Oh what a night

14 Jul

Startling things happen when you’re asleep.  Even more so in these past few nights.

I’ve already detailed how we’ve had good old decent thunder storms and heavy rain. How we had our telecommunications cut for a good part of the day.  And how my apartment has had it’s water turned off thanks to a backed up sewer.  Well, as of yesterday evening, everyone in the apartment at one time had 45 minutes to get water saved because the problem had not been fixed.  An 85 foot plumber’s snake wasn’t long enough to help, so a longer one is being brought in.  Hopefully today that will be solved.


a Thunderstorm near Pritzerbe

Image via Wikipedia

But last night, that was the startling thing.  Blissfully sleeping in my cozy bed, dreaming of… something… going back and forth between that point of sleep to semi consciousness.  At one point I saw a flash of light.  I didn’t think anything of it, because I was mostly asleep.  Three seconds later, however, the loud crack woke me up.  Fortunately, I was still groggy enough that I looked out the window, saw how black it was, rolled over and tried to get back to sleep.  I barely remember thinking how I had acknowledged that it was raining outside.

By five o’clock in the morning, I do recall seeing, and hearing, the rain.  And some thunder off in the distance.

I also remember being jarred awake by two things; my radio alarm clock which is tuned into CJWW, a country station, which began blaring Diamond Rio’s Meet In The Middle; and the other was a pair of mosquitoes that seemed intent on harassing me.  So for about a minute I swatted away at them while Diamond Rio’s chorus went off in the background.  If I was watching the scene I might find it comical, however it was anything at all but comedy.

I really hope the water is turned back on after work today.  Taking a cold bath in water that was filled in the bath tub the previous night was a startling wake up call.  Not a nice way to greet the day.  I guess there was one important thing to look forward to after all the shock and startles from an early rise.  I got into work early, I get to go home early.

Maybe the water will be back on.

Until next time…

…keep ’em flyin’.

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Posted by on July 14, 2011 in Life, randomness


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