Tag Archives: Massive Multiplayer Online

Pictorial of a gunslinger – video game edition

My character Shani from Guild Wars 2.  She’s very much a gunslinger now, with dagger and pistol in melee and dual pistols for ranged attacks.  The top picture, she’s not flying, she’s swimming.  And that’s a spear gun on her back.  That’s a might big spear gun on her back.

When she just stands with her guns drawn, she does a few interesting emotes.  Twirl the gun, check down the sights, turn left, check the sights again, twirl the gun, holster the pistols.

It’s pretty epic, no matter the situation.  And I’ve only uncovered 10% of the entire world while Shani is level 24.

The game is amazingly diverse and very subversive with its story telling.  Nothing really feels grindy when you go out and explore the world.  There’s lots to do, which seems to be encouraged as the story goes along, because you never ever out level your content.  Granted, I don’t know what that’s like in the upper levels as I’ve only hit level 24, which is fine for my third day in the game.

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Posted by on August 29, 2012 in Fun, randomness


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Work is going to be slow

No matter how busy it is today, work is going to feel like it’s dragging.

Especially that last hour, it always does that.

Partially, because today is Friday, and work days always seem to drag slowly on a Friday.  As an example, Tuesday was very busy and seemed to zip by quite fast (albeit in a rather hectic “we’ve gotta bust our asses” kind of way).  Today, however, I have a decent workload, nothing too stressful.  But there’s no urgency to get things done as there is on a Tuesday.  I’m merely getting them done so I won’t have them to do on Monday when I come back from work.

The other reason why today is going to drag by slowly, is because a game I’ve been waiting for to come out is having their second beta weekend beginning today.  I’ve preordered it, and I’m ready to play.  Granted, I’m at work still.  That game is Guild Wars 2.  I think the biggest reason I’m excited for it is because they have given the player the ability to jump.  Which is fine, but it makes a huge difference.  The other, much larger reason, is because it’s a fantasy setting game, where I can use pistols.  Okay, flintlocks, but still its a step.

The third, and final reason for today going by so so slowly is for the event that I mentioned earlier.  That being Saturday and something rather special that only comes around once a year.  Yeah, tomorrow’s my birthday.  Some might say “but Tim, you’re like old”!  And I’ll answer with (first) “Oh shut it” (and then) “Age is just a number, really”.  You see, I got over the fact I turned 40 two years ago (simple math, 40, two years ago, makes me 42, or soon to be).  I can’t wallow in some depressed mulch over the fact I’m turning older.  It’s just something that happens.  I’m 42!  It means I’m still alive!

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Posted by on June 8, 2012 in Fun, Life, randomness


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Oh happy day

A game I have been looking forward to for some time is now available for pre-order.  And I took the plunge.

Guild Wars 2 is out (at least available for purchase) and I got it.

Now I’ll be able to continue some of the adventures of characters I made in Guild Wars, such as Villith, my crazy ranger who wrestles tigers, or Avalona, the warrior who wields a great axe.  I’m just gonna do my happy dance.  Can’t wait.

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Posted by on May 20, 2012 in Fun, randomness


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