A lot of FEELINGS!

15 Mar

Titled such because there is a lotta stuff I wanted to talk about today, a veritable potpourri of things, and just so little time to do it.  It takes less time to hit “like” and “reblog” than it does to actually sit down and write several posts (or even one).

First, I really would like to thank everyone who sent me support and such when I posted this up a couple of days ago.  My faith had sort of hit rock bottom and it was nice to hear from encouraging people, especially early-onset-of-night (who posts some great op-eds and awesome poetry) and filmsfoodandfandom who gave some good advice.  I appreciate every bit of it, and I appreciate everything from everyone who either sent me messages or always continue to follow me.

Last week, I felt like crap!  As it turned out, I had the flu, when I thought I was having a stroke.  I went to the doctor today and it turns out I have inflamed tendons in my rotator cuff of my left shoulder.  The short translation of that is, I’m fucking old!  Seriously, I’m 41, this shit happens when you get to a certain age.  The joints don’t move as well as they used to.  So, I now have exercises that I need to perform, along with taking an anti-inflammatory, in order to decrease the inflammation in my tendons on my left shoulder.

Naturally, I had to go to the pharmacy to get some, which as luck should have it is also located in the food store.  Local Co-ops are great!

Milk!  Bread!  Those turkey strips things for $7.99!  Toothpaste!  Toilet paper!  The anti-inflammatory!  Coffee!  I got what I needed and a little bit more including a purchase from the small book aisle of the store.

Yeah, more reading for me.

Of course, leaving the store, that voice in my head that warns me of danger said “I think you forgot something, dude!”  Yeah, that’s fine, you’ll remind me when I get home.  Also, you, Sir Voice, would suck when warning me of an oncoming big rig.  By the time you warned me, I’d be dead and the truck would be half a mile away.  Seriously, you suck.

As luck would have it, when I arrived home and finished unpacking groceries…

Brown sugar.

One last thing, I know I didn’t post up a new Rocket Fox episode yesterday, and there won’t be one today, I just haven’t had the time the past couple of days, but I can assure you, dear readers, that the adventure will pick up again on Friday!

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Posted by on March 15, 2012 in Life, randomness


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