Daily Archives: January 30, 2009

Hard times

Many people ask me to define poor. Well here we go. I’m on welfare, it expired, I have no food in my house. Ok that last part isn’t fully true, I have some food in my house, but not a lot.

I’ve always allowed myself to go hungry when there wasn’t always enough for everyone, or I would allow myself to have a very small amount to hold me over and drink water so I didn’t feel hungry.

Welfare is extremely difficult in Bloomington because they took away all the case workers and started doing everything over the phone. The biggest pain now is trying to get food in my house that will last until the welfare crap and get it’s back side in gear.

Today my pride took a big hit when I took myself, my boyfriend, and my son to the Templeton family market. Free food, who am I to complain. Sure there was stuff there that was expired, but beggars can’t be choosers. The people there were very nice and I guess understood what it was like to fall on hard times.

This is more like a pity party for me right now because I feel disgusted with myself that paying rent is more important that buying milk for my son. My hands are tied, I don’t make enough, nor does the boyfriend make enough to buy food each week. I’m working on a second job just so I can get to the point ends will meet.

I don’t know what else to do. Except wait out the rough times storm and hope for a clear day.

Down and out.

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Posted by on January 30, 2009 in Uncategorized

