Writing: the next chapter

07 Dec

The Nighthawk in Squadron Mode.

The Nighthawk in Squadron Mode.

I’m hoping this weekend I’ll have chapter 12 ready for download.  The big news is coming for Lt. Senia Felix, and she’ll have to recruit her crew for the task she’ll be given.

Unlike the original writing, the Nighthawk is going to show up a lot earlier and it’s going to be showcased a great deal more for what she can do.  There’s also going to be some growing pains for the crew as they move from school life and training sessions to actual combat situations.  Which will bring up the difficult task of having characters die.

I’ll admit, I have my own favourites as I’ve been writing this.  I’ve tried to have it so the reader will find their own as well.  A lot more of that will be fleshed out in the second draft, so there can be more of an emotional attachment to the characters.

I’m also thinking of revealing a little bit more of the different cultures that are found on Vulpinia Prime in relation to the different characters, such as Senia, Aria, Mia, Clarfax and Hardy.  Plus, I’m toying with the idea of having something special in the printed version of the book when it comes out.  Oh yes, I fully plan on getting this published.  The book will contain maps, ship designs, pictures of different characters, a bit of history of that sector of space, and a bit more.  Basically an appendix for things that are mentioned in the book, like slang terms that are mentioned, ships such as the Barrow’s Revenge and the Dorgatha, and historical events like the Great Lupine Land War that gets mentioned a few times.

It’s going to be a lot of work, but in the end, it’ll be worth it.

Then I just have to start planning book two.

Special treat: here’s a mix tape of the soundtrack that I’ll sometimes listen to while I’m writing.

Rocket Fox Mix Tape

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Posted by on December 7, 2012 in Uncategorized


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