Tag Archives: computers

Oh my computer


It’s giving me more grief.

It began just before Christmas, when Windows announced at boot up that the profile was corrupt and was not recoverable.  I reboot and choose the last known good setting at start up.  It’s been okay since then, but this morning it did it again.

I can’t afford a new desktop at this time, I guess I’ll just have to deal with it until next month when I can get a new one.  It’s especially bad considering I have to renew the plates for my car at the end of this month.  Fortunately, my GST cheque came in.

For those not in the know, GST/HST Cheques are refunds from the federal and provincial government for having to pay… the GST, which is a tax on goods and services.  There was a large uproar when it was implemented over 20 years ago.

At any rate, I just hope my desktop can survive long enough until I can get a new one.  Fortunately, I don’t need to do backups, because I’m crazy paranoid about backing up anything I do on my system.  The one thing I don’t look forward to is re-installing everything.

  • Guild Wars 1
  • Guild Wars 2
  • Champions Online
  • Star Trek Online
  • Neverwinter Nights 1
  • Neverwinter Nights 2
  • RayDream Suite 5.5
  • Creative Suite (maybe it’s time to move from v3)
  • yWriter
  • AutoREALM
  • MobiPocket Reader and Creator
  • Printer drivers
  • camera software
  • Blackberry software
  • Thunderbird
  • Chrome

Which will actually be a good number of programs and games I use.

Yeah, I still go back and play NWN from time to time

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Posted by on January 17, 2013 in Life, randomness


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As 2012 closes

This is more just personal stuff that I’ve observed, taken note of and had an affect on me.  Nothing world shattering, though the shattering events of the world does in the end have an affect on me.


New stuff as we get older

Maybe it’s the way I grew up, but at one time as I was accumulating stuff (by stuff I mean electronics) I never once imagined my parents getting into some of the same stuff.  This first came about when my dad bought a digital camera and a netbook.  Not a laptop, a netbook.  One of those smaller computers with no CD drive, but was essentially a computer nonetheless.  My dad has been taking lots of photos, including the structures of old school buildings in Saskatoon.  There’s a lot with some very unique designs.  He wants to do the same with many of the city’s churches, and that includes more than just protestant and catholic places of worship.  Saskatoon has two mosques and a synagogue after all.  It’s a good project for someone my father’s age, and it’ll keep himself busy.  At some point I think I may show him flickr so he can upload his photos and have a digital backup of everything he takes pictures of.

But now my folks have stepped it up, so to speak.  Because most television stations switched to HD, it forced them to get a new television.  Then one day out of the blue, my mother said “we’re thinking of getting a DVD player”.  That took me aback, but it kind of made me happy.  I could share some of my movies with my parents.  Not stuff like the Watchmen or Green Hornet (the original TV series, not the horrid movie) or V For Vendetta.  But movies like Waking Ned Devine, or the Lord of the Rings trilogy, or A Beautiful Mind, and Oh Brother, Where Art Thou.  Those types of movies my folks would like.  Very little swearing, no gratuitous nudity or sex.  Mind you, while L.A. Confidential had a lot of swearing and violence, my dad watched it because it had a good plot premise.  But since my parents bought a DVD player (which they paid $15 for at XSCargo in Saskatoon) they’ve borrowed a lot of movies from the public library.  It also means I can make “mix tape” cd’s for my folks and give it to them, because they can play those on the DVD player as well.  No, they don’t own a CD player.  I’m thinking I may make a Patsy Cline CD for mom, she enjoyed listening to my copy when we’d play Scrabble together.


It’s A Wonderful Time Of Year, mostly because I have so many days off

The past two weeks will be weird.  I say will be, because I’m including the days up to the third of January.  On December 20th, it was our first day of closure at the office for the Christmas season.  I had to go in to deliver newspapers, but after that, I went back home and crawled under a warm blanket again.  Partly because I was tired, but also because it was freakin’ cold outside.  Friday past without the end of the world, along with the arrival of my Kindle, and the only rushed day was Christmas as I drove to the city to visit my parents.  On the 27th it was back to work for two days, putting together a newspaper for the third.  Which we did in two days.  A 16 page newspaper, with two pages of it being a year in review.  We were running out of copy, so I sat down and wrote an editorial on new years resolutions (which I’ll share with everyone at a later date here).  I don’t often write articles, unless it happens to be an Outlook Ice Hawks’ Hockey game.  Because I volunteer to do the public address announcements, so I may as well take photos and jot down notes to have a report for the paper as well.  But these two weeks feel weird because there’s been constant days off separated by two days of work in the middle of it.  As of this writing, it’s Saturday morning, and I won’t have to go back into work until Wednesday.  That’s a four day long weekend.


Rocket Fox, the story that became a monster

I sometimes wonder if I haven’t bitten off more than I can chew by resurrecting this thing I started when I was 12, updating it and adding to it and expanding it.  The world of Rocket Fox has gone from a single species of fox like humanoids on a planet over 50 thousand light years from Earth, to a planet with three individual and unique species (still 50 thousand light years from Earth).  Now there’s the Vulpine (fox like humanoids), the Felanus (lesser cat like humanoids), and the Procylon (raccoon like humanoids).  All of them stand no taller than 4 feet, but they are all of varying degrees of intelligence, have their own skills, their own cultures (which, admittedly, mirror Earth’s because I only have Earth as a reference), sports and religion and science.  I’m half way through the first part of this series, but I’m contemplating doing some more world building before I go on.  Even drawing up uniform designs, clothing designs, culture of different races and so on.  After all, the Vulpine will vary in their cultures, there are different races of Vulpine, Felanus and Procylon.  Foxes themselves have different species within the genus and species; the common red fox, the arctic fox, the swift fox, the kit fox, and the fennec fox.  There will be examples of each in the story.  Same with lesser cats; ocelots, caracals, cervals, lynx, sand cats, and even cheetahs and cougars (though, due to size, I’m considering leaving cougars out of the mix, while making a cheetah like humanoid slightly taller than most Vulpine, Felanus and Procylon).  For the most part, my research of the raccoon has shown there aren’t many different breeds such as lesser cats and foxes.  As far as lesser cats go, I’ll just be dealing with wild varieties of lesser cats, not domesticated cats, which are also lesser cats.

One might ask “where did this entire idea come about of using different species of foxes and lesser cats”.  That’s easy.  I’ve always had an interest in space exploration and science fiction, and some ideas I’ve gotten in the past came from covers of supermarket tabloids.  Like the time I was 11 and saw a cover story about scientists believing that dinosaurs very likely would have evolved.  That’s how this entire idea came about.  But it went further than that.  Earth, for example, has thousands of species on it, including humans.  What if, somewhere in the galaxy, on another habitable planet, the evolutionary chain affected another species.  Not primate like, but something else.  What if it was wolves, or tigers, or lions who were given the evolutionary advantages to become the dominant species on a planet.  What if it was one of the smaller species, like foxes, lesser cats or raccoons.  It sort of ballooned from there, and during my 12th year on this planet, the idea came about and I wrote stuff down.  It sat in a box for almost 20 years, until I dug it out, dusted it off and decided to take another stab at it.  But it has grown a great deal since I was 12.  There’s a lot more that can be explored.

One of those ways of exploration of the society of Vulpinia Prime was given to me as a suggestion by a friend.  She said instead of writing history as the story is told, have sections of that history in an appendix at the back of the book.  Good idea, so I’ll do just that.  From slang terms, to different species, to histories of the planet, and even some maps and pictures.

Oh, I’ve also been asked where I came up with the names for the three species.  Vulpine comes from vulpes vulpes, the genus and species of the fox.  Felanus comes from Felidae, which is the family of all lesser cats.  It grows more complicated with each species, such as Ocelots being Felidae Leopardus L. pardalis, and lynx being Felidae Lynx lynx.  The name for the raccoon like humanoids comes from the genus of raccoons, Procyon.  I just added the ‘l’ in there on my own.


Star Trekking across the universe…

I think it should be obvious to most, I am pretty much a Trekkie (or Trekker, whichever one prefers).  I’ve watched every series (including the animated series), and was pretty pissed when Enterprise was cancelled.  Mostly because there was word they were going to explore the Catians, the feline race of the Star Trek universe, in season five.  But I noticed a major difference between the different series and J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek reboot.  While it’s entertaining and fun to watch, there’s something with the new Star Trek that’s missing.  Something those four different series had in common.  That something missing is hope.  The common underlying factor in every series, from the original to Enterprise was there was a tone of hope.  Star Trek was actually a series that allowed Gene Roddenberry the chance to explore societal issues in the present day without having to explain things to the censors.  Basically, he snuck issues of race relations, wage disparity and gender politics past the censors in 1966 and continued to do so with Next Generation.  Rick Berman picked it up from there, and it even allowed people like Avery Brooks to explore some of that as well (Brooks not only played Sisko, but he directed several episodes of Deep Space Nine including the groundbreaking episode Far Beyond The Stars).

The original series broke ground having not just a black woman on the show, but also a Japanese American at the helm.  There are a lot of stories about Nichelle Nichols treatment while working on that original show, and how she was hired as day labour.  Nichols went onto assist NASA in the recruitment of women and people of colour to add to NASA’s ability to explore and study space.  George Takei has gone on to become a huge proponent of gay rights and has been very outspoken of Japanese American history, especially touching on his own experiences from internment camps for Japanese during World War II.

This continued on throughout the other television series, as Next Generation explored things like torture, touching on gender and even transgender in an episode or two.  Deep Space Nine took another step by having a black man as the first commanding officer in the television series.  It often goes unsaid, but Avery Brooks wasn’t the only person of colour, as along with Michael Dorn who played Worf, Alexander Siddig played the role of Dr. Julian Bashir, chief medical officer for the space station.  Voyager continued this tradition by having predominantly female crew members in positions of authority, as Kate Mulgrew played the role of Captain Kathryn Janeway, and Roxann Dawson played B’Elanna Torres, chief engineer of Voyager.  Dawson herself had a lot of say in the development of the character, and the episode Extreme Risk, Torres continually pushes herself in dangerous holodeck simulations that almost kill her, was praised by fans as being one that tackled the issues of depression and inner conflict that many deal with daily.

Even Enterprise stepped up its game, as it explored what the history of Starfleet was, and how it went about meeting those new civilizations.  Using humanity as a backdrop in meeting new cultures and how it has to deal with those new cultures and with its own survival in this new frontier.  It would have been interesting to see how the series would have played out had it gone to seven full seasons like Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager had.

But the reboot, I don’t see any of that hope that the series provided.  Entertaining, yes, definitely.  There might be a glimmer of hope, in that the characters have that hope of coming together in a way we’re all familiar.  But not in the same way that hope is mirrored in reality.


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Posted by on December 29, 2012 in Life, randomness


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The last day

For years there has been an MMO that has captured the imagination of players.  An MMO that has filled a void in a genre.  That genre was super hero comic books.  And that MMO was City of Heroes.


Launched almost a decade ago, City of Heroes went from the single game MMO, to the expansion City of Villains, and finally City of Heroes: Going Rogue, which allowed heroes to go to the villain side and villains to go to the hero side.  That being from Paragon to the Rogue Isles.

It was announced a couple of months ago that CoX, as it is more commonly called, was closing down.  The servers will be shut down later today.  Barring any eleventh hour save that has been pushed by fans.  So that leaves many in a void that hasn’t existed for years.  Granted, it’s not completely empty.  CoX fans will attempt to find a new home, and many aren’t exactly looking to join a fantasy game.  Some have already said they’re going to The Secret World, other are moving on completely, and some are going to the other super hero MMOs.

One is DC Comics MMO, which I’ve played but not fully.  The other is Champions Online.


Champions is based on the old pen and paper game.  The game has made news, and it’s received some rewards.  And players from CoX will attempt CO.  There’s naturally some pros and cons that come hand in hand with moving from CoX to CO


Those familiar with the CoX character designer will love the Champions character designer.  Champions is very much as complex as City of Heroes/Villains.  With a small addition.  Champions allows players to change stances, manipulate individual shoulder pads, arm pads, gloves, bracers, leg attachments and boots, whereas City didn’t allow the differences between left and right side.

Champions game play is a bit more dynamic.  Whereas in City, your hero/villain is rooted during an attack.  So a gunslinger can flip and move and run while shooting, whereas in City, they remain stationary.  Champions is also a lot more free when it comes to power choices.  Unless you’re a free to play player, Champions allows the player to start their character, choose an opening power (say Martial Arts) and choose powers from other archetypes (like munitions, gadgets, might, ego blades, sorcery, fire, electricity and more).  There is some limitations as to what powers you can take at certain times, but you’ve got a lot of freedom.  In City, you are locked into a set of powers based on the archetype you chose, and what power sets you chose.  Even when doing a retcon, which is basically going back to level 1 and choosing your powers and enhancement slots over again, you’re locked into your archetype and your power sets.  The only exception is the power pools.  You aren’t locked into that.  In Champions, when you do a retcon, you can choose completely different powers, including different opening powers from a completely different power set (unless you are a free to play player).


Many of the larger team missions, such as Therakiel’s Temple or Shadow Destroyer, are not long, drawn out missions.  That was one complaint I had about City, whereas a large task force would take hours to play, and often no one really cared how well we did by the time we got to the last couple of missions.  The worst was the opening Task Force, offered by Positron which was also dubbed The Baton Death March.  A level 10 Task Force, longest, hardest and most difficult due to lack of powers.  Since then, Positron has been split into two task forces, but if you really like long, drawn out slogs (because we’re all a little masochistic at times) Positron’s complete Baton Death March is still available through Oroboros, a time displaced area where characters can go back and do missions they missed and claim badges that were available through missions they may have out leveled.


This is more a knock on Champions than a pro.  City had epic powersets at level 41.  Based on the character’s archetype, players could give their characters some extra power with these epic powers.  They could choose four powers from a set and enhance them as much as they could.  This went on until the player reached level 50.  Further, players could continue to gain powers by doing some of the extra events that would allow characters to gain further powers through a series of trees that would give them a touch more flavour.  The character would still register at level 50, but would seem like level 54 or higher.  A lot of these missions to achieve these additional powers, however, while fast, were kind of a grind.  It was essentially end game content and a lot of people complained about it’s set up.  Champions, there’s just one epic power that a character can get once they hit level 35 and have unlocked the Vibora Bay content.  Some of those powers are really kind of meh, and the players can’t level past 40 (though there has been talk of upping the level cap to 45, but that’s been a rumour for over a year now).

Vehicles!  Champions has vehicles, City doesn’t.  Though, the vehicles are more reminiscent of Star Trek, as they’re all fighter craft and hover tanks at present.  There is talk about adding motorcycles and cars at some point.  And the vehicles aren’t easy to acquire.  Either using real world money to purchase a vehicle from the in game C-Store, or running an opening mission to acquire what’s called Drifter Points to unlock one of the vehicles he sells.


The biggest pro about Champions has to be the leveling curve.  It’s not nearly as steep as City and casual players may find that it won’t take long to hit level 40.  I did that with Rocket Fox in two weeks.

Regarding PvP, while Champions is like City in that it has specific zones in which players can battle players, players can also challenge other players out in the open.  By right clicking on a character and choosing DUEL, the two players can engage in a slug fest in the middle of Millennium City or any other zone in the game (with the exception of Club Caprice or the Minefield, two of Champions social areas).


Unfortunately, Champions has a lot of cons, and quite a few of them don’t really need long comparative descriptions.  One of Champions major failings is customer service.  I’ve made support notes in both CoX and Champions and found CoX had far superior support.  I never waited more than ten minutes before a GM would come to assist me with a problem that I had.  In Champions Online, I have yet to interact with a GM to help solve an issue.  And issues seem to take months to resolve, making some missions unplayable.

Champions is also plagued by the fact that while the first of Cryptic’s MMOs under it’s new direction (remember, Cryptic started City before NCSoft and Paragon Studios took over), it seems the team of developers for Cryptic is concentrating more on Star Trek Online and Neverwinter Online.  The latter two are seen as the major money makers, and thus Champions development has suffered.  Aside from vehicles and one new mission, there has been no new content, no new areas, and no new development on the horizon.  Players are promised a lot of stuff, but some has taken over a year to complete, or has been completely forgotten.

Another con for Champions is the fact it is developed by Cryptic Studios.  A lot of people who played City felt they got shafted by Cryptic.  The studio left a huge bad taste in their mouth and anytime a new game would be announced like Star Trek Online or Neverwinter, there was some excitement until readers saw the developer; Cryptic Studios.  That made their decision for them to never try the game because they had a bad experience with Cryptic.

In the end, the choice is up to the player.  Already there have been several people who have logged onto Champions who have the tag in their bio that says “CoX refugee”.  How long they stay will be another question entirely.

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Posted by on November 30, 2012 in Fun, randomness


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Guild Wars 2: What I Liked


The look of a thief. Or a gunslinger, whichever you wish to call it.

I’ve had some time to play Guild Wars 2.

Over a month, in fact.  I have a human thief at level 70, a human mesmer at level 30 and a charr engineer at level 25.

I do like how dynamic the game play feels, even when you’re exploring solo, you’re never really alone.  There’s always the chance that if you find yourself in trouble, you can always feel as though someone will come and help you.  Even with the open field of players in a zone, you never have to worry about kill stealing.  It’s changed the way a player can look at a game.  Instead of someone being accused of kill stealing, people are helping to take down a mob, and are given reward accordingly.  People don’t ignore you if you’ve fallen, because you also get rewards for resuscitating people.  A small amount of experience and perks toward a title (Shani, my thief, has brought back nearly 1,000 fallen allies from the brink).

It’s fantasy, with a little taste of steampunk in there.  And maybe even a bit of science fiction.  No other fantasy setting has swords and sorcery that combines with flintlocks and musket rifles, and then enter an area where inside the buildings are hovering computer screens and mechanical golems built with speech patterns that seem to come from computer if/then statements.

It’s also nice that you never really outlevel an area, as it automatically sets your level without removing skills to the level of that area.  You happen to be level 70 in a level 15 area?  No problem, you’re still going to find it a challenge and you’ll still get rewards accordingly.

My first play through (not complete) was with my thief.  I like the speed of the thief, plus the ability to hide quickly and draw enemies away and confuse them.  Plus, having the ability to switch from dual daggers to dual pistols (or a mix thereof) is really fun.


The mesmer, which is a magic user, an illusionist, but has an odd array of weapon choices.

The mesmer was a bit of a challenge to get used to, and seeing how they have an odd array of weapon choices, but once I got past that it was kind of easy.  Mesmers can wield a scepter, staff, pistol, longsword or a greatsword (have yet to try that as of this moment).  Plus, many of the abilities can create copies of yourself so it’s like a small army of you.  That happen to smash into butterflies once combat is done.


Charr Engineer: Everything changed the day Flintlock got a flamethrower.

My third high level character is a charr engineer.  The charr are feline like creatures that were at one time at war with the humans.  Now, they’ve set aside differences and are working on a peace treaty with the humans.  250 years after the charr reclaimed their old home of Ascalon.  My first charr is named Flintlock Burnfur, an engineer.  The engineer profession took a little getting used to, but it definitely has some major versatility.  Rifle turrets, healing turrets, grenade satchels, tool kit, and much more.  No weapon swapping, unfortunately.  This is mostly due in part to the fact engineers have so much versatility.  Though you can choose rifle, dual pistols or pistol and shield.  It was a bit difficult at first to play, as poor Flintlock kept face planting a lot.  She still has some difficulty, but now she has the skill Flamethrower, and it chews through enemies quite nicely.  There’s an Avatar the Last Airbender parallel in there:  Everything changed the day Flintlock got a flamethrower.

One other thing I do like about the game is the visualization.  And this points to how gender is represented in the game and how characters are created.  There’s A LOT of female NPCs that your character will interact with.  A LOT!  Especially with the charr.  Which is also something rather nice regarding races.

Often in a game, whenever a female character is created, it seems that they are made more for titillation and eye candy.  In Guild Wars 2, charr females look nice, but they look like charr.  They don’t look like feline heads on human bodies with huge breasts.  Charr male and female characters have similar builds.  The same can be said for the Asura, which appear like very small creatures, rather pudgy, large ears and large eyes.  Norn are just large humans, but even the women are muscular.


This is my ranger, Fadra Englen, together in a cut scene with GW2 main NPC for the Norn, Eir Stegalkin.

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Posted by on October 1, 2012 in Fun, randomness


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Changing of the guard

As can be seen, off in the corner of my office sits a new iMac computer.

It’s the latest thing from Apple as far as desktop computing goes.  For our place of work, it’s a big step up.  More RAM and processor speed, more harddrive space, newer versions of the software packages we use on a daily basis at the paper. So, why’s it sitting in the corner and not on my desk?

That’s easy.  The short answer is because while I have the computer, they forgot to send me a power cord.  Kinda hard to run the machine without that.

The long answer, however, takes a little longer to explain.

While the machine has all of the programs we use already installed, there’s still a lot on these machines that we use on a daily basis that is not installed on the new system.  Fonts, for instance.  You’d be surprised how fonts can factor into the decision making of setting up a new computer.  Or maybe you can, if you happen to work in graphic design or the publishing industry.  There’s a lot of times we use none standard fonts for many of the ad layouts we construct.  Sometimes Arial or Helvetica just doesn’t cover it, so we need Landsdown or Marriage Script to make something standout.

FTP client software.  I will admit, and won’t give them flack, that our service desk does not know what ftp clients we use.  Those are easy enough to get, with only one needing a full license.  The problem comes in when trying to get all of the servers, usernames and passwords back to the new machine.  I swear, I have them written down somewhere.

But the biggest complaint about the new machines so far is that any time we want to do something on them, whether that’s make a new folder, save a file, copy a file… we have to input the local administrative username and password.

Now I’ll admit, I am not the be all and end all of tech work regarding computers.  As a matter of fact, I know just enough to be dangerous.  But I’m not going to go poking around on my work machine trying to disable the admin stuff without some help.  Sadly, it’s not as easy as calling our IT desk to help, because they happen to be in Vancouver and we’re, obviously, in the middle of Saskatchewan.  And we don’t exactly have an Apple store close by (Saskatoon, one hour drive, hour and a half to the store, I timed it once).

But, we have new machines.  Faster machines.  I should be happy.  With my high tech paperweight.

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Posted by on September 13, 2012 in Life, randomness


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Farewell to an old friend

Farewell, from all of us at Paragon Studios | City of Heroes® : The World’s Most Popular Superpowered MMO.

The link above tells the entire tale, how by November 30 of this year, NCSoft will be shutting down the servers to the first Superhero based MMO ever to succeed in the online marketplace (or at least succeed as well as it did).  City of Heroes, City of Villains, Going Rogue.  They made an interesting package.

I think, even though I’ve left the game and haven’t really played in a year (or more) I kind of owe City of Heroes something.  If it wasn’t for CoX, I’d have never met some of the people in a role play group that I had a great deal of fun with over the course of time in the game.  And had it not been for CoX, and that group, then the creativity I had wouldn’t have really come out as it did.  There’d be no Black Mask & Pale Rider, no Canyons of Steel, and certainly no Rocket Fox.  I’d have been languishing in my ability to write and wouldn’t have been further ahead.

It may be a silly thing to credit to a Massive Multiplayer Online RPG, but that’s the truth of it.  Had it not been for City of Heroes, and for the RPCongress (the role play group I had met and joined), none of those ideas I had would have really come to life.  So, because of that, this announcement from NCSoft, coupled with the farewell at Paragon Studios, meets me with mixed feelings.

Oh, it was a good run, indeed.  In a way, CoX made strides to become comparable to WoW, even though they were completely different genres.  And I don’t think CoX was seen as a WoW-killer, like so many other MMOs hoped to become, but I think CoX was seen as a game that could co-exist with WoW and compete on even terms.

But again, for me, CoX will always mean that I managed to kick start Black Mask & Pale Rider, and start putting those ideas I had onto paper (or more realistically, into a wordprocessor).

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Posted by on August 31, 2012 in Life, randomness


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A Guild Wars weekend it was


Guild Wars 2 had their official head start weekend, and I got two of my characters into the game.  Pania Alow (top) and Shani Wennemein (bottom).  Okay, I know elf isn’t a race in the game, but don’t really care.  Pania is a mesmer who uses staff and pistol, and Shani is a thief who uses daggers and pistols.  So far, the game is pretty fun.  Pania is level 10, while Shani I’ve gotten to level 18.

And yes, this is how I spent my weekend.

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Posted by on August 27, 2012 in Fun, randomness


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Today, even more lazy than others

The newspaper was uploaded to the printer last night, and should be done sometime this morning before I begin the usual Wednesday afternoon grind of labeling all of the mailing labels onto 1200 news papers.

Today, there is only one small publication which we print inhouse that we have to do, and that’s already started.

Tomorrow, the delivery of this week’s issue begins, and once that’s done at around 9:00 in the morning (or perhaps 9:15) then the holidays begin.  Two glorious weeks off where I can do whatever I want.  Already I’ve been asked if I’d like to travel somewhere far off or take a vacation to some distant and exotic location.  But really, my holiday is what I want to do.

I hate driving, really.  I hate getting into my car and driving for an hour or two to get to some destination.  Driving stresses me out.  As for going down to some far off place, like Scotland (because I’ve always wanted to), or the tropics, or go as far south Florida or some other place where it’s supposed to be warm all year round.  Well, I’m not into that mostly because it would be much better off to fly to some place like that.  And quite frankly, I hate flying.  I am deathly afraid of getting onto an airplane.  And I’m okay with that.

Also, I never understood why someone would want to go to a hot climate when it’s just that way here.  It’s been really warm (though some days have been sweltering) and an all around awesome summer.  Wouldn’t you want to wait until winter before heading south?

I’m also debating about getting a new laptop for myself.  Replacing my old one and getting a brand new one to act as my lone computer, and set up my desktop computer as a sort of entertainment center.  Games, movies, music, all in one location.

That might be something to look into during my two weeks off.  Along with writing and other such things.

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Posted by on August 1, 2012 in Fun, Life, randomness


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Role play safety

Role play, as defined by wikipedia, refers to the changing of one’s behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. While the Oxford English Dictionary defines role-playing as “the changing of one’s behaviour to fulfill a social role”, the term is used more loosely in four senses:

  • To refer to the playing of roles generally such as in a theatre, or educational setting;
  • To refer to taking a role of an existing character or person and acting it out with a partner taking someone else’s role, often involving different genres of practice;
  • To refer to a wide range of games including role-playing video gameplay-by-mail games and more;
  • To refer specifically to role-playing games.

The latter two, RPG Video games and table top games, are more what this discussion will be about.

Role play can be a lot of fun, it can be entertaining and it can be used as an educational tool.  The main focus of role play is to act out a role, a character that the player wouldn’t normally be.  That can range from anything and everything; a starship captain, a stealthy thief who gathers information, a brave knight, a mad scientist bent on completing his (or her) death ray, or even a victim of a medical experiment that has granted them strange new powers.  The only limitation to what a person can come up with is their imagination (and maybe the game mechanics as well).

Often we as players might try to separate real life and the fantasy video game life, which is healthy.  But people have to remember, behind each avatar on screen is a player, and no matter how many times you say “it’s all in good fun” sometimes your actions can go beyond good fun.  There are players who role play that know what they want for their character and know how far they will go in certain situations.  Other players just want to have a good time, and haven’t really set limitations for a backstory for their character.  And then there are those players who are very timid in real life and are attempting to play a much more bold character (though often their shy nature may bleed through, it happens).

Role play is that escape from reality and moving to create something, or be a part of something fantastic.  Larger than life.  Leave behind the mundane routines of life and do something epic.  Even if it is only make believe.  Still, all of those people playing together, there will be some rather abrasive attitudes that run into each other.  In a private server or in a friendly table top game, we know the other players and can often walk away from a game without a feeling of dread or being threatened.  But in an online environment like an MMO, often times we don’t know who’s behind the keyboard.  Thousands of faceless entities who are all vying for the same items, bosses, and in some cases, glory of being noticed by thousands of other players.

Along the way, however, some players tend to feel threatened through role play.  Either by constant harassment during quests or harassment during down time at one of any games’ central hubs of activity, where players can role play and story tell.  Harassment comes in many forms; childish name calling, constant attempts to “PvP gank” a target, or by unsolicited demands for “erotic” role play.  There’s other examples that are out there, but any one of them can make a gaming experience for a player uncomfortable, even to the point where they might quite the game and never come back.  I’ve seen that happen before with players, and I’ve even done that myself.

Often when players feel threatened, many others will state that the player can just “press the ignore button” on the offender.  Which is great, that the Devs have put such measures into place, but often times that’s just not enough.  And it’s not a case of telling players that they need to suck it up, or that it’s all just role play.  Or, possibly the worst, telling them they’re too sensitive and should never have started playing the game at all.  There seems to persist this idea that because it’s on the internet, it’s okay to be an asshole.

And it really, really isn’t.

I could continue and tell players that the number of players who do act like assholes is small, but unfortunately that really doesn’t do anything about the assholes.  So, instead of telling people how to defend against harassment in MMO’s, time to tell the assholes how not to be assholes.  If a player doesn’t like the way a role play is carrying out, then stop.  Don’t chastise them or say they’re too much of a “sissy” for not liking some aspects of role play.  They have just as much right to stop a role play as someone else has to start it.  Just as movies, television, books and other forms of medium can be triggering to people (especially with regard to violent actions), so too can stuff in video games.  I know people that hate going to certain areas in Champions Online because the sun never comes up.  There’s other players out there that are going to feel uncomfortable with any number of different things, including triggering role play.

So, to the assholes that prey on she, introverted players; stop it.  It’s not funny the things you do, and it never was.  To those who enjoy role play, and don’t know how to approach some players, just ask.  There is nothing wrong with asking a player what limitations they have.  If you know, you’re better prepared.

Finally, while a video game environment may be an imaginary place, a fantasy world, that fantasy world is filled with real people on the other side of keyboards and computers.  They have feelings, they have hearts, and they can be broken.  Keep that in mind not only when you deal with people in real life, but also online.

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Posted by on July 13, 2012 in Life, randomness


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New stuff in STO!

New stuff in STO (Star Trek Online)!  Which is one of the reasons why I haven’t posted anything in a while.

Left the game for a bit (from boredom, really), but decided to come back to it after seeing something new.

They added the race called the Ferasan.  Distantly related to the Caitians, the Ferasan are a more feral looking feline race.  Longer canine teeth, different fur colouring and patterns.  They are a playable race on the Klingon side of the game. Something nice about adding the Ferasan is that now the Caitians also have more additions for hair and fur patterns, so you can make some differences instead of just colour of the fur and eyes.

Displayed above is S’Returru (left) who is currently a captain in the KDF (Klingon Defense Force).  On the right is my main character, Vice Admiral M’iaa T’Chall, who up until recently was commanding the U.S.S. Lynx, an Odyssey Class starship for which the latest Enterprise is built for (U.S.S. Enterprise NCC1701-F).  But, the devs for STO released a new ship.

Thanks to efforts to match the Klingons with their carrier ships, the Federation has called out to other races to help match the intensity.  The Caitians answered, making the Atrox Carrier class ships available.


The Atrox is a larger vessel (a little longer than the Odyssey Class starship) and doesn’t have the greatest maneuverability.  However, it is powerful and has decent defensive capabilities.  But the Atrox’s main attribute is she is an aircraft carrier.


She comes complete with a large squadron of Stalker Class fighter craft.  So she’s basically a point and shoot, not fly in and take part in combat, though she does have her weapons banks.

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Posted by on June 17, 2012 in Fun, randomness


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