Daily Archives: February 4, 2010

Fangirl Interrupted!

I honestly think that I may just start posting a weekly thing about how everything is going in my life. This week is much much better than last.

I’ve got a new couch and got rid of that horrible grey beast that lurked in my house for several years, I’ve got my furniture moved around and situated. ExBF will be returning to Bloomington after his visit to a friend down in Alabama. Rhys I know is looking forward to it.

He will be staying with me for a little while and then he’ll be moving to a friends house. Things between him and I have been friendly awkward.

The stress levels in my life have gone down drastically. Through writing, yes writing, not a lot but a little bit each day. Gaming has helped and talking to my friends.

Recently, I’ve thought about giving up posting on the blog simply because it seems to be shifting gears so much that my little updaters seem highly out of place. For those of you that don’t know and I won’t go into extreme detail, Tim and I got into a really bad fight. Things were said that neither of us meant but it’s put a strain on our friendship. We are both trying to salvage as much as we can from the wreckage. I am hoping that one day we both wake up and realize that we are both being stubborn asses and we both get over ourselves.

I need Tim in my life, I always have, I always will. He is probably one of the few people who have been by my side through everything and right now he’s not there. He’s not entirely to blame for this. A lot of it was me. My mood shifted and slowly started locking myself in my head and pushing away what mattered most. And it took losing it for me to realize that I still care for Tim as my friend. My best friend. So much so that I’m willing to publicly tell everyone, I was in the wrong for treating him less than stellar when he’s been nothing but awesome for me.

I wish things could go back to the way they were, but as we live our lives. We grow, we change and as the old adage goes a branch that does not bend, breaks. I’m slowly feeling my way around this new life, but I’d like to keep some of the old one.

Another note of Zodi is I have found myself with an amazing amount of free time. This is because I was screwed out of my job. Do not fret none! I am fighting this. You see the day I called out of work, knowing I had half a point left of the six infractions we were allowed, I had no electric. I live in the States, it’s the middle of winter and no electric, means no heat for me. In a moment of desperation, I called out of work no knowing if I was going to be staying here in my apartment or if I was going to have to crash at a friends place for the night until I could get my electric sorted. This caused me to lose my job and my boss was very gracious about letting me off. Telling me he’d give me a good reference and avoid the topic of my attendance et cetera. However, I feel that I was terminated unfairly because my circumstance was fairly precarious. I have a child, his well-being comes before any job.

So yes, free time. This means I’m going to be watching lots and lots of movies and TV series. Currently on that list is Heroes. I’ve wanted to watch it since it’s come out, but haven’t because reception out here sucks monkey butt and I just realize how unprofessional I sounded say that. Ha! Anyways. I might see about doing a weekly Zodiview on whatever I’m watching at the time.

I’ve managed to break the vicious gaming cycle and have only started to play the game from sometime after the kidlet goes to bed til maybe 2 or 3 in the morning. Which really is as bad as playing nearly twenty-four hours a day.

I’m also getting my house in order and things shifted around to look more appealing for me and my changes. Yay. I’m really excited because I will be entering editing mode, which has taken a huge back burner since the less than epic battle of Zodi and Tim. Yes Tim, that’s right. You’re editor girl is back and dammit I want more work.

Slowly but surely I’m pullin’ it all together.

Keep it real and rockin’

PS who stole my insert image button?

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Posted by on February 4, 2010 in Life, Rants


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Sask Books: The Saskatchewan Secret: Folk Healers, Diviners, and Mystics of the Prairies

“The Saskatchewan Secret: Folk Healers, Diviners, and Mystics of the Prairies”

By Jacqueline Moore

Published by Benchmark Press

Review by Shanna Mann

$19.95 ISBN 978-0-9813243-2-6

It was inspiring to read about people with the intestinal fortitude to live unconventional lives. In our scientific, logical world that kind of nonconformity separates us from our fellow man at the same time as we learn the underlying truth– we are more inter-connected than we believe.

Jacqueline Moore wisely advises readers in the preface, “‘Reality’ is a curious word–it sounds undeniable, authoritative, scientific. But it’s a completely subjective concept… These individuals are truthfully depicting their version of reality; however, one’s personal version must not be — can not be — the whole, entire, and complete reality…I would ask that you simply accept that these are other good people’s real experiences; and that you keep an open mind.”
On one hand, many of the stories lined up with my personal beliefs, and perhaps I like the book simply because it makes me feel “right.” But on the other hand, when you read about faith healers invoking the Virgin Mary or Jesus and getting phenomenal results (an event which before reading this book I would have firmly and smugly attributed to group hysteria) and then turn the page and read about a medicine woman invoking spirit guides, boxers healing through touch, or a carpenter neutralizing earth energy, the similarities and coincidences suddenly become too numerous to ignore.

For provoking thought, this book is full of excellent material. What of the dowser who believes that cancer is caused be negative energy running under the places where we sleep? The plant-lady who speaks on behalf of those with no voices–plants. The medicine woman who sees little people– if they’re present in every culture in the world…maybe there is something to the stories. Above all the book forced me to examine the difference between faith, spirituality and religion, and what place these mysteries have in our lives. The boundaries are not where we thought they were, it seems.

This book is available at your local bookstore or online at

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Posted by on February 4, 2010 in Sask Books

