The couple in the house

15 Oct


31 Days of Ghosts presents another mysterious story.  Is it real, urban myth, or a complete fabrication?  You decide.

Being a married couple and both going to university must be incredibly difficult to manage the budget.  But there was such a couple in Regina, Saskatchewan who had a little help in their financial endeavors.

Needing a place to rent while attending university, and a place that was cheap was a difficult thing.  But this young couple managed to do it, finding a small, two bedroom bungalow where they could live relatively close to the University of Regina, attend classes and be within distance of many services in the city.  The property was owned by an elderly gentleman who said that his brother had owned it before, and passed it on when he died.  Not the most surprising information, as that sometimes happens with homes.

It wasn’t until they moved in that they began to notice they had a surprise guest.  Not one they could see, but they could feel there was someone in that house with them.  Especially when they’d come home late from classes or their jobs to find that the house had been straightened up.  This went on for several months.

Eventually, they lived in this house for a couple of years, until one day the gentleman who owned it informed them that he had to sell it.  Due to the fact that they were good tenants, he’d give them first shot to make an offer.  The couple didn’t know what to do.  They couldn’t budget for something like this.  They returned home, worried about where they’d have to move to or even if they could afford to buy the property.  When they entered their house, there on the table was a pad of paper, a pen and a calculator.

Determined they’d give it a try, they budgeted out what they needed to make mortgage payments, school and be able to live.  They decided they’d have to car pool, because having a truck and a small car was expensive.  Their house guest seemed to agree, as the couple found that the lock on the garage door was suddenly stuck, leaving their truck locked up tight.

There was always something that was there to remind them of a way to save money, and the continued tidying up when they were late coming home.

Eventually, they talked to the bank, showed them the budget plan, and things were set in motion.  They gave the gentleman an offer, and he accepted.  Before signing the deal, they asked about the gentleman’s brother, and made mention of the house guest.

“Doesn’t surprise me,” the gentleman said.  “My brother was a real estate agent before he retired.”

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Posted by on October 15, 2013 in 31 Days Of Ghosts, Ghost Stories, Weird facts


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