Tag Archives: vacation

Friday morning Random Times



It’s not without a touchy of irony that I go to Youtube to watch a trailer for an upcoming movie and have to sit through an ad.  Which happens to be a trailer for an upcoming movie.


Reblog! …without the text…

I love tumblr.  I love the way people can communicate, how they can like and reblog information.  It’s the best of Facebook, without the stinkin’ stupid games, the best of Twitter without the 140 character limit, the best of any blog format (WordPress, LiveJournal, Blogger), all wrapped up into one.  Heck, I’ve even noticed certain blogging sites start mimicking small details that I first saw on tumblr (such as reblogging).

What I don’t like about reblogging is that the person reblogging the post has the option to delete all of the text (or edit as they wish).  Which changes the original intent of the post.  I had that happen the other day when I posted a picture and small talk about the book series that inspired Black Mask & Pale Rider.  The picture was reblogged, but all the text, including the quote from the book, was deleted.  Things like that just grate on my nerves.



It’s summer, and has been for the past several days.  We’ve seen Canada Day come and go, same with the American holiday.  Here in the middle of West Central Saskatchewan, I’m three weeks away from our two week shutdown.  I had thought about this for a couple of months what I wanted to do, and finally decided a stay-cation is in order (I don’t really like driving all that much).  So it’ll be down to the lake for a few days, with camera and Kindle in tow.  I’m thinking next year I may take a drive down east.  I’ve never been to Ontario or Quebec (or even the Maritime provinces) before and I’d like to go sometime.



Summer has brought one other thing to light around here.  Thanks to all of the moisture that stayed her from a long winter and heavy snowfalls in March, to the flooding in Alberta and the effects we’ve felt from it, there have been a higher level of mosquitoes than normal.  As one Environment Canada official said “there’s been lots of mosquito sex”.  Not a picture I wanna think about, but the result is obvious.  Mosquitoes aren’t the only problem, though.  I’ve noticed a huge number of horse flies around.  And when those suckers bite it hurts like hell!.

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Posted by on July 12, 2013 in Fun, Life, randomness


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The Adventures of Tim and Zodi: Pre-Zoo Edition

Welcome to the second part of the Tim and Zodi Vacation Edition of the blog.  We had so much fun at the Indianapolis Zoo.  Everything went fairly smooth (save for a few bumps.) Including the trip up there.

BF and I had been planning a trip to the Zoo for several weeks previously, and decided we would go when Tim came down to visit. I informed the Little Girl I Babysit’s (LGIB) mother that we were planning a trip to the Zoo and she was invited to tag along. I told her that LGIB would need her own money to get into the park, but that I would cover her lunch and make sure she got something nice for herself.

Then my brother came to me and asked me if two of his friends could come with us. I told them and their mother that we did have the room and as long as they paid their way, I would make sure they ate.  We were already planning on taking two cars anyway.


Tim getting flashed and still keeping his eyes on the road

When the day of the trip finally arrived, I told everyone I wanted them to be on at my house no later than 8 am. The Zoo was only open for eight hours, and I wanted enough time to see everything and we needed to stop at Wal-Mart to pick up lunch items and get gas. Once we got to Wal-Mart, LGIB and her friend (who is also my brother’s friend,) went off to look at the clothes. My brother and his other friend trekked off for a little bit after made sure that everyone was okay with Ham and Cheese sandwiches.


Rhys on the way up to the Zoo. Shirt: I still live with my parents

We bought drinks for the ride up, and a thing of ice. There was also a new soft cooler, mountain dew for lunch, water, ham, cheese, bread and chips.  Being raise a Mitchel my packing skills have been perfected over the years and came in handy while trying to stuff all of this stuff in the cooler. Obviously I didn’t get it all in there, but enough to make everyone happy.

So after a quick fill up, we set off up SR-37 north headed for the Zoo. I had direction, and BF was following behind me. While I was snapping pictures, I missed my turn and soon 37 turned into a street I didn’t know. After following that for a long while, things looked familiar, but I still didn’t know where the Zoo was.  That’s when we pulled into the gas station. We asked the gas attendant at the Speedway Station, and  several people approached us and told us how to get there, each one gave us different directions, but it was the final man who told the easiest way.  As it turned out, we were right around the corner.

Little Girl I Babysit. She's totally smiling.

Little Girl I Babysit. She's totally smiling.

I gave myself a pat on the back for my Nav Skills, but reminded myself I hate driving into the city. This is any city, not just Indianapolis. Streets on maps aren’t marked as one way, so you always get surprised. Indy is no different. the big difference comes when you ask people for direction. In Philadelphia for example, a lot of people will tell you they don’t know, or just rush off. But in Indy, people approach you and tell you how to get there. Even if the directions aren’t that clear.

BF and the rest of the group comin' up the rear

BF and the rest of the group comin' up the rear

Even though it was a bit crazy driving up there, it still a lot of fun sitting co-pilot for Tim and getting to know more about his crazy Canadian-ness. Keep a look out for the next The Adventures of Tim and Zodi: Zoo Edition, where Tim and I will show and tell all about what we seen at the Indianapolis Zoo.

Keep it real and Rockin’

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Posted by on August 1, 2009 in Fun, Life, Opinion, photos, randomness


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The Adventures of Tim and Zodi: Vacation Edition

What a week it’s been.

It all started July 15th when Tim set out for his first trip to the states. I’ll leave the road trip part of this blog for Tim to tell.  When he finally arrived in Bloomington, two days later, he called me from the pay phone near the pool. Excited and ecstatic that he was finally here for me to physically meet in person, I took off with Rhys in tow to meet him and guide him up to the parking spot that would be his for the time he was here.

First thing first, once he was in the door, I heated him up so food and made some coffee. It was a very smooth transition for everyone. Zach came home about the same time Tim arrived so they got to meet for a few minutes before he had to jet back to work for a few hours.

We sat around and chatted, got his stuff put away in my “guest” closet, exchanged past xmas gifts, and talked about our stories. Soon we settled down and watched some TV, played our computer games, and chatted back forth while taking turns chasing my son out of the fridge.

Rhys instantly took to Tim, as did everyone else in the house. Including to some extent, the little girl I baby sit. Now we had a whole week to do whatever.

The weekend passed uneventful, but still fun nonetheless, we watched movies, brainstormed and told ourselves we should edit and write story ideas down. Brainstorming occurred every night, but promises to edit were a bit lacking. We usually ended up too stressed after a day of dealing with Rhys or too busy doing other things.

Monday we went to the Indianapolis Zoo and walked the whole zoo.  We seen a dolphin show, and the Komodo Dragons. Not only was it Tim, myself, and my son, it was BF, brother, babysitting charge and one of her friends, and one of my brother’s friends. It was a great day which will also be another blog and a ton of pictures.

Pretty much Tim got to see what a typical week was like for me. He seen my ups and downs, watched my stress-level reach breaking point and even seen me reach rock bottom when my bills and fear of losing everything overcame my sense of levelheadedness. He was supportive and offer a shoulder to cry on.

I asked him on Friday, when he was supposed to leave, to stay one more night and call out on Monday. He agreed and helped me to go around to all the places I needed to and pay everything off in full once I got the money issues sorted out.  After that was said and done with, we went down to the pool. Both Tim and I jumped rather than ease ourselves into water. Swimming was a short lived, the water was just too cold.

The weather was amazing, with only a few days where the temperatures were chilly and the weather crappy. But we had mostly warm and not overly hot sunny days. I had a blast while Tim was down here and I am totally looking forward to him coming to visit me next year. In fact, we are already making plans for him to fly down here, rather than drive. Tim is more than welcome at my place any time. Even though we didn’t do much, we still had a blast.

Tim’s Hijack

It was a great week, to be certain.  But trust me when I say that I will not drive down again.  While the trip wasn’t too bad, it was incredibly long.  I was also driving in unfamiliar territory, so my navigation skills were sorely lacking.  Plus, driving alone doesn’t help either.

Upon my return, I discovered if I’d gone a little further west I’d have had no issues going through the border crossing.  Portal, North Dakota and North Portal, Saskatchewan are open 24/7 and is a major crossing point.  No wonder I was delayed by an hour with a large number of questions.  I did learn however, American border guards A) have no sense of humour and B) suspect you of everything from terrorism to pedophilia.  Good thing I’m neither of those.  Also good that I listened to the little voice in the back of my head that screamed “Just shut up and answer questions when you’re asked.”  They seemed to disbelieve that I worked for a weekly newspaper, even when I gave the web address to them.  Maybe next time I’ll take a copy of the paper and turn to page to.  Then I can point to my photo and say “See?  There’s my proof.”  However, they seemed to take my business card as validation, even though anyone with a minimum amount of expertise in Word can make a passable business card.

On the highway, I was pleasantly surprised to see the large number of rest stops.  Oh, we’ve got ’em in Saskatchewan, but they consist of a picnic table and shoddy bathroom, kinda like an outhouse.  No vending machines, no paved road into the rest area, no covered picnic tables.  So that was nice.  It was also kind of nice driving through Fargo/Moorehead and St. Paul.  Granted, I kept quoting the movie Fargo in my head, especially when Margie asks the question “So you had sex with the little guy?”  “Ya!”  There was also an insane curiosity to see if there was anyone from Outlook in St. Paul.  Minnesota, of course, is known to have a large population of people with Finnish ancestry.  Outlook has a large population of people with Finnish ancestry.  And it just so happens a good number of people move from Outlook to Minnesota, find a husband or wife, and move back just in time to have a baby, then move back to Minnesota.  Those wacky Finns.

I also had a chance to cruise through Gary, Indiana where my grandmother was born.  However, I was concentrating on finding A) a bathroom and B) a hotel, which would have solved problem A as well.

Finally, after the third day on the road, I ended up in Bloomington, and drove around Zodi’s apartment complex hoping she’d see a blue Hyundia Accent driving around aimlessly until I found a payphone at the swimming pool.  With the comment “I’m at the pool” I finally made my last stop in a long, long drive.

Next, the trip to Indy Zoo, along with photos.

Until next time…

…keep ’em flyin’!

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Posted by on July 27, 2009 in Life, randomness, Zodi/Tim hijack


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