Tag Archives: cars

Random stuff

A series of Random Thoughs I posted yesterday on Tumblr that I thought would be entertaining here.


I see a bookshelf, five shelves up with each shelf about 16 inches tall, nine columns wide with each column about 12 inches.  Several books sit on each shelf, each book averaging about 6 or 7 inches tall and all I think is…

That’s a lotta wasted space, you could have easily gotten two more shelves in there.

A Better Place

We always try to think that we help make the world a better place in some way shape or form.  This thought came to me just a few moments ago when I saw a gif set that talked about that very thing.  Two pictures, little boy saying “if it doesn’t make the world a better place, don’t do it”.

I think there should be an addendum to that:  If it doesn’t make the world a better place, and all it does is make more money for you, then don’t do that because it’s selfish and serves no purpose for the rest of society.

Smart Car to El Camino

Smart Cars are weird looking things.  Just look at it.

2013-Smart-Car-2But for some reason the thought came to mind…

What if somebody made an El Camino version of it?

I’ve seen monster truck versions of a smart car.  Stretch limo versions.  So, I think there’s more than likely someone out there who has made an El Camino version of a smart car.

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Posted by on September 2, 2013 in Fun, randomness


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The Top 10 Best (Worst) Excuses for Speeding

I found these on’s auto section, and just had to share.

  1. “Tim Hortons has half-price donuts down the road and I was clearing the way for you.”
  2. Petra Cleary, of Washington D.C., tried the old ‘Call of Nature’ excuse. “I told a State Trooper I was speeding because I had to use the bathroom. He told me where the closet restroom was located, followed me and wrote my ticket in the parking lot as I ran inside to use the bathroom.”
  3. “I was passing a truck spitting up stones.”
  4. Christine Pulliam works at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., and can’t believe the ‘out of this world’ excuses people create. “I once had a woman call to ask if a solar eruption could affect radar guns. Her son had been pulled over for speeding and she was just sure it was a problem with the radar and not his driving! I had to gently let her down and tell her that no, solar storms don’t have any effect on traffic radar.”
  5. “The cop was coming the opposite direction but turned his lights on. When I went to court for the ticket the judge asked why on earth I was driving 100 mph (160 km/h) on a county road. I quickly told him that I was late for a movie with a really cute girl. Then I got an earful for about 15 minutes about how young and dumb I was.”
  6. “My car is a 2010 Corolla, and Toyota just released a recall for acceleration. It’s all over the news, and the officer still charged me!”
  7. “I was low on gas so I wanted to make sure I had enough speed to coast home.”
  8. “I rapidly accelerated to 90 mph (145 km/h). Cop pulled me over. I said I was showing off how quick car was.”
  9. “I wasn’t speeding, I was only going 10 km over.”
  10. “I didn’t want to get caught driving unaccompanied with my beginner’s licence.”
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Posted by on February 22, 2010 in Fun, Life, randomness


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Here in my car…

I went searching through some of my old photos as I did a bit of a clean up, and found these.  It was a small show put on in Saskatoon (by small, more like museum displays) that was on display at the old Zellers location on 8th Street.  The show was on for a small period of time, but it did have some vintage cars there.  Sadly, the part of the mall that the display was housed in has since been demolished.

And just because seeing these pictures got the song stuck in my head…

Until next time…

…keep ’em flyin’.

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Posted by on February 22, 2010 in Fun, Life, photos, randomness



Cool things to see

Here in my car…

I opened my paper this morning to find the usual advertising inserts, but this morning the Toyota insert for Best Wrapup Ever caught my attention.  Not because I’m looking for a new car, I’m quite happy with my little Hyundi Accent, really.  No, I flipped through it because Pearce, who has the Paper Hat Pirate blog, bought himself…

…hang on, I need to get this right…

done in a very game show host voice


That’s right, he bought himself a new (to him) Toyota.  Now, before all the domestic vehicle owners start hunting me and Pearce down for owning Japanese imports, let me clarify something here.  A couple of somethings.  Both Hyundi and Toyota have very good track records for reliability, dependability and service.  Both companies create vehicles that are fuel efficient, and have the consumer in mind for what they need to have for a vehicle.  Oh, and most importantly…


I feel a tad justified in owning a car like this because I know for a fact it’ll be easier to get service done.  “Oh, but Tim.  It’s a Japanese import.  It’ll be expensive, more expensive than a Ford!”  No, no it won’t.  I just recently had a new timing belt installed, and was a bit worried when I heard that it would be costly.  But to my surprise, with an added oil and filter change, the total cost for all of that came to $446 Cdn.  That’s not bad!

So, what’s all this have to do with Toyota (aside from having a snazy line of vehicles).  Well, in the previously mentioned advertising insert I saw under the listings of each vehicle Job Loss insurance.  What’s that? I asked myself.  The obvious answer is Toyota making certain that even though you just bought a car, you won’t get screwed over a few months down the road should you lose your job.  The following is direct from Toyota.

Toyota Financial Services (TFS) is pleased to introduce complimentary Job Loss Credit Protection on selected new Toyota vehicles (Yaris Hatchback, Yaris Sedan, Corolla, Matrix, Camry, Sienna and RAV4) that are leased or financed with TFS over the period of December 1, 2009 – January 4, 2010. This coverage is offered free of charge and provides up to $10,000 of credit protection should an eligible customer suffer involuntary unemployment during the term of their TFS lease or loan. For full details please contact your Dealer.

So that’s kinda cool.  But what happens after January 4, 2010?  Have to wait and see, because, as with everything the disclaimer states that details are subject to change without notice.

It’s the best game you can name…

So, the wait is on for the World Junior Hockey Championships.  Normally, many would be talking about just Christmas plans, but Saskatchewan is hosting the IIHF WJHC this year, and tournament play begins on Saturday.  That’s right!  Boxing Day (there’s a hockey related joke in there).  So not only will we have to get in on the deals, but we have hockey to think about.  It’s become a tradition in Canada; giving gifts to loved ones, having a wonderful meal, dreaming of sugar plums, and getting ready to ROCK AT THE RINK AS CANADA GOES FOR SIX STRAIGHT GOLD MEDALS!

Sorry ’bout that.  I got a little excited there.

This year, team Canada has done something kinda cool in commemoration for coming to Saskatchewan for the tournament.  They’ll be wearing one jersey that is in dedication to a long and storied sports team in this province.  There’s just one problem.

The Saskatchewan Roughriders are a football team, not a hockey team.

I can forgive a little gaff such as that, however the god awful jerseys that Team Canada will be wearing, I don’t know if I can.  Fortunately, it’s around Christmas, so having green and red on them at the same time might be explained as celebrating the season.  Canada’s colours are Red and White (and sometimes black for the condition we leave opponents in, which means we should add blue in the near future).  Green wasn’t in the equation.

The beloved Riders (and don’t get me wrong, I am a HUGE Rider fan) are Green and White (and sometimes black and silver).

Red and Green…. just seems weird.

Granted, it was still cool of Team Canada to recognize the Riders, especially in a year when they went to the Grey Cup.  Maybe next time, just a little shoulder crest is enough.

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Posted by on December 22, 2009 in Fun, Life, Opinion, randomness


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