Blood of the Moon: Acadia Richardson

19 Feb

Clarissa has done it again!

Thanks to her talent, she has managed to bring another character that is a part of the forth coming Blood of the Moon series to life.  Acadia Xandra Richardson.  A very enigmatic woman, graceful and stylish, one would almost wonder why she is working at the local tavern called The Winter’s Club.  She has her reasons, and will only give them to those she trusts.  Acadia is very open about her sexuality, and has a knack for being able to read people quite well.  She carries herself as a woman who is quite worldly, and knows a great deal more than she lets on.

Acadia will be the first main character Chelsea will encounter in both her everyday guise as a criminal lawyer, and in her nocturnal hunt as the Black Bowhuntress.  Whatever steamy relationship arises between Chelsea and Acadia will only draw more questions about the woman herself, just how much does she really know about The City, and how long has she been around for.

Clarissa has provided two wonderful pieces, one featuring a rather sultry pose and the other showing Acadia in her work attire.

As always, Clarissa’s body of work can be found here.

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Posted by on February 19, 2010 in Blood of the Moon, photos, Writing


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