Daily Archives: May 25, 2009

The Way I See It: Avast ye, all ye who come sail here!

Yarr!  I'm a pirate...

Yarr! I'm a pirate...

So recently, a few friends of mine and I were discussing some of the laws that surrounded the music industry. Both Canada and the United States have them as a way to protect the composer, distributor and the producer of the music that has been recorded. This was spurred on by the recent conviction of the creators of the popular torrent web site Pirate’s Bay. This is the site that allows users to download torrents that give them access to music, movies and software. That’s FREE access.

Our discussion revolved around this for a while. Several interesting points brought up. In this day and age of Immediacy (I read WIRED’s column by J.J. Abrams where he called it Age of Immediacy) we want things now. And we want it for free. But, while people want it now, and for free, there’s still a large percentage that are willing to pay through the nose to get something. Don’t think so? Then why are there people still trying to make real world money off of MMO gamers by charging for a few mill influence/infamy/gold/platinum in a digital world.

Let’s get back on track. That rant is for another time.

Back in the day of Napster, a massive campaign began that saw the music industry butting heads with users. Suddenly, anyone who owned a computer was guilty of downloading music illegally. But, that was the thing, it wasn’t illegal. But because of the fact that hundreds of thousands of people did it, it became wrong. No one complained to this extent when you had dual tape decks and could record cassette copy after cassette copy of Men at Work’s latest album (I did that). Sure, there was a concern, but not as big as it is now. Now, you can copy an album, or even download it, in less time than you need to get a drink of water.' this be me Jolly Roger!' this be me Jolly Roger!

After Napster (which shall now be known as AN) there was still file sharing, but there were also laws in place to police this type of activity. It’s still classed as a grey area because of the fact that people still do it. But here’s something for the music industry/Hollywood/print and publishing media. To the truly hardcore fan/collector, even if they get a copy of the movie/song/book they will still more than likely go out and buy the product when it comes out on store shelves (or A lot of newer artists can get noticed this way as well. Look at the current system of publishing. I point to and the free downloads of serial novels by writers who are the next gen of horror/action/romance/adventure/mystery…. I think you get the picture. Scott Sigler, JC Hutchins, Philippa Ballantine, Mur Lafferty, James Melzer…. I could go on and on and on…. All of these people not only have a book in book stores (in James case, WILL! WILL HAVE A BOOK IN STORES SOON *shameless plug*) and managed to get a major following from broadcasting their work FOR FREE! online. Granted, they did that on their own, through hard work and good marketing, to get their product that they believed in to as many people as possible. This example is something that the music industry should learn to use.

On the other hand…

Those who are the pirates, and they often will call themselves that, need to remember something. It’s called piracy, which according to the Oxford Dictionary…

• noun 1 the practice of attacking and robbing ships at sea. 2 the unauthorized use or reproduction of another’s work.

Just to be clear, here’s the Webster’s dictionary definition…

1: an act of robbery on the high seas ; also : an act resembling such robbery

2: robbery on the high seas

3 a: the unauthorized use of another’s production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright b: the illicit accessing of broadcast signals

Each of those definitions contains one word which is the same, and should make things glaringly clear. Robbery. The last I checked, robbery is an illegal act which is punishable in the court system. In both Canada and the United States (along with several other nations, several hundred other nations). Piracy is not just cool dudes who sail a ship, shout out “ARRRR Matey!” drink rum and snicker at serving wenches. I point to recent events regarding Somali pirates. Lives were endangered.

Okay, a tad extreme, yes. But the act of robbery is no different. I mean, if someone got past my Don Cherry security system and snagged my TV I’d be pretty pissed. So can you blame someone when the thing they’ve worked on, and have copyright too, is downloaded without any compensation whatsoever?

Until next time…

…keep ’em flyin’.

Zodi Highjack

I can’t help myself. I only really have one thing to say.

Pirates are cool. I’m talking like Pirates of the Caribbean style pirates. You want to download movies, music and crap like that then be prepared if you are caught. People skip over the FBI warnings and stuff like that at the beginning of a movie, but I have read through it. Fifteen to twenty years in a federal prison for piracy. All the more reason for me to keep limewire off my system.

Ahoy mateys

Keep it real and rockin’

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Posted by on May 25, 2009 in Opinion, randomness, Rants, The Way I See It


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