Tag Archives: Fun

Map of the Dead – Zombie Survival Map

Map of the Dead – Zombie Survival Map.

This is a neat little device that shows how safe you are in the event of a zombie apocalypse.  While the link says I’m in Saskatoon, I’m actually not.  I’m in Outlook.

Far, far away from any cemeteries.

All in all, a fun little time waster.


Posted by on April 18, 2012 in Fun, randomness


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Zodi’s Road To Black Belt

Sir! I will practice in the Spirit of Taekwondo , with COURESTY for my felling students, LOYALTY to my instructors and RESPECT for my juniors and seniors, Sir!

Recently, I found myself more and more interested in martial arts. Not because there is a new Karate Kid Movie, or even because of the old ones. After attending a few of LGIB’s classes, which she is taking for anger and discipline reasons, I discovered I really wanted to get involved and learn.

LGIB takes Taekwondo classes at the local ATA, American Taekwondo Association, Black Belt Academy. After inviting me to her end of school party, I got a taste of what it was really like to be apart of the class, it was hard work, but it was fun at the same time. Soon I was looking up the website and within 24 hours I had a class set up with one of the instructors.

I went to the small one on one session and right off the bat I was asked, what did I want out of this class. I told my instructor that I wanted discipline and more self control when it came to handling matters in the real world. It’s true Zodi has a temper and sometimes it gets the best of me. Ask Tim, he’s seen me shatter a plate because I got so stressed.  And this is exactly what I have in mind to get from the class. I don’t want fame, or glory, or any of the shiny stuff. To be completely honest, I don’t even want to participate in the tournaments. That isn’t what I signed up for. I signed up for a safe and secure way to vent my frustrations out.

My instructor showed me simple little self-defense moves that I can use. None of that wax on, wax off crap. I’m not a little cricket in a class full of children younger than me. I’m in a group of people ranging from white belts to 3rd degree blackbelts and world class champs. In class we are all equal. Black belt attitude.

From the moment I step in the building until the moment I walk out that’s all it becomes about. Black belt attitude is I can attitude. The real world melts and there is nothing but focus and sheer determination to succeed in everything I do in that class. Yeah I know it’s going to hurt and sometimes be so painful that I can’t move, but that pain will go away as I get better and more fluid. Before I know it, I’ll be able to do actual push-ups and sit ups, instead of knee push up and crunches. I’ll be able to nail that jumping side kick perfectly and I’ll be confident when I do it.

Right now I’m a white belt, but in the next couple of classes, I’m going to be a white belt with a gold stripe which means I’m one step closer to that black belt. I know I have a long journey ahead of me, but I’m looking forward to it. I can’t wait to learn more, to feel the burn in my legs from touching my toes or the sore muscles the next day. Sure it hurts and I’m a friend to ibuprofen, but it’s a good constant remind of I can do it, I did do it and I will continue to do it.

Sir! I shall live with PERSEVERANCE  in the Spirit of Taekwondo. Having HONOR with others, INTEGRITY withing myself, and SELF-CONTROL in my actions Sir!

Keep it real and rockin’

White Belt Obtained!

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Posted by on June 17, 2010 in Fun, Life, Sports


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Welcome Summer!

Memorial Day weekend poses for a lot of things, specifically the start of the summer season. Pools open, services are held for those that need to be remembered and cookouts happen! I love and hate this season at the same time.

Yesterday, May 29th the pool in my complex opened. I was quite literally dragged from my bed by my four year old who begged me to go swimming; at 10:30 in the morning. So we donned our swimsuits (of which i bought a new one for myself) and went to the pool.

With the smell of sunscreen and chlorine in the air we trekked the lawn to the pool. Within minute my son became a fish. Only getting out of the pool to jump right back in. Me? I jumped in decided it was too cold and got right back out again to bask in the heated rays of the sun. Along for the poolside fun besides me and my son were my brother’s best friend (in Indiana) Michael, my hobo friend Tony, his friend Ricky who we’ve dubbed as Giggles, Sara, Mallery and Donella.

This was round one. After about 2 hours of swimming we declared lunch and sped off to our houses to get food. We planned on going back to the pool a couple hours later. However, the events of the morning were enough to cause both me and Rhys to pass out after lunch. It was a nice nap. Shortly after waking up, we put our swimsuits back on and went right back out to the pool. Joining us this time was my brother and his friend Kyle.

Now when I say he’s my little brother I say that jokingly. My brother is a whopping 6’9 and just slightly over 400 pounds. So when he makes splash, he MAKES a splash. Him and his friend Kyle who is just a heavy and slightly shorter than my brother, were doing cannonballs into the pool and everyone was cheering, laughing and enjoying the huge splashes they would make.

All in all it made for a great day, even if it did end with some serious cases of red lobster like skin. Rhys and I only have a little bit of color but it still stings nonetheless. I’m looking forward to what excitements this summer holds for me. At least the good ones.

Keep it real and rockin’

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Posted by on May 30, 2010 in Uncategorized


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In The Works

Alright readers keep checking back every day as Tim or I will post something new even if it’s just to say hi.

Once again he and I are back to our furious plotting as we begin to write an epic tale of what happens when two vigilante heroes are infect with a virus that reverses aging. We are very much looking forward to writing this up and interacting with other people on City of Heroes with this.

Tim I believe is also working on something for Nanowrimo, or even several somethings. I am also going over a bunch of my older stories and editing them up a bit so that I can post them when I run out of Lyssa’s tale.

Did I mention we love comments? Yep. Looooove them. So leave us one. Don’t let our lack of linguistic skills scare you away either, we may not have the best translator, but we try to translate it as best we can. Language barriers are no issue for us!

So with that being said allow me to leave you with a little preview of the currently title-less regression story

“Ah, you’ve arrived,” the woman behind the desk announced. “I trust you had no difficulties in your travels.”

“I vas able to produce zhe proper documentation and forged passports at customs, Tovarich,” the large man stated in his thick Russian accent.

“They never gave me a second look,” the woman replied. “Almost as though they expected me to be from this country. But I suppose my features gave that away. Native Americans can travel unhindered, to a point, in North America.”

“Yes, this is true,” the mysterious woman replied. “More to the point. I contacted your people because I have need to test a new virus. I have been testing a virus; it has certain side affects, but it’s most promising aspect is age regression, and an ability to heal completely old wounds.” The two associates looked to each other for a moment, then back to the woman as she began to explain. “The saying is that old soldiers never die. They merely fade away. What if we could turn back the clock on that, and just leave it as they never die. Say for example that same soldier was shot, the scar tissue around that old wound would simple disappear with the regression.”

“If you say zhat zhis virus can do such a sing, zhen most governments vould be lookink to procure such a wonder,” the man replied. “Zhis does nyet explain where we come in.”

“Ah yes,” she stated with a chuckle. “Well, the aspect of human testing is rather frowned upon. I need subjects, and considering the last few installations that I owned have been… let me just say uncovered, my ability to test such a thing is limited. But, there is a city with dangers that abound. Paragon.” Again, the two associates looked to each other a moment. “I need you to find two forward moving heroes and infect them with the virus. Preferably two heroes who have no known mutations or super powers at all. Average citizens who have taken it upon themselves to become masked vigilantes, if you will.”

The large Russian stroked his beard as he considered this. “I belief I haff just zhe two in mind,” he said as he looked to his partner. “As does my … Sister.”

We will post the whole thing the weekend of the 14th.

Keep checking back for more and more updates. We love you guys and girls *hugs all around*

Keep it real and rockin’

Tim’s hijack

Zodi is not wrong.

I have a few projects on the go, which includes the “origin story” of Hawk’s Scream. Canyons of Steel readers may remember the character from the first two episodes of the story, Still Just a Rat in a Cage and Our Solemn Hour. I’m also going to be working on, and posting, a story I promised back in February. Flag on my Backpack, the story of a young woman from Montreal as she takes up her father’s mantel by wrapping herself in the flag and calling herself Canadiens. In time, I may even attempt to story board and do a web comic of this. It’s superheroes, villains and rock and roll!

Plus, there’s the continuing adventures of Black Mask and Pale Rider. I’ll only say that a pause might come on November 11th. And today being November 5th, please offer a salute to our Veterans. In Canada, it’s Veteran’s Week, as we remember the sacrifices that Canadian Soldiers made during the wars of the 20th Century, and we pay tribute to those who are working diligently overseas in the Middle East.

‘Till Next Time…

…Keep ’em flyin’!

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Posted by on November 5, 2009 in Fun, randomness, Writing


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Ghost Stories: The Wrap Up and Other News

31 Days Of Ghosts

Welcome to the day after Halloween. Yesterday was a blast, and we hope that you found all of our blog posts useful and entertaining as we did when we wrote them up.

I’d like to give many thanks to the friends I have out there on the internet who were kind enough to post banners on their websites and offer a guest post for the blog.

James Melzer
Jennifer Hudock
Philippa Ballentine
Ray Onativia
Rope (A city of Heroes fried of mine and Tim’s)

Ya’ll rock my socks.

Tim and I had a goal this month of 5,000 views. We met and exceeded that goal with 5,905. Thank you all for clicking and viewing.

Another exciting thing was we were getting hits from, which is a website powered by the SyFy channel. We appreciate this very much. We can’t express verbally how awesome everyone has made us feel.

Now to what went on Halloween!

I had decided in the beginning of the month that I was going to make completely homemade costumes. I didn’t really (and never really) have the money to spend on a costume for myself or for my kidlet. However I was in the Halloween store more for his birthday party that is coming up than I was for anything that actually dealt with Halloween.

This year I spent a whole 12 dollars and some change on his costume. My little boy went out as a gumball machine. It wasn’t a hard thing to construct. Some balloons, a clear trash bag, three glow sticks and a red turtle neck and pants. I also painted a small box bright colors and put fifty cents on the sides.

The reaction from people were priceless, they loved how creative it was and gave out candy by the tons.


I was working with my brother’s digital camera, since mine wonder off into the unknown and the time stamp was activated as well as wrong so all of my pictures were taken on 01/01/2007. Amazing how I can change weather conditions, as well as go to the past for pictures.

LGIB went Trick or Treating with me as well. Though she was too scared to knock on some of the doors unless I made her do it. Her costume was a goth girl and she doesn’t normally like her picture taken in the first place so I was unable to get a picture of her in her costume.

Now in Bloomington there is a time frame of which children are allowed to Trick or Treat.  5:30pm to 8:30pm the little goblins and ghouls and in my case gumball machines can trick or treat in safety. At 8:30 the trick or treating is over. However this doesn’t stop the festivities that continue well into the wee hours of Halloween. Bloomington being a college town has to be strict when it comes to the safety and comfort of it’s residences.

I also decided to dress up this year. I went with something I knew I could pull off and would be inexpensive for me as well. A Gypsy. I already owned skirts, dress, and other gypsy things. But this year I went a little more out and spent a few dollars on some jewelry, hair extensions and a scarf.


This was the result. I felt this year was more successful for the Halloween month than any previous year. It’s been an exciting month to say the least.

Keep it real and rockin’

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Posted by on November 1, 2009 in 31 Days Of Ghosts, Fun, Life


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The Adventures of Tim and Zodi: Pre-Zoo Edition

Welcome to the second part of the Tim and Zodi Vacation Edition of the blog.  We had so much fun at the Indianapolis Zoo.  Everything went fairly smooth (save for a few bumps.) Including the trip up there.

BF and I had been planning a trip to the Zoo for several weeks previously, and decided we would go when Tim came down to visit. I informed the Little Girl I Babysit’s (LGIB) mother that we were planning a trip to the Zoo and she was invited to tag along. I told her that LGIB would need her own money to get into the park, but that I would cover her lunch and make sure she got something nice for herself.

Then my brother came to me and asked me if two of his friends could come with us. I told them and their mother that we did have the room and as long as they paid their way, I would make sure they ate.  We were already planning on taking two cars anyway.


Tim getting flashed and still keeping his eyes on the road

When the day of the trip finally arrived, I told everyone I wanted them to be on at my house no later than 8 am. The Zoo was only open for eight hours, and I wanted enough time to see everything and we needed to stop at Wal-Mart to pick up lunch items and get gas. Once we got to Wal-Mart, LGIB and her friend (who is also my brother’s friend,) went off to look at the clothes. My brother and his other friend trekked off for a little bit after made sure that everyone was okay with Ham and Cheese sandwiches.


Rhys on the way up to the Zoo. Shirt: I still live with my parents

We bought drinks for the ride up, and a thing of ice. There was also a new soft cooler, mountain dew for lunch, water, ham, cheese, bread and chips.  Being raise a Mitchel my packing skills have been perfected over the years and came in handy while trying to stuff all of this stuff in the cooler. Obviously I didn’t get it all in there, but enough to make everyone happy.

So after a quick fill up, we set off up SR-37 north headed for the Zoo. I had direction, and BF was following behind me. While I was snapping pictures, I missed my turn and soon 37 turned into a street I didn’t know. After following that for a long while, things looked familiar, but I still didn’t know where the Zoo was.  That’s when we pulled into the gas station. We asked the gas attendant at the Speedway Station, and  several people approached us and told us how to get there, each one gave us different directions, but it was the final man who told the easiest way.  As it turned out, we were right around the corner.

Little Girl I Babysit. She's totally smiling.

Little Girl I Babysit. She's totally smiling.

I gave myself a pat on the back for my Nav Skills, but reminded myself I hate driving into the city. This is any city, not just Indianapolis. Streets on maps aren’t marked as one way, so you always get surprised. Indy is no different. the big difference comes when you ask people for direction. In Philadelphia for example, a lot of people will tell you they don’t know, or just rush off. But in Indy, people approach you and tell you how to get there. Even if the directions aren’t that clear.

BF and the rest of the group comin' up the rear

BF and the rest of the group comin' up the rear

Even though it was a bit crazy driving up there, it still a lot of fun sitting co-pilot for Tim and getting to know more about his crazy Canadian-ness. Keep a look out for the next The Adventures of Tim and Zodi: Zoo Edition, where Tim and I will show and tell all about what we seen at the Indianapolis Zoo.

Keep it real and Rockin’

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Posted by on August 1, 2009 in Fun, Life, Opinion, photos, randomness


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