Daily Archives: August 19, 2009

Comic Talk: Comic book weddings

6a00d8342094e453ef011570ae968c970b-320wiI pick up my newspaper this morning, scan the headlines and take note of one splash in particular.

The heralded wedding of Archie to Veronica is just around the corner.

For those that don’t know, the world’s oldest teenager has reached adulthood. And he has made his decision as to the great debate; Betty or Veronica. It would seem that Archie has chosen financial stability with his announcement of marriage to the wealthy Veronica Lodge. Daddy’s got a lot of money, and Archie needs to plan for the future.

But what of Betty? As the article in the Star Phoenix stated, there could be a change of heart, but Archie Comics headquarters is on lockdown.

130397-2189-27607-2-amazing-spider-man-a_superSo, why is the wedding of Archie to Veronica so different than any other comic wedding? The answer is simple. Archie and his pals could very well exist in our world. Archie is everyman, Betty is the all American girl next door. Veronica the pin up girl we all dream of. Jughead, the best friend who happens to be a geek. All the characters of Archie comics are stereotypical in a way of people in real life. So that’s why there’s so much fan fare. Sure, it was great Peter Parker was able to settle down with Mary Jane Watson, but c’mon. None of us can shoot webbing from our wrists and wall crawl (without the proper safety equipment, that is). Archie’s got his beat up jalopee, which has evolved in a way, into something akin to my Hyundia Accent.

50274-4605-65731-1-x-men_superBut the question is, will the marriage last? Is there a possible surprise in store? I doubt there’ll be the earth shattering attack by super powered villains, as has been seen with the wedding of Scott Summers and Jean Grey. But off in the side is Betty, who’s always been pining for Archie. And there’s Reggie, who’s always made a habit of trying to make Archie look the part of the fool.

superman-the-wedding-album2Sure, the wedding of Archie of Veronica or Betty has been speculated, even fantasized about. And, granted, it’s not the first comic book wedding, but it’s probably the one with the most hype in other forms of media as well. Archie’s upcoming nuptials has received press in newspapers, radio, television and through internet forums. Quite possibly the only other wedding which has compared was the wedding of Superman and Lois Lane.

I guess we’ll have to see what issue #600 of Archie comics presents to us, and see what transpires over the planned mini series. Like I said earlier, Archie Comics HQ is being tight lipped about information, but the fan base is a buzz with speculation. I fgreen-arrow-black-canary-wedding-special1ind it entertaining, to say the least, as comic book weddings only held a passing interest for me. Probably the only one which I had even the faintest interest in was the wedding between Green Arrow and Black Canary. Being a very Winter/Spring wedding, it would be interesting to see if Dinah Lance could tame the wandering eye of Oliver Queen. Come to think of it, Archie has that quality as well, as he often falls to temptation from the fairer sex.

Maybe a peek at the prenup is in order.

Until Batman announces his own nuptials…

…Keep ’em flyin’!

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Posted by on August 19, 2009 in Fun, randomness


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Sask Books: Love and Laughter: A Healing Journey

LoveAndLaughter“Love and Laughter: A Healing Journey”

by Catherine Ripplinger Fenwick

Printed by St. Peter’s Press

Review by Shelley A. Leedahl


ISBN 1-896971-34-2

“Crises are part of the human condition …” writes Catherine Ripplinger Fenwick in the introduction to “Love and Laughter: A Healing Journey”. The book is in part “a psychological and spiritual first aid kit.” Inside it the Regina author, therapist, and educator offers anecdotes, quotations, poetry, prayers, jokes, affirmations, activities, cartoons, strategies, and information on making humour and hope part of daily life, which results in a healthier and more joyful existence. It is both a “work-book and a play-book,” and for those who need a lift, it could be just what the doctor ordered.

After a breast cancer diagnosis in 1990, Ripplinger Fenwick set out on her lifelong goal to write a book, recognizing the importance “healthy humour and hope” would play in her healing journey. She maintains that laughter is important because it “enriches all aspects of life,” and because it reduces stress, it also encourages numerous physical benefits, including the production of “endorphins and disease fighting immune cells.”

The book is bursting with fun and interesting suggestions for examining and improving one’s emotional life. It begins with a quiz which tests one’s “L.Q.” (“Laughter Quotient”), suggests readers keep a “thanksgiving journal,” and create a “Healing Activities Chart.” The writer recommends making a “Love and Laughter First Aid Kit.” Hers consists of books, photo albums, games, toys, wigs, and “dress-up” costumes.

Yes, crises are part of the human condition, but as the author writes, “[you can] overcome them as well as anyone.” “Love and Laughter” is her handbook for happiness. It can be yours, too.

This book is available from your local bookstore or from the Saskatchewan Publishers Group at

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Posted by on August 19, 2009 in Sask Books


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