Category Archives: Flag on my Backpack

The Heroic League

More downloadable pdf stories.

Okay, just two, but still…

Each of these is a link to a pdf.  Just give it a click and download to your computer to read at your leisure in your pdf reader.

A lesson in life | Cayons of Steel | Flag on my Backpack Pt1 | Flag on my Backpack Pt2

Flag on my Backpack Pt3 | Lawman in a lawless land

The new ones are Flag on my Backpack Pt3 and Lawman in a lawless land.  The former is a part of Canadienne’s story, with the later being a part of the Canyons of Steel story.  Please note, all of these are in a very first draft setting.


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Heroic League: Canad-ARMED bio

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be posting biographies that will be included in the Heroic League Project page.


Canad-ARMEDReal Name: Not Applicable
Born: created mid 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia
Affiliations: Stewart Industries
Height: 6’0″
Weight: 260 lbs
Powers: Multi defensive capabilities, invulnerability, flight, GPS Unit, multi language conversational mode
Current residence: between Vancouver, British Columbia and Windsor, Ontario
Canad-ARMED, or Ari as she/he likes to be called, is the creative collaboration between Donelda Stewart of Stewart Industries and Nikki Hargrove, an engineer from Windsor, Ontario and the daughter of Richard Hargrove, the first Yellow Jacket. Donelda wanted to create a android that could be issued for emergency response purposes and be able to enter hazardous situations.
Ari has a personality all her/his own. Ari does not have a gender outside of two chassis that are used as armour plating for the main components for Ari’s systems. One appears male and the other appears female. Ari will often choose which one to appear as on different days. Ari also has come to calling Nikki and Donelda ‘mother’.

More biographies coming soon.


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Heroic League: Canadienne Bio

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be posting biographies that will be included in the Heroic League Project page.


Dominique (Dom) Turgeon as the electrifying Canadienne.

Dominique (Dom) Turgeon as the electrifying Canadienne.

Real Name: Dominique Turgeon
Born: July 1, 2986, Laval, Quebec
Affiliations: Blanc Noir (independent metal band)
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 125 lbs
Powers: extensive martial arts training, gymnastic abilities, and can rock out on any guitar placed in front of her
Current residence: Montreal, Quebec
All Dominique wanted to be since she was a child was the lead guitarist of a rock band.  But she knew of her father’s exploits as Canadien, and as fate would have it, she would share in his legacy.  When she was sixteen years old, her best friend, Yves, was beat up by a bunch of punks.  She raced home, demanding her father put on the uniform again and go after them.  After a great deal of debate, it was finally decided that Dom should take up the mantle of Canadien.
Since then, Dominique has found ways to balance her private life, public life in a metal band, and her life as a vigilante.  It isn’t always easy, but she does manage to do it.  It became much better when she told her bandmates and her girlfriend Michelle that she lead this dual life.

More biographies coming soon.


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Slight redesign


I’ve done a major facelift to one of my pages at my wordpress blog.  That’s been to the Canyons of Steel page (which seriously needed it).  It is now the Heroic League page, and will contain everything I have written in that super hero universe (which includes Canyons of Steel).

It will contain pdf downloads of stories, bios of characters and a lot more.  Cruise over to The Heroic League Page.

Each of these is a link to a pdf.  Just give it a click and download to your computer to read at your leisure in your pdf reader.

A lesson in life | Cayons of Steel | Flag on my Backpack Pt1 | Flag on my Backpack Pt2

I have also added character bios and a new one which happens to be for the character of Ari (Canad-ARMED), an android created by Stewart Industries and young engineer Nikki Hargrove.  Plus, there’s pictures of each character bio.  Here’s the one for Ari.



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It’s NaNoWriMo

This year’s project is different than year’s past.  I’m delving into the world of superheroes, but it does have a familiar ring to it.

It’s set in the same world as what I created for Canyons of Steel.  It begins in 1971.

theheroicleagueproject002A group of heroes from Britain, Canada and the United States who come together to prevent a massive terrorist attack and uncover the conspiracy of those wanting to escalate the attack.

The original heroes of this long story are:

  • Britannia (Melanie Coopers)
  • Canadien (Jean Pierre Turgeon)
  • Mannekin (Donelda Stewart)
  • Free Spirit (Regina Morgan-Simms)
  • Yellow Jacket (Richard Hargrove)

They are based on some of the superhero archetypes found in comics, some being patriotic figures, dark avengers, pulp hero style detectives, magic users and what not.  There are feats of bravery, powers of invincibility, car chases, and even touching moments with family.

This year’s NaNoWriMo is called The Heroic League Project.

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Posted by on November 1, 2013 in Canyons of Steel, Flag on my Backpack, Writing


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The Heroic League: Third Wave

Yesterday was the second wave for this story idea, as it explored the 1990s.  The day before was the first wave as it explored the 1970s.  Welcome to the 21 Century.  Lots of new characters to go over here.  And, there’s even a couple of pictures to go with these ones.

The year is 2000

Ending the 1990s, a manhunt began for Raven Running Cloud as an Amber Alert was issued. Raven went missing after a house fire killed Miranda Running Cloud, wife of Maxwell Running Cloud. Together with a colleague at the University of Saskatchewan where Max was a professor, they developed a suit and wing harness. He dubbed himself The Hawk as he began his search for his daughter in his own way, and fought street crime and tried to get First Nations kids off the streets and into a better life.

In 2001, the world watched as terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Centre. In Petawawa, Ontario, soldiers at the base watched the morning news in shock. It wasn’t soon after that Canada joined the United States in a large manhunt for the leader of the attacks, Osama bin Laden. Among those soldiers sent was Peter Simonson, captain in 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Unit, husband of Lieutenant Naomi Running Cloud. Together they have a son. Peter is ordered to join the operations in Afghanistan, while Naomi stays in Petawawa. Four months later, Peter is killed in action. Not long after, CSIS Paranormal Division approaches Naomi. She is given a suit and calls herself The Grey Kestrel.

CSIS Paranormal Division itself was an oddity. Officially, it didn’t exist. It was developed in the Second World War as a branch of a similar organization developed by the British Government. The reason why it officially didn’t exist was because only one operative within the agency was actually human; Naomi Running Cloud. The world she entered was one that was often thought to live in nightmare and fantasy. The director was a half vampire, the assistant director a Medusa, various goblins, trolls, half dragons, and other beings thought only to live in myth were among the in house agents, a few werewolves and half vampires were field agents. They even had mermaids among their ranks.

In 2002, Johnathon Tiberius Walker (known as Operative Violet Rose) sets in plan his and his unit’s escape from the underground paramilitary organization known as The Red Hand. Together with his operatives Omega Six, Crimson Luna, Indigo Beta, and Grey 6-2-6, Walker tries to deceive the deceivers during an op in Columbus, Ohio. It appears things may go wrong when Operative Pravda, a former KGB Agent named Dimitri Kovolenko, and members of a second secret organization called The Sisterhood. Filled with female assassins, the Sisterhood can lay claim to thousands of political assassinations over the last 100 years. They could, but they don’t. The Sisterhood is a ghost organization that The Red Hand has a loose alliance with. This group includes two operatives only known as Sister White and Sister Eventide. With the assistance of The Hawk and Grey Kestrel, Walker and his crew manage to part ways with The Red Hand, Dimitri Kovolenko is arrested, and Sister White breaks ties with the Sisterhood. Walker and Omega Six (also known as Malcolm Montgomery Watt) escape to the Mediterranean and are soon joined by Sister White. But not before she manages to stop an assassination attempt of Derek Stewart. Sadly, Maxine Wollcot, who has worked with the Stewart family for twenty years, is killed. Maxine’s sister, Marianne Wollcot was on hand to witness it. Marianne is also known as Sister White. (for complete details on the Columbus, Ohio incident, please see Canyons of Steel: A Modern Day Western). Kovolenko is taken to Siberia, where he is transferred to Major Lina Gregarin, a member of the Red Army who is also secretly known as the Russian hero, Soviet Wing.

In 2003, evidence comes to Max that points to a secret research facility in Northern Saskatchewan. It is suggested his daughter, Raven, is being held there. He contacts Naomi, she contacts her superior, Colonel Richard Adams. The three decide that it’s best to go in with a super team, and bring in Mariah, Tim and Tamara. What they don’t know is that the Mannekin also knows about this facility, and together with Black Bowman and recent operative, Moquette (who is, in fact, former Sisterhood agent, Sister Eventide, who killed Maxine Wollcot), are already aware of this facility. Donelda, who has finally woken from her coma, asks Melanie to look out for Derek. Melanie manages to talk to Regina, Jean Pierre and Richard, and convinces them all to come out of semi retirement to aid her. Their objective is to make sure Derek doesn’t do anything stupid. When the two groups meet, it’s Naomi and Melanie who manage to avert a superhero smack down (which was primarily instigated by Derek). The groups go into the facility, with Naomi’s group looking for Raven, and Melanie and Mannekin’s group gather information to implicate Mandrake.

Also, up to this point, Jean Pierre Turgeon discovers his daughter Dominique, has uncovered old newspaper clippings about his old heroics as Canadien. He believes it to be innocent, but it would turn out to be very different. In Windsor, Richard is pleased that his daughter Nikki has taken an interest in robotics, and feels a sense of pride when she wins a science fair award for her development of “Robbie”, a robot that is programmed to have a sensitive and emotional conversation with whomever it is talking to. Even to the point of stating to those who may interrupt the conversation “excuse me, but I am currently speaking with this person. I can talk to you once we are finished” in polite manners.

In Hamilton, Ontario, the Canadian Football League team, the Hamilton Tiger-Cats sign non import receiver Harold Mimms to a multi year contract. No one puts together the connection that once Mimms arrives in Hamilton, so to does a mysterious crime fighter known only as The Owl.

Generation 3

The Hawk: A.K.A Maxwell Running Cloud

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 215 lbs

Place of Birth: Outlook, Saskatchewan

Date of Birth: June 2, 1970

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Racial Background: First Nation (Dakota)

Education: Native American history and Archaeology

Monetary Status: Middle Class

Marital status: widower

Base of Operations: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Grey Kestrel: A.K.A Naomi Simonson (nee Running Cloud)

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 195 lbs

Place of Birth: Silver Spring, Saskatchewan

Date of Birth: October 2, 1968

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Racial Background: First Nation (Dakota)

Education: Military, political science, engineering

Monetary Status: Middle Class

Marital status: widow

Base of Operations: Petawawa, Ontario


Operative Violet Rose: A.K.A Derringer, A.K.A Johnathon Tiberius Walker

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 200 lbs

Place of Birth: San Antonio, Texas

Date of Birth: December 15, 1954

Hair: Grey

Eyes: Hazel

Racial Background: White

Education: Career Military

Monetary Status: inapplicable

Marital status: single

Base of Operations: inapplicable

Omega Six: A.K.A Monty, A.K.A Malcolm Montgomery Watt

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 220 lbs

Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia

Date of Birth: March 5, 1965

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Racial Background: White

Education: Career Military

Monetary Status: inapplicable

Marital status: single

Base of Operations: inapplicable


Sister White: A.K.A Marianne Wollcot

Physical Attributes

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 145 lbs

Place of Birth: Swansea, Wales

Date of Birth: February 27, 1963

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Racial Background: White

Education: inapplicable

Monetary Status: inapplicable

Marital status: single

Base of Operations: inapplicable

Sister Eventide: A.K.A Moquett, A.K.A Darla Drobsky

Physical Attributes

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 145 lbs

Place of Birth: Glasgow, Scotland

Date of Birth: December 1, 1967

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Racial Background: White

Education: inapplicable

Monetary Status: inapplicable

Marital status: single

Base of Operations: inapplicable

The Owl: A.K.A Harold Mimms

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 235 lbs

Place of Birth: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Date of Birth: February 1, 1979

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Racial Background: Black

Education: mathematician, English literature, astrophysics

Monetary Status: Upper Middle Class

Marital status: single

Base of Operations: Hamilton, Ontario


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The Heroic League: Second Wave

Last time, I detailed the first wave of the Heroic League, during the 1970s.  This time, fast forward 20 years.  A lot has happened, and this is an outline.  Unfortunately, there are no images I can put up.

The year is 1990.

By this time, Regina Morgan-Simms has retired from a life of a crime fighter, as has Donelda Stewart. Jean Pierre Turgeon has ended his costume crime fighting days as he and his wife now have a young daughter, and another soon on the way. Richard Hargrove is still Yellow Jacket, and has just finalized his third divorce after he finally admitted that he was gay. Adding to that, his young son came out saying he felt more like a girl. After a while, Richard has come to terms with this and has taken to calling his former son Nicolas, now his daughter, Nikki.

By the end of the 80s, beginning of the 90s, the world of sports changes. At least in Canada. Two individuals are given credit with helping the 1989 Saskatchewan Roughriders for winning that year’s Grey Cup; Inside Receiver Tim Andrews and Linebacker Lewis Morgan. Andrews retires from football in the mid 90s and eventually marries Tamara Wattly, a nurse in Overview, Saskatchewan. Lewis Morgan is hired shortly after his retirement from football in 1991, as chief of security for the main research building at Stewart Industries in Vancouver.

By the mid 90s, certain players begin to make themselves noticed. In a small town called Silver Spring, on the Whitecap Dakota First Nation in Saskatchewan, a woman accepts a position as doctor at the hospital. Dr. Fadra Englen, of Palestinian descent, was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Silver Spring is a small town, a population consisting of mostly those of Middle Eastern, Pakistani, Indian and Chinese descent. Silver Spring has the largest Muslim community in Saskatchewan. Maxwell Running Cloud, also from the Whitecap Dakota First Nation, graduates from the University of British Columbia with a degree in Native American History and Archaeology. His sister, Naomi Running Cloud, returns from her fourth tour with Canadian Armed Forces and international peace keeping missions.

Melanie Coopers is still active as Britannia, finding that the augmentation done to her has kept her aging process slowed down. She receives medical assistance from Donelda, who has focused more on science. Dr. Fadra Englen is also called in from time to time. During this time, Melanie is granted her full British citizenship back.

Toward the latter half of the 90s, a tragedy does finally occur. A bomb explodes in a Halifax hotel, killing Gerald Stewart, placing Donelda Stewart in critical condition in hospital where she’d be in a coma for a time, and also killing Elizabeth Mumford, fiance to Derek Stewart, Gerald and Donelda’s son. Derek is devastated, and the happy adult turned much much darker.

Four new heroes appear on the horizon in the 1990’s. Each is granted a special crystal that grants them incredible powers. All of these individuals are from Saskatchewan and together they are dubbed the Celestial Warriors by the media. Their real identities are secret, but due to the position of one of them, Colonel Richard Adams, the four are brought into a secret wing of CSIS dubbed The Paranormal Division.

Also in the 90s, Colonel Johnathon Tiberius Walker, United States Rangers, is given a dishonourable discharge from service. This was due to an incident from a mission that went horribly wrong while Rangers were deployed in Somalia. He is contacted by an organization called the Red Hand, and joins their ranks.

Toward the end of the decade, a rival bio-genetic company gives Stewart Industries a run of it’s money. Mandrake Bio-genetic Services comes on the scene. No one sees a coincidence between this company and those missing persons which suddenly crop up in what is described as an epidemic.

Generation 2

Emerald: A.K.A Richard Kyle Adams

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’2″

Weight: 215 lbs

Place of Birth: North Battleford, Saskatchewan

Date of Birth: April 10, 1960

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Racial Background: Black

Marital status: married (to Mariah Boggotah)

Education: Military, political science

Monetary status: Middle Class

Base of Operations: CFB 15-Wing (Canadian Forces Base Moose Jaw), Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

 Hydro: A.K.A Mariah Boggotah-Adams

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 165 lbs

Place of Birth: Johannesburg, South Africa

Date of Birth: January 20, 1960

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Racial Background: Black

Marital status: married (to Richard Adams)

Education: Environmental protection, water purification

Monetary status: Middle Class

Base of Operations: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Prairie Fire: A.K.A Tim Andrews

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 155 lbs

Place of Birth: Invermay, Saskatchewan

Date of Birth: June 9, 1965

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Racial Background: White

Marital status: married (to Tamara Wattly)

Education: Physical trainer (former inside receiver for the Saskatchewan Roughriders)

Monetary status: Middle Class

Base of Operations: Overview, Saskatchewan

Tiger Lily: A.K.A Tamara Wattly

Physical Attributes

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 135 lbs

Place of Birth: Yorkton, Saskatchewan

Date of Birth: April 2, 1965

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Racial Background: White

Marital status: married (to Tim Andrews)

Education: Medicine, nursing

Monetary status: Middle Class

Base of Operations: Overview, Saskatchewan

Black Bowman: A.K.A Lewis Morgan

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 225 lbs

Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisianna

Date of Birth: September 21, 1957

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Racial Background: Black

Marital status: single

Education: Security and investigations (former linebacker for the Saskatchewan Roughriders)

Monetary status: Middle Class

Base of Operations: Regina, Saskatchewan; Vancouver, British Columbia

The Mannekin II: A.K.A Derek Stewart

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 200 lbs

Place of Birth: Vancouver, British Columbia

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Racial Background: White

Education: Law, Commerce (self taught investigative abilities, martial arts training)

Monetary Status: Upper Class

Base of Operations: Vancouver, British Columbia


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Music of superheroes

Dragonforce Operation Ground And Pound – YouTube.

Switching things up a bit from current writing (because I can do that, and I’ve hit a brick wall… again) as I think about other stories and things I’d like to write (and even make a comic book about, whether in print or a web comic).

Dragonforce has pretty much had the kind of music that I equate to one set of characters I’ve worked on, and featured here in the past.  You might know it, if you’ve read Flag On My Backpack.  It’s the series about a young woman from Montreal who becomes a costumed superhero by the name of Canadienne.  Basically wraps herself in the flag, inspired by the actions of her father during the October Crisis of 1970.  On top of that, she happens to be the lead guitarist of an indie Montreal speed metal band called Blanc Noir.  Formed while they were still in junior high school, they stuck together with the intent to make music, have fun and share their experiences together.  This lasted for a while, and during that time they added a couple of different band members.

The line up now consists of Yves Manderville (lead vocals, keyboards) and Jacqueline Manderville (second lead guitar, mandoline) both of whom are of Haitian ancestry, Michelle Villineuve (percussion) the happy goth of the group, Dominique Turgeon (first lead guitar, bagpipes) who happens to be the super hero of the group as she is the one who dresses in the flag and stops crime, and now there is Raven Running Cloud (bass, classical guitar, six string) who is originally from the Whitecap Dakota First Nation in Saskatchewan, but moved with her father to Montreal when he accepted a position to teach Native American Studies at McGill.  Raven is also the second super hero of the group, calling herself Grey Kestrel.

Dominique (Dom) Turgeon as the electrifying Canadienne.

It’s a story that I’ll definitely come back to again, and while I’d really hope that the idea was picked up in comic form, I actually don’t want either of the big two taking it up.  I’ve really be disillusioned with DC Comics and Marvel Comics as of late (more so DC than Marvel).  There is a comic company that could do a title like Flag On My Backpack some justice, though.

Archie Comics.

Dom's father, Jean Pierre Turgeon as Canadien during the 1970s.

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Posted by on April 7, 2012 in Flag on my Backpack, Fun, randomness, video, Writing


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Next year’s NaNoWriMo

This is how early I start working on an idea for next year’s NaNoWriMo.  Using the costume editor in Champions Online, I came up with a group picture and individual pictures of an idea that has been just sitting there for a while.  The characters have had different incarnations over the years, the newest being CanadARM-D.

The assembled team.

Here’s the premise:  As more and more pressures are put on the world, a billionaire industrialist decides it’s time to form a team that can handle certain situations.  Donelda Stewart, who used to be a costumed vigilante during the 1970’s and 1980’s, brings together several people, while at the same time fulfilling a contract to the Canadian Government to develop a robot that would be able to enter hostile situations with the primary goal of rescuing those injured and in need of medical attention.  Thus, CanadARM-D (last picture) was created.  Canada Armoured Reconnaissance-Rescue ‘Droid is the full name of the development and the name taken by the prototype, who acts as a member of the team Stewart brought together.

The android CanadARM-D

Stewart knew that most situations that would require immediate attention involving injured civilians would need to have a doctor on site.  She contacted Doctor Facra Englen (second from the right), a trauma surgeon and an expert in DNA sequencing.  Englen was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba to Palestinian immigrants.  She was born with a rare genetic mutation, which is what spurred her interest in genetic science.  She wanted to learn why these genetic mutations happen, and learn why they happened to her.  Fadra Englen was gifted with an odd mutation.  While possessing all of the human abilities every single person on the planet has, she also has traits of panthera tigris; The Common Tiger.  Her skin has markings of a tiger, ranging from orange to black to white, her fingernails grow like claws, her sight and hearing is improved well past normal human abilities, her musculature is far greater than most Olympic level athletes, and she is much more agile than a very athletic human.  Fadra is a practicing Muslim, taking the tenants of the Qur’an very seriously with regard to the sanctity of life.  She receives no payment from Stewart, on her own request, as she believes that this team must act as role models for others to live by.

Doctor Fadra Englen

The third and fourth team members are actually members of something else.  Dominique Turgeon, or Canadienne (third from the right), is the lead guitarist of the Montreal indie rock band, Blanc Noir.  Together with Yves and Jacqueline Manderville, Michelle Villenueve, and Raven Running Cloud (fourth from the right), they are one of the most popular rock bands on the indie circuit.  Dom has even gone public with her dual identity, which she inherited from her father.  Jean Pierre Turgeon fought against FLQ Terrorists during the October Crisis of 1970, dressed in a similar red and white uniform of Canadien.  Dom has something a little extra, however, aside from her training with Tae Kwon Do.  She has a mutant ability to achieve the speed of sound.  Dom has been clocked running at speeds of 1237 kilometers per, which is faster than the top speed of Canada’s CF18 fighter jets.  Dom has been crime fighting, and rockin’ out as a guitarist, since she was in her mid teens.  Dom was born in Laval, Quebec, and is Metis, as part of her ancestry is European French and Mohawk First Nation.

Dominique Turgeon, a.k.a. Canadienne.

The other member of Blanc Noir to be a crime fighter is Raven Running Cloud.  Raven, like Dom, comes by her crime fighting from family members.  Her father, Maxwell Running Cloud, was known as Hawk’s Scream, a moniker he took up when his wife was murdered and Raven kidnapped.  Raven, as it turned out, was taken to a secret facility and had several experiments conducted on her.  She was 8 at the time, and spent two years in the facility before Max, along with Dr. Englen, his sister Naomi Running Cloud (who was the first Grey Kestrel), and the Mannekin (the son of Donelda Stewart), could rescue her.  The experiments had two very serious effects.  First, Raven was completely blind, only able to see certain light spectrums which would allow her to “see” a person’s aura.  The other was an increased strength and physical mass.  She appears to weigh about 150 pounds, but in reality she weighs upwards of 500 or 600 pounds.  She took up her Aunt Naomi’s namesake, and began fighting crime as a sidekick of Dom’s, as her father had retired a few years earlier.  Raven was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and is a member of the Whitecap Dakota First Nation.

Raven Running Cloud, a.k.a. Grey Kestrel

So this is what I’ll try and work on for next year’s NaNoWriMo.



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Flag on my Backpack: The Comic Script – Page 9

Page 9

Panel 1, Left hand side, top row

Image shows Jean Pierre walking up the stairs of the house, the “camera” is behind him, one hand is on a wooden railing as he climbs the stairs, a window is seen at the top landing.

Narrator (Jean Pierre): I went upstairs with a mix of worry and slight anger.  This was to be Dom’s birthday, and either she was acting somewhat selfish, which was something she was not often known for, or someone had done something to her.

Panel 2, Right hand side, top row

Image shows Jean Pierre at the top of the stairs, looking to his left down the hall, there is an attic doorway seen in the distance, it is open.

Narrotor (Jean Pierre): That worry changed to something else when I saw the attic door open.

Jean Pierre: Dom?  What is wrong, honey?  Why are you upset?

Panel 3, Left hand side, bottom row

Image shows Jean Pierre at the doorway of the attic, looking up the stairs.

Jean Pierre:  Dom?  Why are you up here?  What could possibly be up here?

Panel 4, Right hand side, bottom row

Image shows the same doorway, but Jean Pierre is climbing the stairs as he disappears from view.

Narrator (Jean Pierre):  I was only trying to fool myself, because I knew damn well what was in that attic.

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Posted by on July 22, 2011 in Flag on my Backpack, Writing


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