Category Archives: Flag on my Backpack

The Heroic League Project: Villains

Every story with superheroes needs villains.  The Heroic League is no different.  While the group(s) will fight against political and economic corruption, they’ll also go toe to toe with some world class baddies.  In the beginning, the main focus will be on the FLQ, with some mentions of the IRA (mostly that Britannia disobeyed orders to go into Ireland, find the leaders of the IRA, and kill them).  But there will also be the world shaking megalomaniacs, the solitary psychopaths, the individuals bent on revenge, and those claiming that the current world is corrupt and needs to be destroyed so a new world can rise from the ashes.

Creative Commons License
The Heroic League by Tim Holtorf is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Angus McIntyre

Angus represents a sort of cross between the FLQ and the IRA, as he threw his support behind the IRA, then when he escaped capture and fled to Canada, he backed the FLQ.  In reality, his motives are not political at all.  He’s an arsonist, and he loves his work.  It’s not so much an art for him as the act of creating the needed materials to destroy a targeted area.  He’ll come up against Canadien a few times before he’s put behind bars.  Even behind bars, he’ll play an integral role for the heroes beyond the 1970s and well after the October Crisis.

Liota Mandrake

Liota Mandrake is the wizard behind the curtain, so to speak.  She has honourable ends to justify her actions.  Wanting to create a better world for the human race, one that will benefit everyone.  Sounds nice, right?  However, how she goes about this is another thing.  Purchasing large numbers of facilities through her company Mandrake Biogenetic, she puts human beings through rigourous testing, some are successful, others die, and some have life altering side effects.  Mandrake manages to stay one step ahead of the authorities, always covering her tracks.  She is a constant thorn in the side of the Mannekin for decades.

Oliver Featherstone

Featherstone is a former black ops member of the British military.  He volunteered during the British government’s secret testing project that resulted in creating Britannia (Melanie Cooper was also a volunteer of that project).  Oliver even volunteered to see how well Britannia’s fighting ability was.  To Her shock and the shock of her superiors, she nearly killed Oliver.  Because of this, she vowed never to use her powers at full strength, as she constantly pulls her punches whenever she is with the group dubbed the Heroic League.  Oliver wants revenge.  He believes he should have been chosen as the last candidate for the project, not someone like Cooper.  He believes that Britannia failed in her mission to kill every threat the IRA brought forward.

The Oligarchy

The name was loosely translated from computer files of the aliens species that gave Emerald, Hydro, Prairie Fire and Tiger Lily their amulets of power.  They at first appeared benevolent in their ideas, encouraging the four to help wherever they could.  But after two years their more malevolent nature came out, as the amulets began “rewriting” a program over top of the moral choices the four had been raised with.  This caused the entire group (Canadien, Free Spirit, Britannia, Mannekin, and Yellow Jacket) along with the newest member, Bowhunter, to face the Galactic Warriors in a heated battle.  As Britannia and Emerald fought an earth shaking battle, it was Free Spirit who was able to deactivate the program from the amulets.  This allowed Britannia and Emerald to take the fight to the Oligarchy’s mothership.


Former Roman Catholic priest, Father Francois Carbaneau believed he had become the “wrath of God” and began a one man war against all that he deemed evil in the world.  No one was able to explain the incredible power he had, nor were they able to explain the flaming broadsword he carried, all they did know is that he was nearly unstoppable.  He became fixated with the second Mannekin, calling him brother and saying they were fighting the same battle.  Trinity nearly kills Yellow Jacket, denouncing him for being openly gay.  Yellow Jacket escapes from Trinity’s path which allows Britannia and Emerald to bring him down.  Neither one pulls their punches, and it takes all their power to stop Trinity and bring him to justice.

Stewart Maxwell

Stewart Maxwell is the son that Donelda and Gerald gave up for adoption when they decided that they wanted to try making a go of it on their own, without relying on their parents wealth.  Finding it was impossible to raise a child without a decent income, they finally decided that it would be best to give the child up for adoption to a family more capable of raising him.  Three years later, Derrik is born after Donelda and Gerald finally take employment through Gerald’s parent’s company, Stewart Enterprises.  When Maxwell learns of all of this, he becomes obsessed with revenge.  The SE fortune could have been his, and he targets both Mannekins (II & III) along with Donelda.  Never directly, but he taunts them, always saying they could have stopped all of this.  His acts are murder, and he takes delight in it, making a macabre canvas with his victims.  His victims have no connection, they are individuals of opportunity.  He never sees people as people, more like objects he can manipulate.  While Mannekin and especially Donelda, are his primary targets, he becomes obsessed with Free Spirit II and the Bowhuntress in Ravenport, Maine.

The Sisterhood

The Sisterhood is an age old organization dating back thousands of years.  Some say they originally were Amazons, others say they began in the far east.  While the written history of the Sisterhood is lost, this secret organization lives on.  Every member is female, all are trained and educated in a vast number of fields, and all are expert assassins.  Each member is given a code name, such as Sister White, Sister Eventide, Sister Valhalla, Sister Tuskaloosa, and so on.  Raw recruits are simply named “daughters” as are the very rare times when a child is born into the organization.  It was rumoured at one time males were killed while females were kept, and it’s believed now male fetuses are aborted before birth.  There is no evidence of this occurring, and some say that male infants are actually left with orphanages.  The organization is lead by one who calls herself the Matriarch.  She is often the oldest woman in the organization, and she alone can leave the group without any reprisal.  Some have, and one current ex-Matriarch actually gives the members of the Heroic League information.  She acts as a librarian at the Francis Morrison Library in Saskatoon.  Any members who do leave are often hunted down and killed.  To date, only three members have escaped this fate; Sister White who lives in Bishop Hills, Texas; Sister Eventide, who lives in Ravenport, Maine; and Sister Jadda, the daughter of Sister Jade, now living in Detroit, Michigan.  While the Sisterhood acts of it’s own accord, there are times when members are instructed to assist the Heroic League, as it is beneficial not only for the organization, but also for the greater good.

The Red Hand

Whereas the Sisterhood is an ancient group of female assassins, the Red Hand is much newer, and operates with a decidedly different objective.  The Red Hand is much more military in it’s influence, and often hires out their cells as mercenaries to whichever government needs to keep order.  The Red Hand, lead by a man known only as The Watcher, likes the current status quo, and will fight to keep it that way.  Like the Sisterhood, any members who leave are often hunted down and killed.  While the Red Hand will use the services of the Sisterhood, there is no love lost between the two organizations.  Currently there is one cell that has managed to leave the Red Hand; Bravo 10, lead by Operative Violet Rose, second in command Omega Six, reconn 6-2-6, explosives expert Crimson Luna, and intelligence officer Indigo Beta.  These people are more commonly known as Jonathon Tiberius Walker, Malcolm Montgomery Watt, Joseph Chen, Chelsea Morgan, and Isabella Giamatti.  Walker and Watt currently live in Bishop Hills, Texas along with Marianne Wollcott (a.k.a. Sister White), while Morgan is the Assistant District Attorney for the city of Ravenport, and lives with her sister Yolanda (the two are also known as Free Spirit and the Bowhuntress).  Chelsea and Yolanda are aided by Darla Drobsky, formerly known as Sister Eventide.

Those are the villains and villain groups so far.  There will most likely be others in the future.

Creative Commons License
The Heroic League by Tim Holtorf is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


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The Heroic League Project: Timeline and Soundtracks

The Heroic League Project is a series of stories that begin in 1970 and run right up until today.  Along with the stories, they have their own soundtrack that equals the year of events.  This is broken down into it’s basic descriptions of each year and the event taking part in that year.  At present, this is just getting thoughts down in a quick format, and eventually these will be expanded to include small descriptions of locations, clothing styles, attitudes, and even political belief.

It’s long, and currently ends in 2004, though there is more to it than that.

Creative Commons License
The Heroic League by Tim Holtorf is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Read the rest of this entry »


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Ravenport: Chapter One

The first chapter of the February Writer’s Challenge!

Ravenport, Maine is a mysterious place.  East of Bangor and only twenty minutes from the U.S./Canada border lay this sleepy little port city.  It holds a dark secret and draws in some of the worst kind of people, seeking power and fame through unnatural means.  But it also draws people who want to prevent the perversion of the power and keep it hidden away.

A series of murders has taken place.  Is this just a random act, the actions of a serial killer, or someone who is trying to find a way to appease the evil that resides around Ravenport.  It’s up to Yolanda Morgan and Chelsea Morgon to find out.

Click the link to download the first part of the adventure.

Ravenport Chpt 1


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February Writer’s Challenge: Ravenport FAQ


The February Writer’s Challenge is on, and so far it’s doing well.  I went above and beyond for the first day, and hope to equal that with today’s run.  This post is about answering some questions about why I’m writing this piece.  Here’s some interesting questions I’ve received about this project.

It’s about superheroes, why try to add in a mirror of real life?

When we write we often use real life as an inspiration.  So the characters and events I’ve created are based on things in real life.

So, you’re being an SJW by having two black characters?

No, not really.  In every city in North America, there’s a huge amount of diversity.  It would be extremely foolish to think that a large urban center would have only white people.  Even in Saskatchewan, there’s a large amount of diversity.  Since moving to Humboldt, I’ve noticed a great number of people from different ethnic backgrounds who live here.  Sure, this place started as a very white European population, but as years went by, people from different backgrounds moved here.  And many hold down jobs we’d consider higher professional, like doctors and lawyers.  It isn’t uncommon for someone of African or Western Asian ancestry to have a job in a small Saskatchewan town as a doctor.  That’s why the two main characters of Ravenport are both black, both female.

Yeah, but why do you have to make things gay?

If you mean “make things gay” by having a gay (or in this case, lesbian) character, again, sexual orientation is a fact.  There are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and so on people who live in this world and hold down jobs.  So yes, I made Chelsea Morgan, a.k.a. the Bowhuntress (pictured above) as a lesbian woman.  If you pay attention to the media and what politicians are doing throughout the United States (or trying to do with very oppressive voter ID laws, abortion bans and the like) then you could almost say Chelsea is triple cursed.  She’s a young, black woman, who is a lesbian.  Right now being black, being a woman and being gay are huge things that extreme right wing politicians hate.

So, it’s a SJW thing?

No, as I said before, it isn’t about social justice.  It’s about representation.  African American representation in media is sorely lacking.  So is LGBTQ representation.  So is First Nation representation.  And on, and on, and on.  Most of the comic books, television shows, video games, movies and books have white people as either the protagonist, or play the white knight who helps the poor brown people.  Ravenport is about people first and foremost, superheroes secondly, but it ultimately is about the lives, careers, friends and family of Yolanda Morgan and Chelsea Morgan.  Both of whom happen to be black women.

Yeah, but you’re a white dude.  Why can you think you can write something like this?

First, I’m pretty positive I’m not an expert on what it’s like to be a black woman.  But, I do have a creative imagination, and I do this thing called research.  Talk to people (like, surprisingly, black women), learn their stories, and above all, listen to them.  Each person has a different experience, each person has a unique way of looking at things, and we (meaning the rest of us) have to shut up and listen sometimes.

There’s another reason why I’ve decided to make this.  Yes, I’m a white dude.  You can put a picture of me beside freshly fallen snow and you won’t be able to tell the difference.  I come from a place of privilege.  And in this case, I’m going to use my privilege to try and increase representation.  This is where privilege can be used positively.  But you still have to be careful, take care in the writing, and be true to the characters.  Don’t slap stereotypes into place just because it seems cool.

Yeah, but both your characters are geniuses.  Isn’t that really kind of like a Mary Sue?  Aren’t black people not known for being like that?

First, I think you’ve got the wrong description of what a Mary Sue is.  Second, remember what I said about stereotypes?  If you pay attention to news feeds (and I mean all news feeds) you’ll find a great number of women of colour are doing incredible things academically.  So it’s not so far off the track that two women graduated high school at 15 or 16, went onto college and university and obtained Masters Degrees in their fields by 21 and 22.  That stuff happens, and is happening right now.

It’s still not very realistic to have a single mother get a Masters while taking care of a child.

Let me answer that question with a question; you’re questioning the realism of whether or not Yolanda Morgan can be a single mother, do extremely well in college, get a good job with a police department, but you’re okay with the fact she’s a voodoo priestess and can cast magic spells?  That part you’re okay with?  And, the fact she dresses up in a patriotic uniform, and hunts down criminals late at night.  Magic, and superhero ability, totally okay.  Single mother genius, totally unrealistic.  Is that it?

Why not place the story in a real city like New York or Boston?

I thought about that for a time, and while I think it would be cool for someone who may be reading this who might live in Bangor or Portland, Maine to go “hey, I know that place” this also produces a problem.  I don’t know that place.  It’s easier to make up a city, therefore you have control of the city planning, so to speak.  And I know it’s easy now to use Google maps to look up a place like Chicago or Boston for street names and addresses, but you don’t get the vibe or the feel of the place.  Taking you’re own experiences, you can insert a feel to an area of a made up city.  Which is what I did with Ravenport.  There’s areas that feel like Saskatoon, some that feel like Winnipeg, others that feel like Vancouver (all places I have been to, visited, or lived in).

In the end, I want Ravenport to ultimately be a good story.  That’s what it’s all about.  I believe in the characters fully, I like them a great deal, and I want to see how much trouble I can put them in.



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February Writer’s Challenge

The writer’s challenge for the month is underway.  For today, I’ve already written 2500 words (which is 1500 more than what is called for during the February writer’s challenge).  The goal is 1000 words a day to create a 28,000 word story (29,000 during a leap year).  Here’s a quick synopsis of what I’m writing.

Ravenport, Maine is strange as it is.  A port city on the eastern sea board with a population of 250,000.  Rumour has it that Ravenport sits on what is called some of the most evil land in the world.  Such a thing can attract some strange things, things that seek power.  But it also can attract some people willing to fight against that.  Detective Yolanda Morgan and Asistant District Attorney Chelsea Morgan are two such people.  The sisters work within the law, but Yolanda has talents that help with her investigations.  Being a practiced voodoo priestess means she can gather evidence in rather unorthodox manners.  Together, Yolanda and Chelsea are known by other names, names that they keep secret.  When night falls, they take up the names of Free Spirit and the Bowhuntress, a pair of costumed vigilantes who are the self proclaimed protectors of Ravenport and her citizens.  With these guises, the pair can do things they couldn’t normally.  And now they have the beginnings of a serial murder that has ritualistic overtones.  Is someone killing off people with the hopes of gaining power?  What does this mean for the status quo in Ravenport?  And just how many people are on this hit list?

And now a short snippet of what I’ve written.

“Vic is still warm,” Carson explained. “Maybe an hour before we were called.” Carson sighed as he tossed aside his cigarette. “I was gonna take my wife out to dinner today.”

“It’s your anniversary,” Yolanda said with a smile. “It’s morning, Carson. You’ve still got time.”

“Yeah, but now I’m gonna have this mess on my mind,” he added. “Plus what we called you in for.”

“You’ve seen this before, Carson,” Yolanda said as they walked into the apartment and began climbing the stairs down to the basement suites. “This ain’t new for you.”

“It ain’t new, but it’s still unnerving.”

Both detectives entered the small apartment, a one bedroom facing the east. The walls were covered in posters depicting scenes of space, some from the Hubble telescope, others from science fiction novel covers that were blown up and framed. There was a small kitchenette beside the living room, a bedroom connected to the living room and a bathroom off of the bed room. The victim was laying spread eagle in the living room between the couch and the television. Yolanda took a look around the room, trying to figure out anything that might be out of place. Coffee table looked moved, pushed against one wall to make room for the victim. A pair of beer bottles sat on the coffee table. A jacket, possibly the victim’s, was neatly folded and laying on the couch.

There were three others in the apartment, all crime scene investigators. They’d closed the blinds on the windows to keep the light of the rising sun out. Hopefully they’d taken a close look at the window sills before doing that.

“Alright, everybody out,” Morgan said as she focused her attention on the victim’s body. “Except you, Mendez. And you, Carson.” Mendez was a slight, young man who was dusting the counter in the kitchen for prints, he looked up as Yolanda called out her order and made an audible gulping sound. As the other two crime scene investigators left the room, Carson closed the door.

Mendez walked up to Carson as Yolanda began muttering something as she stood at the feet of the body and whispered to him. “This isn’t standard protocol, is it?”

“No, it most certainly is not,” he said as he still watched Yolanda. Five years before, Yolanda had told Carson she was a voodoo priestess, and that sometimes she used her abilities to help solve the crimes that took place in Ravenport. She revealed this because she needed a person she could trust in order to do things like this. Most often, the spells she cast were simple ones, things that revealed something and pointed her in the right direction. But this, what she was doing now, this was pretty heavy.

“I know you guys told me that Detective Morgan is a witch…”

“Voodoo priestess,” Carson corrected.

“Yeah… but, what’s she doing?”

To answer Mendez’s question, the victim’s corpse began shaking and slightly writhing. Then it began coughing and it seemed to be filled with a light. Mendez just stared blankly, and it took Carson a bit to push him further into the room.

“What the …” the corpse seemed to sputter in a raspy voice. “Why the fuck am I on the floor?” He looked around, or at least as much as he could, then stared at Yolanda. “And who the fuck are you?”

“I’m Detective Morgan,” Yolanda explained as she crouched down, resting on her haunches. “That’s Detective Carson, and that’s Officer Mendez. He’s a crime scene investigator.”


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Free Spirit and the Bowhuntress: Ravenport


Each year I usually come to a decision on a writing project.  This year is no different.  This is the major project, I’ll still be writing short stories with the gunslinging elves, but this one takes place in the Heroic League Universe.

Set in the gothic coastal city of Ravenport, Maine, it stars the sisters Yolanda and Chelsea Morgan.  By day, Yoland is a detective for the Ravenport City Police Department, an expert in forensic psychology and crime scene analysis.  Chelsea is the Assistant District Attorney for the City of Ravenport.  By night, Yolanda is the costumed vigilante known as Free Spirit, a flag wearing superhero who has a knack of getting herself into and out of trouble with ease.  She is also a trained voodoo priestess, and uses her powers to help solve homicides, calling on the spirit of the recently killed to give some insight into why and how they died.  Chelsea is the bowslinger known as the Bowhuntress.  Much more rough around the edges, she’s as much a brawler as she is a marksman with her bow.  Together they investigate the seemingly supernatural activities that plague Ravenport and her citizens.

Both women were born in Shreveport, Louisiana to a large family (this family included Regina Morgan-Simms, the first Free Spirit, and Lewis Morgan, the original Bowhunter).  Both are of Haitian ancestry, and know quite well of the gifts bestowed upon them.  At least, the ones bestowed to Yolanda.  While all Morgan women are blessed with the arcane abilities of their mother, Chelsea did not have these gifts.  Thus, her mother made sure she was protected, covering her with warding tattoos to drive off evil spirits.

Both women are geniuses, having graduated high school at 15 (Yolanda) and 14 (Chelsea), and obtaining Masters degrees in psychology and forensic sciences by the age of 21 (Yolanda) and law by the age of 19 (Chelsea).  Each has seen their share of set backs.  Chelsea was a troubled youth and was known as a runaway.  She joined with a world wide underground organization called the Red Hand until her commanding officer decided enough was enough and it was time to get out of Dodge.  Yolanda is a single mother, and claims the only good thing about her ex-boyfriend is their daughter, Tamara.  Yolanda had Tamara at the age of 17, and still managed to obtain her Masters while tending to the needs of her daughter.

As Free Spirit and the Bowhuntress, they’re a pair of street wise, ass kicking ladies who will do anything to protect the citizens of the city they live in, and keep evil at bay.  Free Spirit is given a bit of a pass, due to her more patriotic attire (though, there are those who scream about the fact a black woman is wearing the flag).  Bowhuntress, on the other hand, is the target of shock op-ed television host, Norman Holder.  He deems her a danger to the city, and demands the police do everything to take her down.

The two have their backup, as they have their brother Lewis, who owns a custom bike shop in Ravenport, with a deep basement that houses their base of operations.  Darla Drobsky, formerly the assassin with the Sisterhood known as Sister Eventide, is their information gatherer.  And former street gang memebers, Tito, Anthony, Ricki and Zee round out the group that helps Free Spirit and Bowhuntress take on criminal elements, corrupt politicians, and the evils that live in the soil surrounding Ravenport.

Free Spirit and the Bowhuntress writing soundtrack:

  • Amaranthe – The Nexus
  • Limp Bizkit – Break Stuff
  • Bleeker Ridge – Small Town Dead
  • Seven Dust – Enemy
  • Wicked Wisdom – Something Inside of Me
  • Within Temptation – Paradise (What About Us?)
  • Van Halen – Humans Being
  • Guns ‘n Roses – Welcome To The Jungle
  • Live – Lightning Crashes

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The Heroic League Project: Writing Teaser

“The word you’re looking for, Lieutenant, is Medusa,” Amanda said without hesitation. “In fact, THE Medusa.” She sat behind the desk with her hands clasped together like a doctor who was giving some promising news to a patient. “Lieutenant, perhaps you should sit down.” I snapped to reality (if you could call it that) and finally sat down again. Nothing in my military training prepared me for this. “I know you have a thousand questions, Lieutenant, and all will be answered in time,” Amanda said in her most reassuring voice. “As for me, yes, I am Medusa. It’s taken me a thousand years to be able to talk about what happened to me. I am the one who was raped by Poseidon. I was cursed by the gods and forced to live in exile. What isn’t true is that Perseus killing me.” She paused, smiling slightly as though she were thinking back to an old memory. “Though, the wordsmiths, scribes, heralds and bards did a good enough job changing the story to sound more heroic. They also managed to leave out the rather embarrassing event that took place to Perseus. Good thing he had children before meeting me.” She left that little tidbit of information up for interpretation, though I had a feeling I knew what she meant.

from my current writing in the Heroic League Project, Of Hawks and Kestrels.  Lieutenant Naomi Simonson (nee Running Cloud), is ushered into the office of Assistant Director Amanda, the second in charge of a branch of CSIS called The Paranormal Division.  Naomi and the man who escorted her, Timothy Michaels, are the only two humans who are members of the agency.  Naomi will eventually be given the code name the Grey Kestrel.  This takes place only a few months before the events in the book Canyons of Steel.


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The Heroic League: Nobody Guns For My Family

A tale from the Heroic League.  Starring John T. Walker, Malcolm Montgomery Watt, Marianne Wollcott, Sister Eventide, and the Mannequin.  Click the link for pdf download.

Nobody Guns For My Family


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Heroic League: Mannequin III bio

Mannequin IIImannkin2000s
Real Name: Elanor Wollcott
Born: April 15, 1986, Brighton, East Sussex, England
Affiliations: Personal secretary for Donelda Stewart
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 115 lbs
Powers: Hand to hand combat training, gymnast level ability, keen eye for detail, excellent hearing
Current residence: Vancouver, British Columbia
Elanor Wollcott was born into a family that traditionally had acted as diplomats and liason for governments and industrialists. The Wollcott name was well known as being competent arbiters with a non-biased opinion. It wasn’t surprising when Elanor’s older sister Maxine, became the personal secretary for Stewart Industries in Canada. As Elanor began her education, her sister Marianne disappeared. It wasn’t until years later when Elanor had replaced Maxine as the personal secretary for Derrik Stewart that she found out Marianne had joined an ultra secret organization called the Sisterhood.
Upon Derrik’s death during the event that was caused by the criminal known as Trinity, Elanor became the personal assistant for Donelda Stewart, Derrik’s mother and the first Mannequin. It was while in Donelda’s employ that Elanor began to show an interest in the history of the Mannequin, comparing the differences between Donelda and Derrik. Donelda saw this as an opportunity to train her own replacement. With hands on guidance, she could be the person that she couldn’t be for her own son, and help Elanor be a Mannequin for a new generation.


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Heroic League: Free Spirit II Bio

Free Spirit IIfree spirit 2000s
Real Name: Yolanda Morgan
Born: September 17, 1982, Shreveport, Louisianna
Affiliations: Ravenport City Police Department
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 175 lbs
Powers: Mystic abilities, able to cloak herself, shift her molecules to phase through walls, can produce psychic blades
Current residence: Ravenport, Maine
Yolanda Morgan is the third youngest of the Morgan children.  While she is a practiced voodoo priestess, she went to college to study forensic sciences and psychology.  Both of these she felt would give her a good resume for the career she wanted, which was in law enforcement.  She began college young, almost as young as her younger sister Chelsea.  Yolanda entered university at the age of 16 (Chelsea was 15, and earned a Masters in Law by the age of 20).  When Yolanda entered college, she also began dating.  It didn’t last long, though, as her boyfriend skipped town when she announced she was pregnant.  Her pregnancy didn’t deter her from her studies, and she graduated at 24 with a degree in psychology and a degree in forensic studies.
After a few years, she moved to Revenport, Maine to be with her sister Chelsea, who was the assistant district attorney for the City of Ravenport.  Yolanda became a detective for the Ravenport City Police Department.
During her work, she noticed several strange cases, and found that the normal mode of investigation wasn’t going to work.  Knowing her sister Regina once was the costumed hero Free Spirit, she chose the mantle and began to investigate crimes using it, joined by her sister who had taken the name the Bowhuntress.


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