think that it’s normal to catcall and if these guys weren’t hungry, then they’d just shout out rude comments to passing women.  All in all, while the message before the tagline was great, it was that tagline that kind of ruined it.

But the above ad, comes off as better.  It’s funny, uses pop culture references, and it’s memorable.

Still, it begs the question, do companies really need to churn out millions in order to have an ad play during the Superbowl?  Maybe.  But there’s one ad to be played during the Superbowl which should also get a huge amount of attention.

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Posted by on January 31, 2015 in Fun, Life, randomness


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